  • 他们觉得美国属阳性,海峡两岸属阴性。
    These friends of mine went on to describe the US as “yang” and cross-strait ties as “yin”.
  • 四、两岸关系中涉及一个中国原的若干问题。
    IV.Several Questions Involving the One-China Principle in the Cross-Straits Relations
  • 四、两岸关系中涉及一个中国原的若干问题
    IV. Several Questions Involving the One-China Principle in the Cross-Straits Relations
  • 我们坚持在一个中国原的基础上恢复两岸对话与谈判,进一步扩大两岸经济、文化交流,推动两岸关系发展,尽早实现直接"三通"。
    We insist on resuming cross-straits dialogue and negotiation on the basis of the one China principle. We are working to further expand the cross-straits economic and cultural exchanges and develop cross-straits relations so as to establish the "three direct links" as soon as possible.
  • 依据平等互利原,中国积极开展地区性海洋渔业合作。
    China has made strenuous efforts to foster cooperation in regional marine fisheries on the principles of equality and mutual benefit.
  • 而中国共产党从自己建党的一天起,就把这样的两重任务放在自己的双肩之上了,并且已经为此而艰苦奋斗了整整十八年。
    From the very day of its birth, the Communist Party has taken this twofold task on its own shoulders and for eighteen years has fought strenuously for its accomplishment.
  • 我已经一再强调规了, 可是你不听我的话。
    I've stressed the rule over and over but you didn't listen to me.
  • 目前日本的陆军已占领从包头到杭州的长阵线,海军到了福建广东,形成了大范围的外线作战。
    Her army has already established a long front stretching from Paotow to Hangchow and her navy has reached Fukien and Kwangtung; Thus exterior-line operations have taken shape on a vast scale.
  • 她有一只桶,跟人说话时她喜欢坐在上面——大猩猩在俯视对方时会感觉比较安全——而她的玩具堆得到处都是。
    She has a barrel on which she likes to sit when talking to humans -- gorillas feel more secure when they can look down on others -- while her toys are strewn everywhere.
  • 他依严格的规安排自己的生活。
    He orders his life according to strict rules.
  • 这项规没有得到严格遵守。
    The rule is not strictly adhered to.
  • 工人们的不协作态度,是可能表明大规模的工业竞争到来的迹象。
    The workers's non-cooperation is a straw in the wind that might indicate widespread industrial strife to come.
  • 当心不要撞在那张桌子上,否,会打翻上面的全部摆设。
    Be careful not to stumble against that table, or you’ll upset the whole bag of tricks.
  • 阅读这本书时,请牢记这福特的故事,时时在字里行间寻找认识他了不起的原因。
    Remember this Ford story as you read, and pick out the lines in which the secret of his stupendous achievement have been described.
  • 女性的时髦可能有变化,但她们的设计(良苦用心)依然不变。
    Women's styles may change but their designs remain the same.
  • 特许经营总店经营着三个零售商场,而特许经营分店经营着另外两个小型零售商店。
    The master franchise run three units and sub-franchise two other outlets.
  • 日本对中国正面大规模军事进攻的可能性,或者不很大了;但是,它将更厉害地进行其“以华制华”的政治进攻和“以战养战”的经济侵略,而在其占领地将继续疯狂的军事“扫荡”;
    The possibility that Japan will launch large-scale frontal military offensives in China may not be very great, but it will step up its political offensive to "use Chinese to subdue Chinese" and its economic plundering of China to "sustain the war by means of war", while keeping up its frantic "mopping-up" campaigns in the occupied areas;
  • 前者是不要指挥员因死用原而主观地犯错误;后者是当着指挥员主观地犯了错误,或客观情况起了非所预料的和不可抗的变化时,告诉指挥员怎样去处置。
    They point to the former in order to warn a commander against subjectively committing mistakes through too rigid an application of principles, and to the latter in order to enable him to cope with the situation after he has committed subjective mistakes or after unexpected and irresistible changes have occurred in the objective circumstances.
