  • "她愤怒的话令他震惊,使他明到她不再爱自己了。"
    Her angry words jolted him out of the belief that she loved him.
  • 在这一点上,爱德华三世和伊丽莎一样,腓特烈大王和约瑟二世一样,华盛顿和拿破仑一样,他们都有着同样的理解。
    Edward III comprehended this like Elizabeth; Frederick the Great like Joseph II; Washington like Napoleon.
  • 我们共享的奖赏将用并必须用比取得胜利更令人欣慰的和平来衡量。因为,共同的人性将黑人与人联合成了一个人种,让我们大家都像天堂中的孩子们一样生活。
    The value of our shared reward will and must be measured by the joyful peace which will triumph, because the common humanity that bonds both black and white into one human race, will have said to each one of us that we shall all live like the children of paradise.
  • 龙眼一种印度产常绿乔木(龙眼龙眼属),核果为黄褐色,果肉色、多汁、可食
    An Indian evergreen tree(Euphoria longan) having yellowish-brown drupes with white, juicy, edible flesh.
  • 巴特利特梨一种广泛生长的黄皮且果实柔软,多汁,呈色的梨,通常生吃或做罐头
    A widely grown variety of pear with yellowish skin and soft, juicy white flesh, eaten fresh or often canned.
  • 前总统克林顿和莱温斯基搞的宫丑闻,就在报章上详详尽尽报道了很长的一段时间。
    Many of us will no doubt still remember the juicy details on president Bill Clinton’s affair with Monica Lewinsky in the American media.
  • 朱莉娅看见惨祸时吓得脸色发
    Julia paled at the sight of the terrible accident.
  • 1935年10月1日,朱丽叶.伊里莎.威尔丝出生在英国泰吾士河畔的瓦尔顿。
    Julia Elizabeth Wells was born in Walton-on-Thames, England, on October 1st 1935.
  • 朱丽亚的母亲费尽心机想使他明,他娶了朱丽亚等于获得了无价之宝。
    Her mother was at pains to make clear to him that in marrying Julia he would be acquiring a pearl of great price.
  • 灯草鵐,北美雀科小鸟北美灯草鵐属小鸟,身体的绝大部分羽毛为灰色,头部为灰色或黑色,外表的尾部羽毛呈
    Any of various small North American birds of the genus Junco, having predominantly gray plumage, a gray or black head, and white outer tail feathers.
  • 浓密的小灌木,头状花序类似紫苑,有色的边花;生长在从亚利桑那州向东至堪萨斯州、向南至墨西哥的沙漠地区。
    bushy subshrub having flower heads that resemble asters with broad white rays; found in desert areas of Arizona east to Kansas and south to Mexico.
  • 我爱上的总是深褐色头发、 浅黑色皮肤的种女子, 这是我的缘分.
    It's my karma always to fall in love with brunettes.
  • 全国城乡居民的营养状况有了较大改善,平均每人每日摄取的热量为2600千卡,蛋质为75克,已达到和接近世界平均水平。
    The diet of urban and rural people throughout the country has greatly improved, the per-capita daily heat intake has reached 2,600 Kcal. and that of protein has reached 75 grammes, having reached or approaching the world average levels.
  • 使用多年的伊丽莎女王号游轮于1972年1月泊于香港海域时失火倾覆。
    The old Queen Elizabeth liner burnt out and keeled over while anchored off Hong Kong in January 1972.
  • 哼,我为了一小桶兰地酒,在英国曾经吻着圣经发过50回誓。
    Why, I have smacked calf-skin fifty times in England for a keg of brandy.
  • 在肯特郡小住时,伊丽莎再次与正在探望其姨母凯瑟琳·德·包尔夫人的达西相逢。
    While in Kent, Elizabeth again meets Darcy who is visiting his aunt, Lady Catherine de Bourgh.
  • 莱烟一种浅颜色烟草,主要生长在美国肯塔基州,尤用于制造香烟
    A light-colored tobacco grown chiefly in Kentucky and used especially in making cigarettes.
  • 人类的头发主要由一种叫角朊的蛋质组成,并含有水分及在身体其他部分也可找到的微量金属和矿物质。
    A human hair consists mainly of a protein called Keratin. It also contains some moisture and the trace metals and minerals found in the rest of the body.
  • 产生角蛋或变得象角蛋
    To produce keratin or become like keratin.
  • 一种小块的黄色和色糖果,形状像玉米粒。
    a small yellow and white candy shaped to resemble a kernel of corn.
  • 国家资助专款670万元、黄金111公斤、银2000多公斤及大量珠宝,修复了五世至九世班禅灵塔祀殿。
    Another special fund of 6.7 million yuan, together with 111 kg of gold and over 2,000 kg of silver and a large amount of gems, has been provided to finance the restoration of the funerary stupas and sacrificial halls of the fifth to the ninth Panchen Lamas.
  • 1984年,中央资助专款670万元,黄金111公斤,银2000公斤及大量珠宝,在十世班禅大师主持下,修复了五至九世班禅灵塔、祀殿。
    In 1984, the central government provided 6.7 million yuan in special funds, 111 kg of gold, 2,000 kg of silver and large quantities of jewelry for the renovation, under the direction of the late 10th Bainqen Lama, of the holy stupas and the memorial halls for the 5th to the 9th Bainqen Lamas.
  • 苏丹最大的城市;位于苏丹中部尼罗河边,与喀土穆隔岸相望。
    the largest city of Sudan; located in the central Sudan on the White Nile opposite Khartoum.
  • 马克苏格兰国王(1040-1057年),在一次战斗中杀死其表兄国王邓肯(卒于1040年)后即位。他夺权和统治的传说构成了莎士比亚马克的主要基础
    King of Scotland(1040-1057) who ascended the throne after killing his cousin King Duncan(died1040) in battle. Legends of his rise to power and reign are the basis of Shakespeare's tragedy Macbeth.
  • 邢窑白瓷
    white porcelain in Xing Kiln
  • 在他的总结里保罗提到,“如果在垩纪与三叠纪交界时,10千米大的小行星碰撞或火山喷发导致了恐龙灭绝,那么远在恐龙时代以前的这类事件,应该更强烈地影响了这类动物的数量。”
    In his conclusion Paul states, “If the impact of a 10 kilometer meteorite or great volcanic eruptions extinguished all the dinosaurs at the K / T boundary, then at least some of the similar events earlier in the dinosaur era should have strongly effected populations of these animals.
  • 母亲在天把她的孩子交托给幼儿园。
    The mother gave her child over to the kindergarten during the day.
  • 对他的好心全是费。
    Kindness is thrown away on him.
  • 美国西部可见到的一种食蜂鹟;头部和背部是苍色,胸部略带黄色,尾巴是黑色。
    a kingbird seen in western United States; head and back are pale gray and the breast is yellowish and the tail is black.
  • 在北美繁殖、在美国热带过冬的食蜂鹟;以尾巴尖有带而名贵。
    a kingbird that breeds in North American and winters in tropical America; distinguished by a white band on the tip of the tail.
  • 柯克是在日做梦,他明明知道他是决不可能去中亚旅行的。
    Kirk is building castles in the air, he knows he'll never travel to Central Asia.
  • 温带和热带地区的灰色美洲鸢鹞鹰。
    gray-and-white American kite of warm and tropical regions.