  • 鼓掌对一个演者有影响。
    Applause reacts upon a speaker.
  • 伴随着热烈的掌声
    The speech was attended by wild applause.
  • 你们需要为你们的家电产品设计广告。
    I am tell that you need advertising design for your household appliance product.
  • 你们需要为你们的家电产品设计广告。
    I am told that you need advertising design for your household appliance product.
  • 因为对医生来嗅觉是一个重要的判断依据,所以电子鼻作为诊断工具具有实用性。
    Because the sense of smell is an important sense to the physician, an electronic nose has applicability as a diagnostic tool.
  • 我说的话与你无关。
    What I have said does not apply to you.
  • 但是,切不可因此把毛泽东同志和党中央分开,应该把毛泽东同志看作是党的集体领导中的一个成员,把他在我们党里头的作用得合乎实际。
    However, we should never separate him from the Central Committee; we should regard him as a member of the Party's collective leadership and appraise his role in the Party in a realistic manner.
  • 一位索思比的鉴定家已过这些老邮票比我所有其他财产加在一起都要值钱得多。
    An appraiser at Sotheby's said the old stamps are worth far more than the rest of my estate.
  • 老实,如果吐痰的动作以审美的方式完成,我并不以喷到空气中的微菌为意,因为我虽受过许多微菌的袭击,可是我的健康并没有遇到什么不良的影响。
    I really don't mind the germs thus let out into the air, if the spitting is aesthetically done, for I have survived the germs without any appreciable effect on my health.
  • 你这么说太感谢了。
    I really appreciate your remarks.
  • 每一种理解的行为都明是运用了判断。
    Judgement is implied in every apprehensive act.
  • 他非常聪明,确是我收到的最好的一个徒弟,不论什么我只要做给他看一遍或对他一遍,他就会了。
    He's as smart as paint, and the best apprentice I ever had- I never had to show or tell him anything more than once.
  • 巴克利博士的实习生19岁的约翰娜·梅洛克丝:“我有一些医学院预科的朋友,就因为一门课程太难而改变了主意。”
    Dr. Buckley's apprentice, Johanna Mailloux, 19, said, "I have friends who were pre-med, but because of one course that was too hard, they changed their minds."
  • 在写了两部练笔的小之后,1929年和1932年之间,他写了六部优秀的小,其中包括:《喧哗与骚动》、《我弥留之际》和《圣地》。
    After two apprentice novels, Faulkner wrote six of his best books between 1929 and 1932, among them are The Sound and the Fury, As I Lay Dying, and Sanctuary.
  • 但整个来占用大量资本的零售业,有时是在小店里经营的,主要靠店主本人和其家人干活,也许还雇用一两个学徒,有时则由大公司经营,其资金由富有的个人或合伙组织提供,雇有人数众多的店员。
    but the retail dealings, which collectively occupy a very great amount of capital, are sometimes conducted in small shops, chiefly by the personal exertions of the dealers themselves, with their families, and perhaps an apprentice or two; and sometimes in large establishments, of which the funds are supplied by a wealthy individual or association, and the agency is that of numerous salaried shopmen or shopwomen.
  • 梅洛克丝小姐,实习让她“看到了,在经历所有的工作时会发生什么情况。”
    The apprenticeship, Ms.Mailloux said, let her "see what happens when you experience all the work."
  • 秘书来通知我们那台巨型机器已胜利安装成功。
    The secretary came to apprise us that the erection of the monster machine had been successfully completed.
  • 总的来,以为所有的法国人都像巴黎人,那是不正确的,大部分法国人是随和且友好的。
    Above all, don't suppose that all Frenchmen are like Parians -- it's not true. Most of the French are more approachable and friendly.
  • 当我在讲坛教的时候,看到听众边打瞌睡边点头同意而感到荣幸。
    When I am in the pulpit, have the pleasure of seeing my audience nod approbation while they sleep.
  • 当我在讲坛教的时候,看到听众边打瞌睡边点头同意而感到荣幸。
    When I am in the pulpit, I have the pleasure of seeing my audience nod approbation while they sleep.
  • 一句问候的话得好,得恰当,便是美的,得不得体,便是失态。
    Paying a compliment well and appropriately is called a beautiful compliment, and on the other hand, paying a compliment with bad taste is called an awkward compliment.
  • 这就是,对于地主阶级,不采取没收土地的政策,但又要适当满足农民的要求,所以采取减租减息的政策。
    In other words, our policy of confiscating land from the landlord class was replaced by a policy of reducing rent and interest rates in order to appropriately satisfy the peasants' demands.
  • 在中央来,是对于“肉”的问题注意得不够,恐怕在地方来,对于钱用得不适当的问题应该引起注意。
    As far as the central authorities are concerned, they have failed to pay enough attention to "flesh" projects; the local authorities, for their part, should pay more attention to using their money appropriately, I am afraid.
  • 我不赞成你说的话。
    I can't approve of what you said.
  • 的是很接近我的想法。
    What he said was an approximation of my idea.
  • 穿了,真理这种东西不存在的,我们的真理充其量不过是趋于相对的近似而已。
    Not, after all, that there is any such thing as truth. At best we can approach to some relative approximation.
  • 膨胀一收缩是运动的基本形式之一。正如恩格斯所:“所以一切运动的基本形式都是接近和分离,收缩和膨胀——简言之,是吸引和排斥这一古老的两极对立。
    Expansion-contraction is one of the basic form of motion, as Engels said: "Hence the basic form of all motion is approximation and separation, contraction and expansion -- in short, the old polar opposites of attraction and repulsion.
  • 就四月份来这天气算是冷的。
    It's cold for April.
  • 关於你刚才所的话....
    Apropos of what you were just saying....
  • 顺便,我有点事跟你
    Apropos, I have something to tell you.
  • 顺便, 我有点事跟你
    Apropos , I have something to tell you.
  • 你说话很恰当。
    You speak quite apropos.