  • 可是在表面现象之下却涌动着另股潮流。如果疏导合理,这股潮流将会使美国更加融合而不是走向分裂。
    But afoot behind the scenes is another trend that, if handled carefully, could bring the country closer together rather than drive it apart.
  • 把这块板锯成千段段的,每段1英尺长。
    Saw this board into pieces, each afoot long.
  • 还击拳击时在受到或避开击时所进行的还击
    A boxing blow given while receiving or parrying another.
  • 你是一路走来的吗?
    Did you came all the way afoot?
  • 连结接受相同数量日照的各点的条联线。
    an isogram connecting points receiving equal amounts of sunshine.
  • 发送或接收幅新的快照会覆盖前面的图象
    Sending or receiving a new snapshot overwrites the previous image
  • 些言论涉及到近期的事件
    Some remarks touching recent events.
  • 他给我举出个最近的例证。
    He quoted me a recent instance.
  • 我在心里把最近发生的事情想了遍。
    My mind travelled over recent events.
  • 最新发展;他们最近的争吵;他最近的非洲旅行;近几个月;最新的期杂志。
    a late development; their late quarrel; his recent trip to Africa; in recent months; a recent issue of the journal.
  • 你能不能(给我)举个比较近的例子?
    Can you quote(me) a recent instance?
  • 我最近的次经历再次让我认识到这个真理。
    A recent experience re-taught me this truth.
  • 你能给我举个最近的例子吗?
    Can you quote me a recent instance?
  • 她在心里把最近发生的事情想了遍。
    Her mind travelled over the recent events.
  • 在最近次事件中有两颗炸弹爆炸了。
    In a recent incident two bombs exploded.
  • 新信徒不久刚信仰种宗教的人;改变宗教信仰的人
    A recent convert to a belief; a proselyte.
  • 近来在电视上露面的位男演员
    An actor with much recent exposure in television.
  • 你知道最近在伊朗发生的起劫机事件了吗?
    Do you know about the recent in Iran?
  • 在最近次恶性事件中有两颗炸弹爆炸了。
    In a recent vicious incident two bombs exploded.
  • 个刚被征募的士兵。
    a recently enlisted soldier.
  • 孙权出兵三万,并且同刘备联合,利用曹军有疫疾,又不习水战,在赤壁带用火攻烧曹军船只,大破曹军。
    The latter, in alliance with Tsao Tsao's antagonist Liu Pei, mustered a force of 30,000. Knowing that Tsao Tsao's army was plagued by epidemia and was unaccustomed to action afloat, the allied forces of Sun Chuan and Liu Pei set fire to Tsao Tsao's fleet and crushed his army.
  • 近来我一直很忙。
    I am very busy recently continuously.
  • 最近,生产直在下降。
    Production has been lagging behind recently.
  • 最近我们发现了颗彗星。
    Recently they have discovered a comet.
  • 她最近气色直不好。
    She has been off colour recently.
  • 最近一直很忙。
    I've had a busy schedule recently.
  • 他们不久前买了辆新汽车。
    They've recently bought a new car.
  • 装饰品种锥形的装饰品或容器
    A cone-shaped ornament or receptacle.
  • 垃圾箱个很大、通常为金属制盛垃圾的容器
    A large, usually metal receptacle for trash.
  • 家竞争的公司已开始实施项新信用购物方案。
    A rival company has set afloat a new credit scheme.
  • 盖在个中空容器或盒子上,可拿掉的或安有活页的盖
    A removable or hinged cover for a hollow receptacle or box.
  • 种用于盖住或封住房间或容器的盖子。
    a plate used to cover over or close in a chamber or receptacle.