  • 图中的那些x符号标明了城堡的各个入处。
    These x-marks on the drawing designate all the entrances to the castle.
  • (六)寻找借,宣布八路军“叛变”,取消八路军番号,通缉朱彭。
    To find a pretext to declare that the Eighth Route Army has "mutinied", cancel its official designation, and order the arrest of Chu Teh and Peng Teh-huai.
  • 为首的想试试偷听到的诀窍,念了七遍咒语,然后把月光当梯子,想从窗出窗进,可是刚跨一步就掉到了地上。
    The chief, desirous to prove in deeds what he had heard in words, repeated the cojuration seven times, and then, embracing the moonbeams, he cast himself upon them thinking to go from window to window, and he fell headlong to the ground.
  • 1.司法当局应有权责令当事人停止侵权,尤其有权在海关一旦放行之后,立即禁止含有侵犯知识产权的进商品在该当局管辖范围内进入商业渠道。
    1. The judicial authorities shall have the authority to order a party to desist from an infringement, inter alia to prevent the entry into the channels of commerce in their jurisdiction of imported goods that involve the infringement of an intellectual property right, immediately after customs clearance of such goods.
  • ·基于桌面(相对特定应用程序而言)隐喻的接
    ·Interface based upon desktop (vs. application-specific) metaphor
  • 致使一个窗或者应用程序从电脑桌面上消失。
    cause a window or an application to disappear on a computer desktop.
  • 在某种意义上,wbem与简单网管协议(snmp)和桌面管理接(dmi)处于同样的地位,这两个标准现已广泛分别用于管理网络设备和桌面系统。
    In a sense, WBEM treads the same ground as Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP) and Desktop Management Interface (DMI), two standards now widely used for managing network devices and desktop systems, respectively.
  • wfm2.0动议包括下列协议:桌面管理接(dmi)2.0用于编制硬件目录;
    The WFM 2.0 initiative incorporates the following protocols: Desktop Management Interface (DMI) 2.0 to inventory hardware;
  • 在桌面上排列窗,就像你在实际的桌子上移动工作用品一样。
    You arrange windows on the desktop just as you move work items around on your actual desk.
  • 让如此多的东西在一个窗展现的想法就是桌面计算的新模式。
    The idea of having so much going on in one window is a new model of desktop computing.
  • 他们走过妖怪用魔法笼罩着的森林,穿过荒凉的原野,来到一古井前。
    They walked beyond the sprite's enchanted woods, across desolate plains, until they came to an ancient well.
  • 他绝望地叹了口气。
    He sighed with despair.
  • 这是在保持正常发展速度的情况下帮助6亿人脱贫基础上的新进展。
    That is in addition to the 600 million escaping desperate poverty through normal growth.
  • 敌人拼命想堵住我们已经冲开的那个突破
    The enemy made a desperate attempt to seal off the gap through which we had burst.
  • 当他看到楼梯着了火便不顾死活从窗跳了出去。
    In desperation he jumped out of the window when he saw that the stairs were on fire.
  • 香港制造的产品以出为主。
    A predominant proportion of Hong Kong's manufacturing output is destined for export.
  • 船离开了港,开往东京。
    The freighter was free of the harbour and was destined for Tokyo.
  • 命运是暴君施虐的权威,傻瓜失败的借。(比尔斯)
    Destiny: A tyrant's authority for crime, and a fool's excuse for failure.( A. Bierce)
  • 现在可以说,中国解决了温饱问题,当然也还有百分之十左右的人比较贫困,但不是绝对的贫困。
    Now it can be said that China has solved the problem of food and clothing. Of course, about 10 per cent of the people are still relatively poor, but they are not completely destitute.
  • 其中,国家重点扶持贫困县的贫困人从1994年的5858万人减少到2000年的1710万人。这些人主要是生活在自然条件恶劣地区的特困人、少数社会保障对象以及部分残疾人。
    Of this, the number of poverty-stricken people in the impoverished counties to which the Chinese Government gave priority in its poverty alleviation efforts decreased from 58.58 million in 1994 to 17.1 million in 2000, involving mainly the destitute people living in areas with adverse natural conditions, a small number of people receiving social security assistance and some handicapped people.
