  • 他们通过公开或者私下的渠道传递信息,要求这个独裁者开伊拉克,从而和平地解决伊拉克的武装。
    They have delivered public and private messages urging the dictator to leave Iraq so that disarmament can proceed peacefully.
  • 合器杆或踏板一种起动上述设备的部件,如杠杆或踏板
    The apparatus, such as a lever or pedal, that activates one of these devices.
  • 肇事后逃逸的尤指机车驾驶员由于步行者或另一辆机车被撞倒而开事故现场的
    Being or involving the driver of a motor vehicle who leaves the scene of an accident, especially one in which a pedestrian or another vehicle has been struck.
  • 当时她还是个十几岁的孩子,居住在纽约的墨里克。由于腿筋扭伤,坦茨曼便去儿科医生、医学博士科佩尔曼的诊所。他的办公室她家只有几个街区远。
    Back then, she was a teenager in Merrick, New York, when she pulled a hamstring. She went to see her pediatrician, Stuart Copperman, M.D., whose office was just a few blocks from he house.
  • 资产剥离
    Peel off(bad) assets of a company
  • 佩吉·巴洛夫人,70岁,西肯辛顿人,悄悄开她每周一次的桥牌聚会去实施抢劫。她用她的公共汽车免费票乘车到了那儿,再用一个她佯称是手枪的香水喷射器作武器。
    Mrs. Peggy Barlow, aged 70, of West Kensington, skipped her weekly bridge party to carry out the raid, traveling on her bus pass and armed with a perfume spray, which she pretended, was a gun.
  • 一部分距战区较远的后方(如云南、贵州、四川)和一部分敌人控制的地区(如北平、天津、南京、上海),党的组织工作和民众运动也是配合战争的,只能也只应服从前线的要求。
    Even in rear areas remote from the battle zones (like Yunnan, Kweichow and Szechuan) and in enemy-occupied areas (like Peiping, Tientsin, Nanking and Shanghai), Party organizational work and mass work are co-ordinated with the war, and should and must exclusively serve the needs of the front.
  • 她快要开时,本来打算全校师生送她走的,但外面下起了瓢泼大雨,于是我让他们别去了。
    When she was about to leave the whole school was to see her off but it was pelting down with rain and I told them to abandon the idea.
  • 如果用不胀钢做钟摆,摆锤升降的距就很小,这样无论夏季或冬季,钟都走得很准。
    If the pendulum is made of invar, the bob does not rise or fall much. So the clock keeps good time in summer and winter.
  • 最主要的障碍是,这个系统不仅必须从远远高于飞机飞行高度的位置对“拒绝进入”的领土进行远距透视,而且还必须与现有的通讯设备整合,使信息能够立即传送给地面和空中部队。
    The key obstacles:Not only must the system provide a penetrating view of“denied”territory from a great distance, well above where an airplane can fly, but it must also be integrated with existing communications equipment so that information can be instantly relayed to forces on the ground and in the air.
  • 带着可观的退休金从职位上去。
    let go from employment with an attractive pension.
  • 一九七三年,主要发给老年退休人员、失业人员或因病职者的政府社会保险金额达八百六十亿美元;
    In 1973, social insurance payments by governments, mainly to old age pensioners and people who had lost their jobs or were off work through illness, amounted to $86, 000 million.
  • 年末99%的国有企业下岗职工进入再就业服务中心,全国有8505万职工参加了基本养老保险,2735万退休人员参加了退休费社会统筹;1590万职工参加了大病医疗费用社会统筹;152万退休人员参加了医疗费用统筹。
    By the end of the year, about 99 percent of the laid-off staff and workers of state-owned enterprises entered the re-employment service center. Some 85.05 million staff and workers participated in the basic retirement security program, 27.35 million retired pensioners participated in the general social pension management system, 15.9 million staff and workers participated in the general health care program for major diseases, and 1.52 million retired pensioners participated in general health care program.
  • 钒酸盐三种阴子,vo3,vo4,或v2o7之一,含有5价的钒
    Any of three anions, VO3, VO4, or V2O7, containing pentavalent vanadium.
