  • 提出一年做到普及小学教育,也以提两年为好,即使两年实现不了也不要紧,慢一点也不是不光荣,不是机会主义。
    The provincial government of Henan Province has planned to make primary school education universal in the province in one year and I think it is better to say in two years. It doesn't matter if this plan cannot be fulfilled in two years. It is nothing to be ashamed of and should not be considered as being opportunist.
  • 这两辆公共汽车朝相反的方向开,一辆向,一辆向北。
    The buses went in opposite directions — one went south and the other went north.
  • 北和是相反的方向。
    North and south are opposite directions.
  • 美洲的兰花,具有蜘蛛状暗黄色至暗绿色的花。
    South American orchid with spiderlike pale-yellow to pale-green flowers.
  • 再如敌攻鲁时,整个华北五省的游击战争,对于配合鲁我军的战役作战,也尽了相当的力量。
    Again, when the enemy attacked southern Shantung, the guerrilla warfare in the five provinces of northern China contributed a great deal through co-ordination with the campaigns of our army.
  • 标定游泳池的北方向
    Orient the swimming pool north and south.
  • 这个建筑物坐北朝
    The building is orientated north and south.
  • 他们把网球场定为北向。
    They orientated the tennis court north and south.
  • 这座楼房坐北朝南。
    The building is oriented south and north.
  • 他们把建筑物盖成北向。
    They had the building oriented north and south.
  • 窗边的葡萄树里停著一只歌鸟--一只我们部的金莺。
    There in the vine at the window sit a songster--one of our southern oriole.
  • 克里斯蒂安桑挪威最端一城市,位于斯卡格拉克海峡沿岸、奥斯陆西。建立于1641年,现为一商业和客运港口。人口61,834
    A city of extreme southern Norway on the Skagerrak southwest of Oslo. Founded in1641, it is a commercial and passenger port. Population,61, 834.
  • 台伯河意大利中部的一条流程约406公里(252英里)的河流,向和西方向流经罗马并在奥斯蒂亚市附近注入第勒尼安海
    A river of central Italy flowing about406 km(252 mi) south and southwest through Rome to the Tyrrhenian Sea at Ostia.
  • 克鲁格金币非共和国发行的一盎司金币
    A one-ounce gold coin of the Republic of South Africa.
  • 此书略述了美国的北战争。
    The book outlines the American Civil War.
  • 西电东送工程部通道建设全面展开,中部通道抓紧推进,北部通道建设步伐加快;
    the outspread of the southern channel of the West-East electricity transmission project with advancing in the central channel and speeding up of construction in the northern channel;
  • 才能使我们有力量去扩大红军,把我们的战线开展到几千里路的地方去,使我们的红军毫无顾虑地在将来顺利的条件下去打昌,打九江,使我们的红军减少自己找给养的这一部分工作,专心一意去打敌人;
    Only thus can we acquire the resources to enlarge the Red Army and push our front outwards to points thousands of li away, so that when the circumstances prove favourable, the Red Army will be able to attack Nanchang and Kiukiang free from all anxiety and, thus relieved of much of the task of provisioning itself, give its undivided attention to fighting;
  • 中等大小的椭圆形瓜,瓜肉形似意大利细面条。
    medium-sized oval squash with flesh in the form of spaghetti-like strings.
  • 小的球形玉米面包,烘焙或油炸而成(主要在方)。
    small oval cake of corn bread baked or fried (chiefly Southern).
  • 萨里历史上英格兰东的一个地区,在盎格鲁-撒克逊时代由麦西亚和西撒克斯统治,在9世纪被丹麦人侵占
    A historical region of southeast England. Dominated by Mercia and Wessex in Anglo-Saxon times, it was overrun by the Danes in the ninth century.
  • 设七月无去湘一举,则不但可免边界的八月失败,且可乘国民党第六军和王均战于江西樟树之际,击破永新敌军,席卷吉安、安福,前锋可达萍乡,而与北段之红第五军取得联络。
    If we had not advanced on southern Hunan in July, we would not only have averted the August defeat in the border area, but we could also have exploited the hghting between the Kuomintang's Sixth Army and Wang Chun's Kuomintang forces in Changshu, Kiangsi Province, to crush the enemy forces in Yunghsin, overrun Kian and Anfu, and make it possible for our advanced guard to reach Pinghsiang and establish contact with the Fifth Red Army in the northern section of the Lohsiao mountain range.
  • 许多地方,像湘乡、衡山、湘潭等县,地主权力完全推翻,形成了农民的独一权力,自无问题。
    In many places in Hunan like Hsianghsiang, Hengshan and Hsiangtan Counties, this is of course no problem since the authority of the landlords has been overturned and the peasants constitute the sole authority.
  • 亚的野牛,有时被认为是白肢野牛的驯养品种。
    ox of southeast Asia sometimes considered a domesticated breed of the gaur.
  • 欧,有时可看到用牛拉车.
    You sometimes see oxen pulling carts in southern Europe.
  • 欧,有时可看到用牛拉车。
    Pull: You sometimes see oxen pulling carts in southern Europe.
  • 特别指产于美国长岛部海滨可食用的小牡蛎。
    small edible oyster typically from the south shore of Long Island.
  • 南美太平洋战争
    War of the Pacific in Southern America
  • 产于加利福尼亚的太平洋海岸及以地区。
    of Pacific coast of California and southward.
  • 在两处石丛生的陡坡中间的一小块绿草地
    a pad of green lawn between two heathery steeps
  • 南禅寺彩塑
    painted sculptures in Nanchan Temple
  • 亚洲中部的多山的国家;边界西到伊朗、北到俄罗斯、东到巴基斯坦。
    a mountainous country in central Asia; bordered by Iran to the west and Russia to the north and Pakistan to the east and south.
  • 德国西部的一地区,以前被巴拉丁伯爵统治。
    a territory in southwestern Germany formerly ruled by the counts palatine.