Chinese English Sentence:
  • 使用头支票获得钱或信贷
    To get money or credit with a kite.
  • 每人都把自己的刀高高地举在中。
    Each lifted on high his knife.
  • 网用线或绳按有规律的隙编织或连结而成的透孔织物结构
    An openwork fabric made of threads or cords that are woven or knotted together at regular intervals.
  • 工人中间应该教育出大批的干部,他们应该有知识,有能力,不务名,会干实事。
    It is necessary to educate many cadres from among the workers, knowledgeable and capable cadres who do not seek empty fame but are ready for honest work.
  • 此外,该团又继续举办多项教育及外展计划,包括"舞回高山"、"创舞者间"(属艺术家驻团计划)、"步入芭蕾时的世界"(对象为中小学生)及多个在新界区大会堂演出的节目。
    The ballet continued to run its Education and Outreach Programmes, which included Dancing Around Ko Shan, Dance Maker's Factory (being part of the Artist-in-Residence Scheme), Journey into Ballet History (which targets primary and secondary students), and various performances at Town Halls in the New Territories.
  • 香港太空馆
    Hong Kong Space Museum
  • 笑翠鸟,奥利(oll。y)象征气。
    and kookaburra was the symbol of the air.
  • 请自己把邮票和航条贴上。
    Please stick on the stamps and the air mail label yourself.
  • 于是,她就看四周的井壁,只见井壁上排满了碗橱和书架,以及挂在钉子上的地图和图画,她从一个架子上拿了一个罐头,罐头上写着“桔子酱”,却是的,她很失望,她不敢把罐头扔下去,怕砸着下面的人,因此,在继续往下掉的时候,她就把罐头放到另一个碗橱里去了。
    then she looked at the sides of the well, and noticed that they were filled with cupboards and book-shelves; here and there she saw maps and pictures hung upon pegs. She took down a jar from one of the shelves as she passed; it was labelled `ORANGE MARMALADE', but to her great disappointment it was empty: she did not like to drop the jar for fear of killing somebody, so managed to put it into one of the cupboards as she fell past it.
  • 半打航信签和一本邮票。
    Half a dozen air mail labels and a book of stamps.
  • 西藏劳动人民再不受农奴主的沉重差税和高利贷剥削,劳动果实全部留归自己,生产积极性前高涨。
    The Tibetan laboring people no longer suffer from the heavy corvee taxes and usurious exploitation by the serf-owners. The fruits of their labor all belong to themselves, and the enthusiasm of the Tibetan people for production became unprecedentedly high.
  • 亚当发明了一见钟情,那是世界前的一架最伟大的省力机器。
    Adam invented love at first sight, one of the greatest laborsaving machine the world ever saw.
  • 不通风的缺乏新鲜气的;闷气的
    Lacking fresh air; stuffy.
  • 然后,他没有谈,而是很快地安排议程。这种简洁精练的方式是其他人很少采用的。
    Then he lays out the agenda quickly and without gassing on and on, a laconic style that few others in the room practice.
  • 我们在开发太方面不应该落在其它国家之後。
    We should not lag behind other nations in the exploitation of space.
  • 他说他的工会——运输工会504分会——历年来在合约上做了“极大的让步”以协助泛美[航公司]纾解财务困难。“结果全然没用,”他哀伤地说。
    He said his union, Local 504 of the Transport Workers Union, made "massive contract givebacks" over the years to help Pan Am with its financial troubles. "It was all to no avail," he lamented.
  • 更让人惊喜的是,这种材料没有“记忆”:踩扁一个用“洁净材料”制成的瓶子,它会保留压扁的形状,从而减少在垃圾场的占地间。
    As a bonus, the material also has no “memory” Stamp on a LeanMaterial hottle and it stays crushed, taking up less space in landfill.
  • 不能在喷气式飞机等候着陆指令时让它们在着陆点上分层盘旋。
    Jet planes cannot he stacked up at the landing site while awaiting landing instructions.
  • 飞机在起落场上盘旋。
    The aircraft circled the landing - field.
  • 飞机于降落前在机场上盘旋。
    The plane circled round over the airport before landing.
  • 触地、触地时刻着陆的飞机或太飞行器与着陆平面的接触或接触的时刻
    The contact, or moment of contact, of a landing aircraft or spacecraft with the landing surface.
  • 第二阶段改革预计即将完成,主要是合理改变陆上间的用途。
    The second phase, consisting of rationalising the use of landside spaces, is expected to be completed shortly.
  • 还有空的球道吗?
    Do you still have a lane free?
  • xml:lang属性的值由一个或多个部分组成:一个主语言标签,以及一系列(可能是的)的国家或方言的子标签。
    The value of the xml:lang attribute can consist of 1 or more parts: a primary language tag and a (possibly empty) series of sub-tags for country or dialect identification.
  • 一只云雀在高中歌唱。
    A lark was singing high up in the sky.
  • 欧洲有褐斑的云雀,以其在高飞行时发出的叫声而闻名。
    brown-speckled European lark noted for singing while hovering at a great height.
  • 那只云雀在变更方向以前在中停了片刻。
    The lark was poised for a moment before turning on its wings.
  • 但是能否以这样的方法把激光发展到可以在,凤摧毁进攻的导弹呢?
    But can laser beams be developed in such a way to destroy attacking missiles in space?
  • 激光空对地通话联系
    a laser space -to -ground voice link
  • 激光的优点之一是使焊接能够在气中进行。
    An advantage of laser beams is that welding can be carried out in air.
  • 天将降大任于斯人也,必先苦其心志,劳其筋骨,饿其体肤,乏其身,行拂乱其所为,所以动心忍性,曾益其所不能。
    When Heaven is about to place a great burden on a man,it always tests his resolution first,exhausts his body and makes him suffer great hardships,frustrates his efforts to recover from mental lassitude.Then Heaven toughens his nature and makes good his deficiencies.
  • 今日发射宇宙飞船的计画,因天气恶劣而落
    Bad weather have frustrated plan to launch the spacecraft today.