  • 中国政府将按照集中连片的原则,把贫困人集中的中西部少数民族地区、革命老区、边疆地区和特困地区作为2001年至2010年扶贫开发的重点,并确定扶贫开发工作重点县,集中财力、物力和人力,实行统筹规划,分年实施,分类指导,综合治理。
    From 2001 to 2010, the Chinese government will concentrate its poverty alleviation efforts on the ethnic minority areas, old revolutionary base areas, border areas and destitute areas in the central and western regions. Some counties will be designated for special help. The government will use its financial, material and human resources in a concentrated way in the comparatively concentrated poor areas. A unified plan will be drawn up, which will be carried out on a yearly basis. The government will combine separate guidance with a comprehensive approach in the work.
  • 驱逐舰上的武器装备包括几门小径大炮,两个鱼雷发射管与数门高射炮。
    The destroyer's armament consist of several small cannon, two torpedo tube and a number of anti craft gun.
  • 驱逐舰上的武器装备包括几门小径大炮,两个鱼雷发射管与数门高射炮
    The destroyer 's armament consists of several small cannons, two torpedo tubes and a number of anti - craft guns
  • 被感染的伤和组织会发出能被电子鼻探测到的特有气味。
    Infected wounds and tissues emit distinctive odors that can be detected by an electronic nose.
  • 然后你得取出袋中的金属物,走过金属探测器。
    Then you should remove metal objects from your pockets and walk through a metal detector.
  • 第三十二条 洪泛区、蓄滞洪区所在地的省、自治区、直辖市人民政府应当组织有关地区和部门,按照防洪规划的要求,制定洪泛区、蓄滞洪区安全建设计划,控制蓄滞洪区人增长,对居住在经常使用的蓄滞洪区的居民,有计划地组织外迁,并采取其他必要的安全保护措施。
    Article 32 People's government s of provinces, autonomous regions and municipalities directly under the Central Government in places where flooded areas or flood storage and detention areas are located should, as required by flood control planning, organize relevant departments and units to formulate safety and construction work plans for flooded areas and flood storage and detention areas, to bring under control population growth within flood storage and detention areas, to move residents in a planned way out of flood storage and detent ion areas which are frequently in use, and to take other necessary safety and protective measures.
  • 结关通过满足海关和港的要求使(船或货物)摆脱在港的合法延滞
    To free(a ship or cargo) from legal detention at a harbor by fulfilling customs and harbor requirements.
  •  蓄滞洪区是指包括分洪在内的河堤背水面以外临时贮存洪水的低洼地区及湖泊等。
    A flood storage and detention area means a depression or a lake from outside embankments including flood--diversion mouths for temporarily storing floodwater
  • 全港已有39部设在交通灯路的冲红灯摄影机,阻止驾车人士违反交通灯指示。
    To deter motorists from disobeying traffic signals, 39 red-light camera systems were installed at signalised road junctions.
  • 全港已有30部冲红灯摄影机装设在交通灯路,阻止驾车人士违反交通灯规定。
    Thirty red-light camera systems were installed at signalised road junctionsin the territory to deter motorists from disobeying traffic signals.
  • 全港已有30部冲红灯摄影机装设在交通灯路,阻止驾车人士违反交通灯规定。
    Thirty red-light camera systems were installed at signalised road junctions in the territory to deter motorists from disobeying traffic signals.
  • 面对这样一个严峻的事实,为了保障人民有最起码的生存条件,为了使全体公民不仅能够得到温饱,而且生活水平能够逐步提高,中国不能象有些人想象的那样,等待经济的高度发展来引发人出生率的自然下降,那样只会造成人无限制增加,经济状况更加恶化。
    Faced with the gravity of this situation, the government, in order to guarantee people's minimum living conditions and to enable citizens not only to have enough to eat and wear but also to grow better off, cannot do as some people imagine -- wait for a high level of economic development to initiate a natural decline in birthrate. If we did so, the population would grow without restriction, and the economy would deteriorate steadily.