  • 他說語和國人一樣流利。
    He could speak English as fluently as an Englishman.
  • 他講語就像一個國人似的。
    He speaks English as if he was an Englishman.
  • 他說起語來,好象一個國人似的。
    He speaks English as if he were an Englishman.
  • 國人迫不得已穿上華美服裝,看起來總有些彆扭,但他卻不是這個樣子。
    But he did not carry his finery like a hog in armour, as an Englishman so often does when an Englishman stoops to be fine.
  • "是國人!"她驚訝地大聲說道,"好極了。
    "An Englishman,"she exclaimed."But that is splendid, splendid.
  • 不單止格蘭,每一個國人也是一個小島。
    Not only England, but every Englishman is an island.
  • 這件事違反了國人的公平競爭精神。
    It was revolting to the Englishman's idea of fair play.
  • 這個國人說起漢語來好象一個中國人似的。
    The Englishman speaks Chinese as if he were a Chinese.
  • 國人衹不過覺得不愉快之時,他會認為自己是講究道德的。
    An englishman think he is moral when he is only uncomfortable.
  • 一個國人會中斷一次戰爭去吃他的下午茶。
    an Englishman would interrupt a war to have his afternoon tea.
  • 他們當中有一個人說起語來好像一個國人似的。
    One of them speaks English as if he were an Englishman.
  • 國花花公子指18和19世紀遊歷極廣的,醉心於外國風俗的國青年
    A well-traveled young Englishman of the18th and19th centuries who affected foreign customs.
  • 國人來說,2/6/77指1977年6月2日,而對美國人來說,它卻指2月6日。
    To an Englishman 2/6/77 means June 2nd,1977. To an American it means February6th.
  • 聽他說語,你會把他當作國人
    To hear him speak English, you will take him for an Englishman.
  • 她藉着同國人結婚而成為國公民。
    She became a British citizen by virtue of her marriage to an Englishman.
  • 通常國人在街上是會給你指路的。
    Usual Englishman or Englishwoman can indicate the road for you on the street.
  • 他渴望能和一位國人建立通信聯繫,以便促進文化交流。
    He is eager to enter into correspondence with an Englishman for promoting culture exchange.
  • 我們現在既然頽廢到這麽糟的田地,三個法國人就可能打垮一個國人了吧。
    We is now so badly degenerate that three frenchmen can evidently beat one englishman.
  • 對上帝來說,正在褻瀆神靈的法國人比在祈禱中的國人,是更為可愛的情景。
    A blaspheming Frenchman is a spectacle more pleasing to the Lord than a praying Englishman.
  • “一個國人可以打垮三個法國人”這種愚蠢而又樂觀的想法,是去鼓勵一個國人去努力打垮——事實上有時也曾使他能夠打垮——兩個法國人的。
    That silly, sanguine notion that one Englishman can beat three Frenchman, encourages, and has sometimes enabled, one Englishman, in reality, to beat two.
  • 上天是否有意把國人造成“賺錢”動物,是令人懷疑的。
    It may be doubted whether nature intended the Englishman to be a money-making animal.
  • 早期的多麯調音樂作麯傢有意大利的帕利斯蒂那和國人威廉·伯德。
    Among early composers of many-tuned music were Palestrina in Italy, and the Englishman William Byrd.
  • 上天是否有意把國人造成“賺錢”動物,是令人懷疑的。
    It may be doubtful whether nature intended the Englishman to be a money - made animal.
  • 上天是否有意把國人造成“賺錢”動物,是令人懷疑的。
    It may be doubt whether nature intended the Englishman to be a money- making animal.
  • 他的語說得那麽好,我們想當然地認為他是一個國人。
    He spoke English so well that I took it for granted that he was an Englishman.
  • 俄國人可能看不出會使國人笑出淚來的笑話有什麽可笑之處。
    A Russian might fail to see anything amusing in a joke which would make an Englishman laugh to tears.
  • 去小人國旅行的虛構中的國人(斯威夫特《格雷弗遊記》中的人物)。
    a fictional Englishman who travels to the imaginary land of Lilliput (in Jonathan Swift's Gulliver's Travels).
  • 當我在國用我本國地地道道的語言的時候,國人可完全聽不懂。
    When I speak my native tongue in its utmost purity in England, an Englishman can't understand me at all.
  • 他是一個國人,寄宿在我傢附近四、五裏一個農場上的範·倫斯堡傢裏。
    He was an Englishman who boarded with the Van Rensburgs on the next farm, four or five miles from us.
  • 國人打交道的時候,衹有一件事情可以肯定,那就是:合乎邏輯的解决辦法不會被采納。
    In dealing with Englishman you can be sure of one thing only, that the logical solution will not be adopted.
  • 當我在國用我本國地地道道的語言的時候,國人可完全聽不懂。
    When I speak my native tongue in its utmost purity in england , an englishman can not understand me at all.
  • 很早以前,當一個國人陷入睏境時,他的家庭就會把他送到澳大利亞或其他遙遠的地方。
    When an Englishman got in trouble long ago, his family would pack him off to Australia or some other distant land.