  • 敌人的这一掠夺的即灭亡中国的政策,分为物质的和精神的两方面,都是普遍地施之于中国人的;不但是对下层民众,而且是对上层成分,——当然对后者稍为客气些,但也只有程度之别,并无原之分。
    The enemy's predatory policy, the policy of subjugating China, has two aspects, the material and the spiritual, both of which are being applied universally to all Chinese, not only to the people of the lower strata but also to members of the upper strata; Of course the latter are treated a little more politely, but the difference is only one of degree, not of principle.
  • 它可以受到压抑克制一时间,但是,其本质一直在寻求表达的方式。
    It may be submerged and controlled for a time, but its very nature causes it to be ever seeking means of expression.
  • 为了解决各种实际问题,党必须按照个人服从组织、少数服从多数、下级服从上级、全国的各个组织统一服从中央的原去行动。
    In order to solve various practical problems, the Party membership must act according to the principle that the individual is subordinated to the organization, the minority is subordinate to the majority, the lower level is subordinate to the higher level, and all constituent Party organizations in the country are subordinate to the Central Committee.
  • 在地方来讲,应照顾全体、中央和集中统一,以中央为主体。
    The local authorities, for their part, should have in mind the whole, the central authorities and the principle of centralized and unified guidance, subordinating themselves to the central authorities.
  •  第一百四十八条香港特别行政区的教育、科学、技术、文化、艺术、体育、专业、医疗卫生、劳工、社会福利、社会工作等方面的民间团体和宗教组织同内地相应的团体和组织的关系,应以互不录属、互不干涉和互相尊重的原为基础。
    Article 148 The relationship between non-governmental organizations in fields such as education, science, technology, culture, art, sports, the professions, medicine and health, labour, social welfare and social work as well as religious organizations in the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region and their counterparts on the mainland shall be based on the principles of non-subordination, non-interference and mutual respect.
  • 楼价在一九九九年年初温和回升,但其后回软,全年下跌5%。
    Flat prices followed a mild uptrend in the early part of 1999 but eased back subsequently, with a net fall of 5 per cent for the whole year.
  • 工具可反复用来制作新的物品,直到用坏为止,有时用坏要花很长时间,而用工具制作的物品会继续存在,制作的物品只会因其自身的规律或其自身的事故而毁坏。
    they may be used repeatedly for fresh work, until the time, sometimes very distant, at which they are worn out, while the work already done by them may subsist unimpaired, and when it perishes, does so by its own laws, or by casualties of its own.(1*)
  • 1.如果一方当事人已经提供足够支持其权利主张的、并能够合理取得的证据,同时指出了由另一方当事人控制的证明其权利主张的证据,司法当局应有权在适当场合确保对秘密信息给予保护的条件下责令另一方当事人提供证据。
    1. The judicial authorities shall have the authority, where a party has presented reasonably available evidence sufficient to support its claims and has specified evidence relevant to substantiation of its claims which lies in the control of the opposing party, to order that this evidence be produced by the opposing party, subject in appropriate cases to conditions which ensure the protection of confidential information.
  •  所谓“公共经济”,老实说,它的内容应当没有别的,只是属于某些指定国家的经济,也就是真正的政治经济;如果萨依在向我们说明他所说的政治经济是什么(实际上没有别的,只是世界主义的、世界范围的或属于全人类的经济)以后,使我们知道当他谈到一些学说的原时他唤作“公共经济”的是什么,那么这种在名词上的代用,原也可以存而不论。
    This substitution of terms might be passed over if Say, after having explained what he calls political economy (which, however,is nothing else but cosmopolitical or world-wide economy, or economy of the whole human race), had acquainted us with the principles of the doctrine which he calls '閏onomie publique,'which however is, properly speaking, nothing else but the economy of given nations, or true political economy.
  • 从现代诗人中删掉见诸莎士比亚作品的东西之后,只会剩下渣滓了。
    Subtract from many modern poets all that may be found in Shakespeare and trash will remain.
  • 从现代诗人中删掉见诸莎士比亚作品的东西之后,只会剩下渣滓了。
    Subtract from many modern poet all that may is find in shakespeare and trash will remain.
  • 系统地安排的;尤其是具有依照规接连排列的元素的。
    having a systematic arrangement; especially having elements succeeding in order according to rule.
  • 中华人民共和国民法通
  • 格言,箴言基本原理、普遍真理或行为准的简洁形式
    A succinct formulation of a fundamental principle, general truth, or rule of conduct.