  • 在院子里他们遇见一个人,他长着一双疯狂的眼睛,头发蓬乱,正狂热地设法逮住苍蝇,把它们在他的口袋里。
    They came across one individual in the grounds, with wild eyes, disheveled hair, feverishly endeavoring to catch flies and keep them in his pocket.
  • 通过压缩陆军部队规模、调整海空军部队编组、撤销部分备老旧的部队,改革后勤保障、备管理体制和院校、训练机构体制编制,撤并军以上机关内设机构等,裁减编制员额50万。目前,全军编制人数保持在250万以内。
    The PLA was reduced to less than 2.5 million by downsizing the Army, restructuring the naval and air units, deactivating some units with outdated equipment, restructuring logistical support and equipment management systems, military academies and schools and training establishments, and dismantling and merging internal organs of the units at and above the corps level to cut a total of 500,000 persons.
  • 通过压缩陆军部队规模、调整海空军部队编组、撤销部分备老旧的部队,改革后勤保障、备管理体制和院校、训练机构体制编制,撤并军以上机关内设机构等,裁减编制员额50万。目前,全军编制人数保持在250万以内。其中,陆军精简18.6%,海军精简11.4%,空军精简12.6%,第二炮兵精简2.9%。
    The PLA was reduced to less than 2.5 million by downsizing the Army, restructuring the naval and air units, deactivating some units with outdated equipment, restructuring logistical support and equipment management systems, military academies and schools and training establishments, and dismantling and merging internal organs of the units at and above the corps level to cut a total of 500,000 persons. Of all the services, the Army was cut by 18.6%; the Navy, 11.4%; the Air Force, 12.6%; and the Second Artillery Force, 2.9%.
  • 她尽管惊慌,但仍作有信心的样子。
    She assumed an air of confidence in spite of her dismay.
  • 阳光计算机公司推出的吉尼(音译)软件就是一种将这些毫无联系的置连接在一起工作的网络管理系统,朗讯技术公司提供了管理智能网络的无线系统。
    Sun Computer's Jini software is a network management system that allows these disparate devices to work together, and Lucent Technologies offers wireless systems for managing these intelligent networks.
  • 我们将派遣两名驻工地的工程师指导设备的安
    We'll dispatch two resident field engineer to instruct the erection of the equipment.
  • 为你的定货,我们做了重新安排,这样四月中旬之前可把货好,20号之前发货。
    We have reschedule your order so that we can get assembled by the middle of april. then we can dispatch it before the twentieth.
  • 这个简单的试验会立即消除你心中存有和怀疑。这个瓶子确实着芳香泥,
    This brief experiment would dispel any further doubts you might entertain. The bottle really does contain perfumed mud.
  • 医生提供医学建议却没有经过训练的人。
    an untrained person who pretends to be a physician and who dispenses medical advice.
  • 冒牌医生未经训练而作医生并提供药方和治疗的人
    An untrained person who pretends to be a physician and dispenses medical advice and treatment.
  • 为此缘故,在全国的数百万正规军中间,至少指定数十万人,分散于所有一切敌占地区,发动和配合民众武,从事游击战争,是完全必要的。
    For this reason, out of the millions of China's regular troops, it is absolutely necessary to assign at least several hundred thousand to disperse through all enemy-occupied areas, arouse the masses to arm themselves, and wage guerrilla warfare in co-ordination with the masses.
  • 榴弹一种有化学制剂的玻璃容器,它被扔出并摔碎时其化学制剂将散播开
    A glass container filled with a chemical that is dispersed when the container is thrown and smashed.
  • 显示置、打印机及其他外部设备
    Display units, printers and other peripherals
  • ,假象,出的样子
    A show, pretense, or display.
  • 各种款式的套被陈列于橱窗中。
    Various styles of suits are displayed in the shopwindows.
  • 人体模型如真人大小的、全身或半身的人体模型,用于量试衣服是否合适或展示服;人体模型
    A life-size full or partial representation of the human body, used for the fitting or displaying of clothes; a dummy.
  • 备的任何一块可以烧的都拿去烧了;可任意使用的资产。
    every disposable piece of equipment was sent to the fire; disposable assets.
  • 麦当劳成功的秘诀有如下几条:只提供为数很少的几样受欢迎的食物(主要是汉堡包、薯条和奶昔),通过把准备工作分成可计量的常规工作来降低劳动力成本,用一次性包袋消除洗盘子的费用,规定公众可以承受的价格,并且严格控制质量。
    The McDonald's recipe for success involves serving a very limited menu of popular foods, mainly ham- burgers, French fries, and milkshakes, minimising labour costs by breaking preparation down into quan- tified routine tasks, using disposable packages to elim- inate the cost of dish-washing, pricing the product affordably, and maintaining strict quality control.
  • 在印刷技术中,在印刷品的适当位置上安排正文、插图和饰花边,使整体看上去均衡而协调。
    In printing, the appropriate placement of the various units of composition, illustration and ornamentation so that the appearance of the whole does not look disproportionate.
  • 26.我们将不遗余力,确保遭受自然灾害、种族灭绝、武冲突和其他人道紧急状态的影响特别严重的儿童和所有平民均能得到一切援助和保护,使他们尽快恢复正常生活。
    26. We will spare no effort to ensure that children and all civilian populations that suffer disproportionately the consequences of natural disasters, genocide, armed conflicts and other humanitarian emergencies are given every assistance and protection so that they can resume normal life as soon as possible.
  • 不同的号码;他有很多不同的伪;各种各样的实验都不能证明此原理为误;为其行为列举不同的理由。
    assorted sizes; his disguises are many and various; various experiments have failed to disprove the theory; cited various reasons for his behavior.
  • 万一连接中断时,不依赖于同步的问题也是很重要,间歇性的网络问题可以严重地破坏链路加密,而包加密置可以容忍暂时的信号丢失。
    Freedom from synchronization issues also is important in case of dropped connections. While intermittent network problems can seriously disrupt link encryption, packet-encryption devices can tolerate temporary signal loss.
  • 我设法假感到兴趣。
    I tried to dissemble an interest I didn't feel.
  • 我这个人不喜欢外交上逢场作戏,模作样那一套。
    I personally dislike the greasy dissimulation of diplomacy.
  • 有时她确实有点腔作势,但基本上是个好姑娘。
    She is basically a nice gift, although she does pm on a bit sometimes.
  • 蒸馏室;酿酒厂用于蒸馏的置,特别是指酒精蒸馏
    An establishment for distilling, especially for distilling alcoholic liquors.
  • 没有用使之更美丽或者更有特点的东西来饰。
    not decorated with something to increase its beauty or distinction.
  • 其包应该是现代的、独特的。
    The packaging shall be modern and distinctive.
  • 我认为这种包格外/明显不好/不吸引人。
    I find the packing particularly/distinctly unpleasant/unattractive.
  • 一种配线框架,在水平面上有所有外部线路,在垂直面上有中心局设备的端线及它们的保护置。参阅frame(typeb)。
    A distributing frame carrying on one side(horizontal) all outside lines, and on the other side(vertical) the terminations of the central office equipment and protective devices for them.
  • 服装厂;服装业地区
    Garment factories; the garment district.
  • 印度总理瓦杰帕伊也声称:“有一个公开的核武器国家与我们接壤,这个国家1962年对印度发动了武侵略。虽然我们同这个国家的双边关系最近10年来有所改善,不信任的气氛持续存在。”
    Indian Prime Minister Vajpayee also alleged that India's nuclear tests were prompted by distrust for its nuclear weapon- possessing neighbor who committed armed aggression against India in 1962, although bilateral relations improved in the last decade.