  • 托付将……交另一个人掌管;信托
    To commit to the charge of another; entrust.
  • 做、与或避免某事的具有约束力的誓言。
    a binding commitment to do or give or refrain from something.
  • 许可的货品交易量购买或出售定数量证券或商品的承诺
    A commitment to buy or sell a given amount of securities or commodities.
  • 道歉会带夫妻一个加深爱情和彼此相依好机会。
    An apology gives couples an excellent opportunity to deepen their love and commitment.
  • 指派的,委托的托付或交托另一个人的,如权利或权威;指派的
    Committed or entrusted to another, as powers or authority; delegated.
  • 没有提交某个机构。
    not committed to an institution.
  • 被委托你照料的人。
    a person committed to your care.
  • 他把这件事提交了委员会。
    He committed the matter to the committee.
  • 她将6张面额为100美元的新钞交父母保管,嘱咐他们在她需要钱时,分期分批地交还与她。
    She committed six new$100 bills to the hands of her parents and asked them to let her have the money back, bit by bit, as she needed it.
  • 妈妈喂饭时,它不干扰;妈妈从床上下来去盥洗室又回来,它也没动静。
    He did not interfere when Mom was fed,nor when she was transferred from bed to commode and back.
  • 对于这种商品,我们一般不折扣。
    As a rule, we don't allow any discount for this commodity.
  • 又是谁胆敢这道笨重而乏味的木头门安上门框,并且在毕斯科内特的蔓藤花饰旁边那道独扇门刻上了路易十五时代的图案?
    who has dared to frame therein that commonplace and heavy door of carved wood, la Louis XV., beside the arabesques of Biscornette?
  • 英国下议院中前排的座位,是留部长大臣的。
    any of the front seats in the House of Commons of Great Britain that are reserved for ministers or ex-ministers.
  • 傅立叶空想社会主义由查尔斯·傅立叶于19世纪早期提出的社会改革形式,设想建立由自自主的基层组织构成的理想社会
    A system for social reform advocated by Charles Fourier in the early19th century, proposing that society be organized into small self-sustaining communal groups.
  • 公社的一部分土地转让了那家工厂。
    Some of the commune's land was made over to that factory.
  • 面包蘸酒将圣饼在酒中蘸过并同时分发领受圣餐者的处理过程
    The administration of the Eucharist by dipping the host into the wine and thus offering both simultaneously to the communicant.
  • 侵染将病原体或疾病传播
    To communicate a pathogen or disease to.
  • 请把这个消息传递所有的职工。
    Please communicate this message to all employees.
  • 基础设施社会或社区正常运作所需要的基本设施,服务和安装设备等,如交通与通信系统,水与电力供线,以及学校、邮局和监狱等公共机构
    The basic facilities, services, and installations needed for the functioning of a community or society, such as transportation and communications systems, water and power lines, and public institutions including schools, post offices, and prisons.
  • 第二天早上,他们派人把公报送了他。
    They sent him the communique the next morning.
  • 特朗布尔,约拿丹1710-1785美国政治家,曾经任康涅狄格殖民地总督,独立战争期间为大陆军提供养及支持
    A town of southwest Connecticut north of Bridgeport. It is a residential community with varied industries. Population, 32,016.
  • 法令将规定,如果主人没有满足宠物的需求--如予足够的食物和水、足够的空间、足够的陪伴,主人就将受到起诉。
    Under the rules owners could be prosecuted if they failed to give pets what they needed -- ranging from adequate food and water to enough space and companionship.
  • 的散装红茶可作对照的数据为每杯饮料中含31mg,38mg和40mg。
    Comparable values given for loose black tea were 31 mg, 38 mg, and 40 mg per cup of beverage.
  • 现在我来你们把两个队比较一下。
    Let me give you a comparison between these two teams.
  • 学生讲了这件事,并他们看报纸上的照片,这些富有同情心的学生得到了鼓舞,立即采取行动。
    She told the story to her students and showed them pictures from the newspaper. Her inspired and compassionate students took action.
  • 在任何奉行自由市场经济的社会?,总会有部分人遗忘,而我相信,香港是一个有爱心和富同情心的社会,有责任向这些人伸出援手。
    Now, in any free market economy there will always be a sector of the community which is left behind and I believe we have a duty as a caring and compassionate community to give them a helping hand.
  • 要是我的同胞居里夫人从未对自己说过“我不知道”,她可能会在一所私立女子中学一些来自有钱人家的孩子教授化学,或会做一份不同于此但也完全受人尊敬的工作来了此一生。
    Had my compatriot Marie Sklodowska Curie never said to herself "I don t know", she probably would have wound up teaching chemistry at some private high school for young ladies from good families, and would have ended her days performing this otherwise perfectly respectable job.
  • 向…发出书面训令…以书面训令或以书面训令相威胁
    To serve or compel with such a writ.
  • 如果我们能够在思想上提出正确的革命理论,对于他们的反革命理论以坚决的打击;如果我们在政治上采取适合时宜的策略步骤,对于他们的反共反进步政策以坚决的打击;如果我们采取适当的军事步骤,对于他们的军事进攻以坚决的打击;那末,就有可能限制他们实施反动政策的范围,就有可能逼迫他们承认进步势力的地位,就有可能发展进步势力,争取中间势力,而使他们陷于孤立。
    If in the ideological sphere we can put forward correct revolutionary theory and strike hard at their counter-revolutionary theory, if in the political sphere we adopt tactics suited to the times and strike hard at their anti-Communist and anti-progressive policies, and if in the military sphere we take appropriate measures and strike back hard at their attacks, then we shall be able to restrict the effective range of their reactionary policy and compel them to recognize the status of the progressive forces, and we shall be able to expand the progressive forces, win over the middle forces and isolate the die-hard forces.
  • 在低档次的饭店,不一定非小费不可。
    At lower-end establishments, don't feel compelled to tip.
  • 亲自递送程序(强迫出席在法庭上的文书)或法庭文件被告人的人。
    someone who personally delivers a process (a writ compelling attendance in court) or court papers to the defendant.
  • 对于很多非科技人员来说,德莱克斯勒的设计介于科学和想像之间而人以强烈的印象。
    To many nonscientists, Drexier's projections for nanotechnology straddled the border between science and fiction in a compelling way.