Chinese English Sentence:
  • 你们售摩托车备件吗?
    Do you sell motocar parts?
  • 威利玩他父亲的手枪时不小心走火了, 把墙壁打一个洞。
    Willie accidentally lets off his father's shotgun and made a hole in the wall.
  • 限价买进(卖出)
    To buy( sell) at limit
  • 叫卖售,尤指沿街叫卖
    To sell, especially by peddling.
  • 流行服饰的制造者和售者。
    a maker and seller of fashionable clothing.
  • 还价不可接受,因市价上涨,据说其他卖方已退
    Counteroffers unentertainable as market swinge other seller report withdraw.
  • 还价不可接受,因市场价格上涨,据说其他厂家已退竞争。
    Counteroffers unentertainable as market upswing other seller report withdraw.
  • 比别人报的价钱低的报价。
    quote a price lower than that quoted by (another seller).
  • 销路卖的或被售的机会;需要
    An opportunity for selling or being sold; demand.
  • 让人们价购买货物,东西卖给价最高的人
    Selling of goods where people offer bid, and the item is sold to the person who makes the highest offer
  • 销售行为卖的实例售的行为
    An instance of selling.
  • 出售货物,从事贩卖
    To engage in selling.
  • 提单也可以流通,因此,在进口货物实际运抵进口国之前,进口商用售提单的办法就可以把货卖了。
    A Bill of Lading is also negotiable, so goods can be sold by selling the Bill of Lading before the goods actually arrive in the importing country.
  • 售博物馆的艺术品。
    of museums, selling artwork.
  • 售的一个特殊例子。
    a particular instance of selling.
  • 以半价的损失出售
    Selling at a50 percent loss.
  • 出售保险容易赚钱。
    Selling insurance is easy money.
  • 向债务代理商售债务
    selling debt to a debt factor
  • 股票按超票面价值售。
    Shares are selling at a premium.
  • 售地方水果和蔬菜的摊点。
    stands selling local fruits and vegetables.
  • 尽管许多妇女做呆在家里照看家庭子女的抉择,但是,越来越多的职业妇女在外面给自己开创了新生活。
    Although many women choose to stay home and care for their families, increasing numbers of working mothers have made new lives for them- selves outside the home.
  • 当我人着三不着两以安全地打开锁时,我们最真实的自我就会敞开心扉,完全而真诚地展现来。
    When we feel safe enough to open the locks, our truest selves step out and we can be completely and we can be completely and honestly who we are;
  • 处于等待状态的一个进程,该进程在一个环形缓冲区或信号灯处等待,直到另一个进程发释放信号才能改变状态,恢复执行。
    A process in the wait state. A process waits on a ring buffer or semaphore, unable to change state and resume execution until the ring buffer or semaphore has been signalled by another process.
  • 她装出生气的样子。
    She put on a semblance of anger.
  • 许多事实都被曲解了,而且作了看起来真实的伪装;对诗歌歪曲的翻译。
    many of the facts seemed twisted out of any semblance to reality; a perverted translation of the poem.
  • 看哪,我是朱庇特,虽然我现在是头牡牛的形状,但只要你仔细看就能认我来。
    Behold, I am Jupiter, even I, though, closely beheld, I wear the form of a bull, for I can put on the semblance of what thing I will.
  • 精液在性高潮中射的精液
    Semen ejaculated in orgasm.
  • 伴随精液射的高潮。
    an orgasm accompanied by the ejaculation of semen.
  • ,射(精)突然射或排泄,尤指在性高潮中射(精)
    To eject or discharge abruptly, especially to discharge(semen) in orgasm.
  • 尿道大多数哺乳动物自上尿液从膀胱中排体外的管道,雄性的精子可从中排
    The canal through which urine is discharged from the bladder in most mammals and through which semen is discharged in the male.
  • 有坏人啦,人意料的逃。
    Bad man, the accidental, noble outlaw.
  • 我听说你车祸的事了
    I heard about your accident.