  • 呼的一声在中飞过一架喷气式飞机。
    Through the air bustled a jet-plane.
  • 中出现了三架喷气式战斗机。
    There appeared three jet-fighters in the sky.
  • 镶着一颗颗珠宝般的星星。
    The sky was jeweled with stars.
  • 吉姆,你今晚有吗?
    Are you free this evening, Jim?
  • 琼问我那家希腊餐厅的名字时,我脑中一片白。
    When Joan asked me the name of that Greek restaurant I drew a blank.
  • 嗯,我只喜欢在早晨清新的气下慢跑。
    Well, I only like to do some jogging in the fresh morning air.
  • 1992年,中国与泰国、巴基斯坦等国联合倡导并发起了"亚太地区间技术与应用多边合作研讨会"。
    In 1992, China, Thailand, Pakistan and some other countries jointly sponsored the "Asian-Pacific Multilateral Space Technology Cooperation Symposium.
  • 气中蔓延的恶意-乔纳森·斯威夫特;瘟疫;流行性发热。
    a pestilential malignancy in the air- Jonathan Swift; plaguelike diseases; plaguey fevers.
  • 有关乔丹的形象写成的书约有70本,“卓越的飞人”、“乔丹惯例”、“腾时间”和“我不能不试试”都是它们中名列前茅的。
    Jordan has inspired about 70 books -- Rare Air, The Jordan Rules, Hang Time, and I Can't Accept Not Trying are foremost among them.
  • 对于一个如渡假计划等的联合项目,慢性子的一方可以花上一个下午的时间联系比较航公司的价格,而急性子的另一方可以预定旅馆,草草列出打包清单,并安排邮件暂停投递。
    For a joint project such as planning a vacation, the slower spouse could spend an afternoon comparing airline prices online while the quicker one could make the hotel reservations, jot down a packing list and arrange to have the mail delivery suspended.
  • ,航行通过外层太的航行
    A journey through outer space.
  • 段在东方武术中,黑腰带的级别精通达12级中的任一级,如柔道和手道
    Any of12 levels of proficiency at the grade of black belt in martial arts such as judo and karate.
  • 中国武术;结合手道和柔道的原则。
    a Chinese martial art; combines principles of karate and judo.
  • 在武术(柔道或手道)上达到专家的等级的人。
    a person who attained the rank of expert in the martial arts (judo or karate).
  • 今天她吵着要我去打电报或长途电话给你那一家实习的公司,后来我说星期日公司没有人接电报,答应她明天准办,她又叫均元写一张英文信与公司寄邮去,要是你今天没有电报来,明日又不知要如何了!
    Today she pestered me to send a telegram or to telephone long distance to the company where you are receiving your practical training. In the end I told her that there is no one in your company to answer calls on a Sunday. But I promised her that I would do so the next day. She then asked Jun-yuan to write a letter in English to be airmailed to your company. If we had not received your telegram today, I don't know what we will have to do tomorrow!
  • 通过添加smartjunction服务器在透明方式下扩展您的web间,如第6章所述
    Expand your web space in a transparent fashion by adding smart junction server as describe in chapter6
  • 这十三年来,国际局势风云变幻,我国改革开放和现代化建设的进程波澜壮阔。二十世纪八十年代末九十年代初,国内发生严重政治风波,东欧剧变、苏联解体,世界社会主义出现严重曲折,我国社会主义事业的发展面临前巨大的困难和压力。
    At this crucial historical juncture bearing on the destiny of the Party and state, the Party Central Committee relied firmly on all the comrades in the Party and the Chinese people of all ethnic groups and unswervingly adhered to the line prevailing since the Third Plenary Session of the Eleventh Central Committee, and thus successfully brought the overall situation of reform and development under control and safeguarded the great cause of socialism with Chinese characteristics. After Comrade Deng Xiaoping made remarks on his tour of the South, the Fourteenth National Congress decided to establish a socialist market economy as the goal of reform, thus ushering in a new stage for reform, opening up and the modernization drive.
  • 年内,3家航公司──日本佳速航公司、俄罗斯全禄航公司及柬埔寨航公司(取代皇家柬埔寨航公司),分别于六月、七月及十月开办定期航班服务飞往香港特区,使为香港特区提供定期航班服务的航公司数目增至67家。
    Three new carriers introduced scheduled services to the HKSAR during the year - Japan Air System in June, Transaero in July and Kampuchea Airlines (replacing Royal Air Cambodge) in October. As a result of these changes, the number of scheduled airlines serving the HKSAR increased to 67.
  • 我和一个手道黑带对打时,他砍了我膝盖。
    A karate black belt chopped my knee when I sparred with him.
  • 韩国的一种类似手道的武术形式。
    a Korean martial art similar to karate.
  • 水都烧开了,剩下一个
    All the water boiled away and left the kettle dry.
  • 水烧干了,壶也了。
    The water had all boiled away and the kettle was empty.
  • 可用static关键字指出一个对象的特定元素是静态的。但java对象本身永远都不会置入静态存储间。
    You can use the static keyword to specify that a particular element of an object is static, but Java objects themselves are never placed in static storage.
  • 为解决这个问题,c++用额外的关键字引入了“命名间”的概念。
    To solve this problem, C++ introduced namespaces using additional keywords.
  • 婴儿平躺着,两腿向中踢。
    The baby was lying on its back, kicking its legs in the air.
  • 返回,如在足球运动中踢凌球。
    make a return, as of a punt or a kickback, in football.
  • ”且两腿在中乱踢。
    ' and kicking his legs in the air.
  • 落日映红了天空。
    The setting sun kindled the sky.
  • 如果没有与我同心同德的人在一起而产生的亲和感,如果不倾心于客观世界、不倾心于艺术和科学领域永远达不到的目标,生活对我会是十分虚的。
    Without the sense of kinship with men of like mind,without the occupation with the objective world,the eternally unattainable in the field of art and scientific endeavors,life would have seemed to me empty.
  • 看高高的山峰亲吻蓝
    See the mountains kiss high heaven.
  • 我遥望天,只见风筝越来越小。
    I looked up into the sky and saw the kite become smaller and smaller.
  • 那只风筝的尾巴拖在中。
    The kite 's tail trailed in the air.