  • 在共御外敌、争取民族独立和解放的长期革命斗争中,中国各民族建立了休戚与共的亲密关系,形成了汉族不开少数民族、少数民族不开汉族、少数民族之间也相互不开的政治认同。
    In the long-term revolutionary struggle against foreign enemies and for national independence and liberation, the various ethnic groups have developed a close interrelationship characterized by the sharing of weal and woe, and the common political understanding that the Han people cannot go without the minority peoples nor can the minority peoples go without the Han people or one minority people can go without another minority people.
  • 我们发觉自己不受欢迎,因此便开了。
    We perceived that we were unwelcome and left.
  • 另一项研究证明背景如何误导我们的理解偏其正确意思。
    Other studies demonstrate how context can trick us into perceiving something different from what is actually presented.
  • 奇的敏锐或锐利得近乎不可思议的
    So keen and perceptive as to seem preternatural.
  • 他一直固执地不肯把病危的情况告诉家里,一直到他脱险境以后,他父亲还蒙在鼓里。
    All this time, he had stubbornly refused to inform his family of the peril he was in, and when the danger was past, his father still knew nothing of his illness.
  • 他们悬崖边很近,十分危险。
    They are perilous close to the edge of the precipice.
  • 主机计算机除了外部和分的装置以外的中心运作部件
    The central processing unit of a computer exclusive of peripheral and remote devices.
  • 系统总线将cpu与主存连接在一起并且和连接cpu与系统硬件外设的总线隔开。
    The system bus connects the CPU with the main memory and is separate from the buses connecting the CPU with the system's hardware peripherals.
  • (植)外始式的早期发育远中心而向外部发展的木质部的或与其有关的
    Of or relating to a xylem whose early development is away from the center and toward the periphery.
  • 移民开自己的国家并到别国永久定居的人
    A person who leaves one country to settle permanently in another.
  • 过氧化物一种包含一个过氧团子的化合物,na2o2,遇酸可生成过氧化氢,如过氧化钠
    A compound, such as sodium peroxide, Na2O2, that contains a peroxyl group and yields hydrogen peroxide when treated with an acid.
  • 力矩一个量和从参照点到它垂直距的乘积
    The product of a quantity and its perpendicular distance from a reference point.
  • 边心距正多边形中心到其任意一条边的垂直距
    The perpendicular distance from the center of a regular polygon to any of its sides.
  • 1990年比萨官方关闭了斜塔,当时塔身偏垂线13英尺。
    Officials closed the tower in 1990, when it leaned by a dangerous 13 feet off the perpendicular.
  • 顶垂线,高线从一个几何形体的底边到相对的顶点、平行边或平行面的垂直距
    The perpendicular distance from the base of a geometric figure to the opposite vertex, parallel side, or parallel surface.
  • 支距在测量中,从主线垂直测得的一个短的距,用以帮(辅)助计算一不规则的小块土地之面积
    A short distance measured perpendicularly from the main line in surveying, used to help in calculating the area of an irregular plot.
  • 主要是,国内有效需求不足和供给结构不适应市场需求的变化;农民和部分城镇居民收入增长缓慢;失业人员增多,有些群众的生活还很困难;收入分配关系尚未理顺;国有企业改革任务还相当繁重;市场经济秩序有待继续整顿和规范;重大安全生产事故时有发生;有些地方社会治安状况不好;部分地区生态环境恶化;一些政府工作人员脱群众,形式主义、官僚主义作风和弄虚作假、奢侈浪费行为相当严重,有些腐败现象仍然突出。
    They are, in the main, as follows: insufficient domestic effective demand and inability of the supply structure to respond to changes in market demand, slow growth in the income of farmers and some urban residents, rise in the unemployed and serious difficulties in some people's livelihood, continued inequities in the distribution of income, arduous tasks remaining in the reform of state-owned enterprises, the need to continue to rectify and standardize the order of the market economy, sporadic occurrence of major industrial accidents, poor public security in some places, degradation of the ecological environment in some areas, continued isolation from the people and perpetration of formalism, bureaucracy, falsification, extravagance and waste among some government officials, and certain types of corruption remaining conspicuous.
  • 如果那样的话,台湾将永远被分出去。
    because otherwise Taiwan would be in a state of perpetual separation from the motherland.