  • 我们明我们失去了杰基。
    We knew we had lost him.
  • 巴尔布里根针织物一种做内衣用的未漂的棉针织品
    A knitted, unbleached cotton fabric for underwear.
  • 我们应该见面讨论棘手的问题,并把它们谈明,以获得相互理解。
    We should meet to discuss knotty problems, and talk them out to a point of mutual understanding.
  • 最后真相大白了。
    At last the truth became known.
  • 该卫星提供了在宫和克里姆林宫之间进行电视通讯联系的渠道。
    The satellite provide a video link between the white house and the kremlin.
  • 如果美国总统需要与莫斯科秘密通话,他可使用热线,即宫与克里姆林宫之间的电传专线。
    If the President of the United States needs to talk to Moscow in secret he can use the hot line, actually a direct teleprinter link between the White House and the Kremlin.
  • 维达尔-白兰士,p.
    Paul Vidal de la Blache (1845~1918)
  • 哦,我明了,要中国式的!
    OH, I see, a la mode chinoise!
  • 即使是贴有色标签的绿色pet瓶子也逃不过计算机的监测。
    They can recognise a green PET bottle even when it is carrying a white label.
  • 我们的劳动是费力气
    Our labor was in vain.
  • 一杯加入了兰地酒的咖啡;他喝了太多的加酒甜饮料。
    a cup of brandy-laced coffee; he drank too much of the spiked punch.
  • 奶,乳一种色液体,含有蛋质、脂肪、乳糖和多种维生素和矿物质,所有成年雌性哺乳动物在生产后其乳腺会分泌出该液体,用来哺育其幼儿
    A whitish liquid containing proteins, fats, lactose, and various vitamins and minerals that is produced by the mammary glands of all mature female mammals after they have given birth and serves as nourishment for their young.
  • 但是我们得说清楚,在他从前有过的东西里,还留下六套银餐具和一只银的大汤勺,马格洛大娘每天都喜洋洋地望着那些银器在粗布台毯上放射着灿烂夺目的光。
    It must be confessed, however, that he still retained from his former possessions six silver knives and forks and a soup-ladle, which Madame Magloire contemplated every day with delight, as they glistened splendidly upon the coarse linen cloth.
  • 穿衣服的那位小姐是谁?
    Who is the lady in white?
  • 沙瓦巴基斯坦西北一城市,位于拉合尔西北。因其邻近开伯尔山口而长期具有重要的战略意义。人口500,000
    A city of northwest Pakistan northwest of Lahore. It has long been strategically important for its proximity to the Khyber Pass. Population,500, 000.
  • 约克角家族(玫瑰)和兰凯斯特家族(红玫瑰)为争夺英国王位而发起的最终以亨利七世都锋就职君主为结局的战争。
    struggle for the English throne (1455-1485) between the house of York (white rose) and the house of Lancaster (red rose) ending with the accession of the Tudor monarch Henry VII.
  • 一种带有鱼叉状小叶片和无数小型色或粉红色花朵的高大植物。
    tall plant with small lance-shaped leaves and numerous tiny white or pink flowers.
  • 橄榄树一种地中海地区的常青树(油橄榄木犀榄属)有色芳香花朵,矛状坚韧的叶和可食的核果
    A Mediterranean evergreen tree(Olea europaea) having fragrant white flowers, usually lance-shaped leathery leaves, and edible drupes.
  • 以虚弱、苍或者疲倦的方式。
    in a weak or pale or languid manner.
  • 按已有资料统计,中国已经灭绝的野生动物有新疆虎、蒙古野马、高鼻羚羊、犀牛、麋鹿、臀叶猴。
    According to the current statistics, the species distinguished in China include: Xinjiang tiger, Mongolia wild horse, Saiga antelope, rhino, David deer and Douc langur.
  • 你和拉里谈话只能是费口舌。
    You might just as well whistle in the wind as talk to Larry.
  • 绿色或褐色带色条纹的尺蠖;秋尺蠖。
    green or brown white-striped looper; larva of Alsophila_pometaria.
  • 大型的绿色带条的天蛾幼虫,吃烟草或相关植物;类似于番茄天蛾幼虫。
    large green white-striped hawkmoth larva that feeds on tobacco and related plants; similar to tomato_hornworm.
  • 祝你们新婚幸福,头到老。
    Congratulations on your happy wedding lasting prosperity to you both.
  • 一看到他真使我大吃一惊,他脸色这样苍,又骨瘦如柴。以前,他可是个体魄强壮的人啊。
    I was shocked at his appearance—so grey-faced, and thin as a lath. He used to be such a powerful-looking fellow.
  • (爱丽丝不明经度和纬度是什么意思,可她认为这是挺时髦的字眼,说起来怪好听的。)
    (Alice had no idea what Latitude was, or Longitude either, but thought they were nice grand words to say.)
  • 俄罗斯,俄罗斯波兰以东的欧洲东部地区,位于立陶宛和拉脱维亚以南,乌克兰以北。长久以来一直为波兰和俄国所争夺
    A region of eastern Europe east of Poland, south of Lithuania and Latvia, and north of the Ukraine. It was long disputed between Poland and Russia.
  • 可以洗烫的衣服或色货物。
    garments or white goods that can be cleaned by laundering.
  • 柳州莲洞洞穴科学博物馆
    Science Museum of Bailiandong Lava-Caves, Liuzhou
  • 木蜜一些植物分泌的液体的干燥凝结物,如地中海腊树,这一凝结物以前用作通便剂
    The dried exudate of certain plants, as that of the Mediterranean ash tree, formerly used as a laxative.
  • 苯酚酞一种色或淡黄色的晶体粉末,c20h14o4,用作酸性指示剂,用于制染料,并在医学上用作一种轻泻剂
    A white or pale yellow crystalline powder, C20H14O4, used as an acid-base indicator, in making dyes, and in medicine as a laxative.
  • 沿着缓慢的河流上溯;悠闲的云;以悠闲的步伐。
    up a lazy river; lazy white clouds; at a lazy pace.