  • 廊火車車廂末端的
    A vestibule at the end of a railway car.
  • 聖衣室,聖具室在教堂裏的或者與它相的屋子,神父在這裏穿戴他們的聖裝並且這些聖衣和其它神聖的物件都保存在裏面;聖器室
    A room in or attached to a church where the clergy put on their vestments and where these robes and other sacred objects are stored; a sacristy.
  • 後來,生活設施改善了,學位也受到本地政府的承認,可是評估南大的報告書層出不窮,改製的措施接二三,同學們在“前程未卜”的氣氛中學習,大傢有着“共同命運”的感受。
    Over time, things improved and Nantah degrees also received the recognition of the government. However, a succession of reports on the viability of Nantah and a series of measures to alter its system soon followed. But learning in an atmosphere of uncertainty about the future helped students then to forge a sense of “common destiny”.
  • 用這種方法,土地發展公司正進行兩項大型發展計劃──堅尼地城海旁重建暨加惠民道地盤發展計劃,以及荃灣市中心重建暨楊屋道地盤發展計劃。發展兩塊係土地所得的收入將用來補貼重建計劃引緻的虧蝕。
    Two non-viable projects being implemented by the LDC in Kennedy Town and Tsuen Wan are cross-subsidised by the profits from the development of two linked sites granted to the corporation at full market premium.
  • 在木管樂器中在一塊産生聲音的一對簧片。
    a pair of joined reeds that vibrate together to produce the sound in some woodwinds.
  • 貝爾得出結論,要傳達人的說話聲,他必須産生出能隨說話聲的音調一起震蕩的續電流。
    Bell arrived at the conclusion that to carry the human voice he would have to create a continuous current of electricity that would vibrate with the tones of the voice.
  • 閣下和his、her或your用,作為對某些高級的官員,如總督、大使和省長的頭銜的稱謂或尊稱
    Used with His, Her, or Your as a title and form of address for certain high officials, such as viceroys, ambassadors, and governors.
  • 選擇off,如果單純使用視頻或視頻/數據接。
    Select off if you want a video only or video plus data connection.
  • 選擇off,如果單純使用視頻或視頻/數據接。
    Select off if you want a video-only or video-plus-data connection.
  • 一種光幻覺,是由於看一係列續快速運動的靜止圖片造成的。
    an optical illusion of motion produced by viewing a rapid succession of still pictures of a moving object.
  • 聖母瑪麗亞。常與our
    The Virgin Mary. Often used with Our.
  • 這個住宅裏的妓女已經死了,因此現在最最貞潔的女人都可以進入她的臥室。
    The woman in whose apartments I now found myself was dead: the most virtuous of ladies were thus able to go everywhere, even into the bedroom.
  • 追憶一連串的往事
    look back through the vista of the past
  • 一切自然過程都按力學定律續地變化。
    the action of natural forces; volcanic activity.
  • 他像發珠炮似地破口大駡。
    He let out a volley of oaths.
  • 那個憤怒的人發出一串的咒語。
    The angry man let fly a volley of oaths.
  • 樹上的猴群嚮遊人接二三地投擲水果。
    The monkey in the tree aim volley of fruit at the tourist.
  • 冰雹紛紛而下。在法院裏控方和反控方如珠炮式的辯論
    The hailstones volleyed down. Charges and countercharges volleyed through the courtroom.
  • 續排列的幾個電池;由伏特設計的早期電池。
    voltaic cells arranged in series; the earliest electric battery devised by Volta.
  • 導體間的一種低阻接,用以確保它們具有相同電壓。
    A low resistance connection between conductors which ensures that they have the same voltage.
  • 當與互聯網的接一建立起來,公司內部的基礎設施極易受到破壞。
    As soon as an Internet link has been established, the internal company infrastructure becomes extremely vulnerable.
  • 續賭一種把原先的賭金和贏利加在一起的賭博形式或以此形式進行的一係列的賭博
    A bet comprising the sum of a prior wager plus its winnings or a series of bets made in such a manner.
  • 秦始皇於公元前221年統一中國後,决定把這些不同的城墻起來並加長,於是我們便有了長城。
    When Qin Shihuang or the First Emperor unified China in 221 BC,he decided to have the various sections of the walls linked up and also extended.From that we got the Great Wall.
  • 在二零零零年內,九竜、荃灣、葵涌、青衣、將軍澳和柴灣等地區,會全部接至污水處理廠去。
    Within the year 2000, all of Kowloon, Tsuen Wan, Kwai Chung, Tsing Yi, Tseung Kwan O and Chai Wan will be connected up to treatment works.
  • 接沙田與荃灣的城門隧道於一九九零年通車,全長2.6公裏。
    The Shing Mun Tunnels between Sha Tin and Tsuen Wan were openedin 1990 and measure 2.6 kilometres.
  • 其他正在規劃中的新道路工程包括接土瓜灣和油麻地的中九竜幹綫、接中環及灣仔填海區的中環至灣仔繞道和由青衣至長沙灣的一段九號幹綫等。
    Other major new road projects under planning include the Central Kowloon Route between To Kwa Wan and Yau Ma Tei, the Central-Wan Chai Bypass and another section of Route 9 connecting Tsing Yi and Cheung Sha Wan.
  • 比爾在一三年的足球賽季中都是預備隊員,他希望教練今年會讓他參加比賽。
    Bill has been warming the bench for three football seasons; he hopes that the coach will let him play this year.
  • 春秋(公元前770年—公元前476年)戰國時期,一部分羌人經河西走廊,沿祁山、昆侖山嚮西遷徙,從而在新疆留下了足跡。
    During the Spring and Autumn (770 B.C.-476 B.C.) and Warring States periods, some of the Qiang migrated westward across the Gansu Corridor and the Qilian-Kunlun mountain ranges, leaving their footprints in Xinjiang.
  • 這張新肖像非常逼真,甚至人物臉上的皺紋都一清二楚。
    The new portrait is certainly true to life, even down to her numerous warts and wrinkles.
  • 油絲固着環製表過程中將平衡發條一端與平衡軸桿相接的金屬環
    A metal collar used in watchmaking to join one end of a balance spring to the balance staff.
  • 誠然,瑪儂是死在荒涼的沙漠裏的,但是她是死在一個真心愛她的情人的懷抱裏的。瑪儂死後,這個情人為她挖了一個墓穴,他的眼淚灑落在她身上,並且同他的心也一起埋葬在裏面了。
    Manon died in a desert, it is true, but in the terms of the man who loved her with all the strength of his soul and who, when she was dead, dug a grave for her, watered it with his tears and buried his heart with her;
  • 勝七場比賽之後,這個球隊終遭失敗。
    After seven straight victories the team met its Waterloo.