  • 因此,国防工业非常迫切地要求进行人造卫星升级。国防工程师正在借鉴计算机科学,设计一种"即插即用"人造卫星,在轨道飞行中不仅可以对其进行检查、燃料补和修理,还可以用新设计的软件对其进行程序升级。
    That's why the idea of up gradable satellites is so compelling to the defense industry,whose engineers are borrowing ideas from computer science to design a"plug-and-play"satellite that could be re programmed with new software as well as inspected, refueled,and re paired while in orbit.
  • 尽可能地将第二章所列的10项基本行为动机,和你的明确目标联系起来,你自己下一道强烈性的命令,去做你想要做的事,并尽可能地每天在脑海里回想一次这道命令。
    Associate as possible of the ten basic human motives mentioned on page 18 with your definite major purpose.Give yourself a compelling motive for doing what you want to do.Then renew that motive by bringing it up in your mind as often as possible on a daily basis.
  • 公司因她的额外工作而她报酬。
    The company compensates her for extra work.
  • 雇主封工人受到的伤害应予补偿。
    Employers should compensate their workmen for injuries.
  • 许多公司在工人受工伤时予赔偿。
    Many firms compensate their workers if they are hurt at work.
  • 只要买下机器就行,我们会用服装你们补偿的。
    You just buy the machines and we'll compensate you with garments.
  • 你可以向我们提供机器,我们用服装你补偿。
    You can supply us with machines and we'll compensate you with garments.
  • 优抚安置制度是指对国家和社会有功劳的特殊社会群体予补偿和褒扬的一种制度。
    This refers to the system aimed at compensating or commending the special group of people who have rendered meritorious services to the state and society.
  • 礼物,赠品主动予并不要报偿的东西
    Something that is bestowed voluntarily and without compensation.
  • 偿付被杀者亲属的钱。
    compensation paid to the family of a murdered person.
  • 他批评法庭予的赔偿的仲裁书。
    he criticized the awarding of compensation by the court.
  • 你方应我方38,542美元作为补偿。
    You shall give us US 38, 542 as compensation.
  • 足以自的收入使自己能舒服地生活的足够的收入;足以使自己舒适生活的收入
    Sufficient income for comfortable self-support; a competence.
  • 推荐信由雇主予以前的雇员的有关其能力或可信任性的正式书面陈述;推荐信
    A formal written statement as to competency and dependability, given by an employer to a former employee; a recommendation.
  • 该科定期抽查压力器具,举行考试并发合格证书,调查意外和推广安全。
    The division conducted regular spot checks on pressure equipment; examination for the issue of certificates of competency; accident investigation and promotion of safety.
  • 他的印象是如此的镇定自若,精明能干。
    She had always struck him as so poised, so competent.
  • 一等奖授了最年轻的参赛者。
    The first prize was awarded to the youngest competitor.
  • 第十七条 各级人民政府应当依据国民经济和社会发展规划、国土整治和资源环境保护的要求、土地供能力以及各项建设对土地的需求,组织编制土地利用总体规划。
    Article 17 People's governments at all levels shall manage to compile general plans for land uses in accordance with the national economic and social development program, requirements of national land consolidation and resources and environmental protection, land supply capacity and the requirements of various construction projects.
  • 他日回马,整理一番,写一部笔记,马来亚人读。
    When you eventually return to Malaya, you can organize these materials to be compiled into a journal for Malayan people to read.
  • 在数据保密学中,通过合法访问数据的进程将数据传输未授权的用户的过程。例如,编译程序在编译期间便可能泄漏专用程序。
    In data security, the transmission of data to unauthorized users by processes with legitimate access to data. A compiler, for example, could leak a proprietary program whilst it is being compiled.
  • 在指定陪审团之后,服务提供方应按照服务提供方补充条例的规定把初始费用的一部分,如果有的话,退还申诉方。
    Upon appointment of the Panel, the Provider shall refund the appropriate portion, if any, of the initial fee to the Complainant, as specified in the Provider's Supplemental Rules.
  • 服务提供方应检查申诉书是否在行政上遵守本政策和条例的规定。如果是遵守的,在收到申诉方支付的章节19规定的费用之后的三(3)天内,按照章节2(a)中规定的方式,把申诉书(连同服务提供方补充条例中指示的说明性封页)转递被申诉方。
    The Provider shall review the complaint for administrative compliance with the Policy and these Rules and, if in compliance, shall forward the complaint (together with the explanatory cover sheet prescribed by the Provider's Supplemental Rules) to the Respondent, in the manner prescribed by Paragraph 2(a), within three (3) calendar days following receipt of the fees to be paid by the Complainant in accordance with Paragraph 19.
  • 完全的一心一意的与。
    complete and wholehearted fidelity.
  • 以实质或者细节;完成的。
    given substance or detail; completed.
  • 好……这是填好的表,您。
    OK…Here is the completed form.
  • 你能借我10英镑吗? 我一个钱也没有!
    Could you lend me 10? I'm completely broke!
  • 这顿饭完全破坏了。
    The dinner was completely spoilt.
  • 这种药是严格按照发明者的处方病人服用的。
    The medicine was given in strict compliance with the inventor's prescription.
  • 检疫入港许可证经停船检疫或通过健康条例检查后发船只的入港证
    Clearance granted to a ship to proceed into port after compliance with health regulations or quarantine.
  • 由600家公司组成的omg联合体已制订了多个高级协议标准,予对象技术供应商粗略的指导原则,帮助了诸如next公司、sunsoft公司和netscape公司向前推进符合corba的分布计算技术。
    The 600-company OMG consortium has established a number of high-level protocol standards giving object technology vendors rough guidelines that have helped companies such as Next Computer Inc., SunSoft Inc., and Netscape Communications Corp. to push forward CORBA-compliant distributed computing technology.
  • 即使不你照看那些生病的小宠物,我生活里的麻烦事就已经够多了!
    I have enough complication in my life without having to look after your sick pets!
  • 尽管这是很平常的并发症,但是医生坚持不让我去医院,以免把病毒传染艾丽西娅。
    Although it's a common complication, I had to stay away from the hospital because the doctors worried that I could pass virus to Alicia.