  • 我的寓到理发店很方便。
    My apartment house is very central for the barber shop.
  • 理发师正在办室里等着老板。
    The barber is waiting for the boss in the office.
  • 骄傲自豪却又四面受敌的萨马兰奇坐在巴塞罗那的办室里,他的嘴唇轻微发抖。
    A proud man, an embattled man, Mr. Samaranch was seated in his Barcelona office, his lips trembled slightly.
  • 埃布罗河发源于西班牙北部坎塔布连山的一条河流,流程约925里(575英里),注入巴塞罗那西南方的地中海
    A river rising in the Cantabrian Mountains of northern Spain and flowing about925 km(575 mi) to the Mediterranean Sea southwest of Barcelona.
  • 塔拉戈纳西班牙东北部一城市,位于地中海沿岸,巴塞罗纳西南偏西方。在元前3世纪以后它成为罗马统治下西班牙的一个重要城镇。在元714年,该城落入摩尔人之手。人口113,075
    A city of northeast Spain on the Mediterranean Sea west-southwest of Barcelona. A leading town of Roman Spain after the third century b.c., it fell to the Moors in a.d.714. Population,113, 075.
  • 奥西恩传说中元3世纪盖尔族的英雄和吟游诗人
    A legendary Gaelic hero and bard of the third century a.d.
  • 当他购买该司时,它仅有足够的钱偿还其债务。
    When he bought the company it was barely solvent.
  • 当他购买该司时,它仅有足够的钱偿还其债务。
    When he buy the company it is barely solvent.
  • 在劳资集体谈判制度下,工人作为一个团体同司经理进行谈判。
    In a system of collective bargaining, the workers as a group negotiate with the managers of the company.
  • 米勒先生说德士古一直“本着诚意谈判”,并声言是宾州石油司拒绝商谈和解。
    Mr. Miller said Texaco had been "bargaining in good faith" and asserted that it was Pennzoil that had refused to negotiate a settlement.
  • 道·琼斯红利策略道·琼斯红利策略是一整套购买便宜股票的系统。通过它所买到的股票都有很高的红利(分配给股东的司收入)。和收相比,它们出售的价格很低。
    The Dow Dividend Strategy The Dow Dividend Strategy is a system for buying bargains stocks with high dividends (company earnings distributed to shareholders ) that are selling at low prices compared to those earnings.
  • 他左冲右撞,第一个登上共汽车。
    He barged his way onto the bus before everyone else.
  • 昨天熟悉情况的人士说,声誉卓著的史密斯·巴尼股票司里三名职员被解雇,另一名在潘恩·韦伯司里的职员负债超过三十万,皆因华尔街非法集体豪赌所致。
    Three staffers at the prestigious Smith Barney brokerage got the ax, and another at Paine Webber is more than $300,000 in hock because of an illegal highstakes gambling pool on Wall Street, sources familiar with the situation said yesterday.
  • (英国)一个英国贵族阶级的成员(爵、侯爵、伯爵、子爵或男爵)。
    (British) a nobleman (duke or marquis or earl or viscount or baron) who is a member of the British peerage.
  • 他不着制服的同事也能够读出任何一份电子邮件,破坏世界任何地方的办室电脑,侵入网络并摧毁系统,而这一切都是在千万里之外进行的。巢穴位于海边安全地带的毒品大王或者犯罪团伙,其银行帐户是开的。
    His civilian equivalent will be able to read every e-mail,crash any office computer anywhere in the world,invade networks and destroy systems,all from thousands of miles away the bank account of the drug baron or organized criminal located in an apparently safe offshore haven will be an open book.
  • 贵族贵族或女贵族的爵位、头衔或权限;爵、侯爵、伯爵、子爵或男爵
    The rank, title, or jurisdiction of a peer or peeress; a duchy, marquisate, county, viscountcy, or barony.
  • 在1985年的你们的教堂里,你常常会发现豪华的寓和木板房样的教堂里的不人道的生活条件之间的巨大反差。
    in your 1850 church you not infrequently find a dramatic contrast between the sumptuous appointments of the building itself and the inhuman barrack-like living conditions in the church room.
  • 共厕所通常用在帐篷或营房里的一种共厕所
    A communal toilet of a type often used in a camp or barracks.
  • 每当火车通过时,这里的路都要拦起来。
    The highway here is barred whenever the train passes.
  • 体积过大的车辆禁止在路上行驶,而且不发给执照。
    Oversize vehicles are barred from the highways and are not licensable.
  • 这水桶能装25斤。
    This barrel holds 2 5 litres.
  • 福建省组织了3000多个妇女营林专业队,造林绿化94.4万亩,其中以葛兰妹为队长的女子耕山队治理荒山340多顷。
    In Fujian, more 3,000 women's teams planted trees on 944,000 mu. One team led by Ge Lanmei has planted trees on more than 340 hectares of barren hills.
  • 除非在最后时刻和解,一连串使美国司与日本制造商互相对抗的侵犯专利的苦斗中的最近一次,下周将进入法庭。——日商被控盗窃宝贵的发明。
    Barring an 11th-hour settlement, the latest in a series of bitter patent-infringement battles pitting American companies against Japanese manufacturers accused of stealing valuable inventions will move into court next week.
  • 还要注意:只能由初级律师向高级律师提供案情,社会众的成员绝对不能这样做。
    Note also that barrister should be instructed only by solicitor and never by member of the public.
  • 近年来那摇摇篮的手已经伸出来掌握医生的听诊器、律师的辩护状和部长的文包了。
    In recent years the hand that rocked the cradle has reached out to grasp the stethoscope, the barrister's brief, and the ministerial portfolio.
  • 政府运用帑提供法律援助,为符合资格的人士视需要委聘代表律师或大律师,以确保有充分理据提出诉讼或抗辩的人不会因为经济能力不足而不能采取法律行动。
    Eligible applicants receive legal aid in court proceedings through the services of a solicitor or barrister as necessary to ensure that any person who has reasonable grounds for pursuing or defending a legal action is not prevented from doing so by lack of means.
  • 政府运用帑提供法律援助,为符合资格的人士按需要委聘代表律师或大律师,确保有充分理据提出诉讼或抗辩的人不会因为经济能力不足而不能采取法律行动。
    Eligible applicants receive legal aid through the provision of the services of a solicitor and a barrister in court proceedings, as necessary, to ensure that any person who has reasonable grounds for pursuing or defending a legal action is not prevented from doing so by lack of means.
  • 巴瑞-劳伦斯来自这家总部设在弗吉尼亚莱斯顿的careerbuilder司,这家司5月份对3,200多名随机受访者做了一项休假中是否继续工作的调查。劳伦斯总结调查结果说:"司往往承诺每周七天,每天二十四小时全天候为顾客提供服务,否则他们的司将会缺乏竞争力。
    "People now have to respond to customers 24-7 or you're not being competitive," explains Barry Lawrence of the Reston, Va. -based Career Builder, which queried more than 3,200 respondents in May for the survey.
  • 中国轻工业品进出口司的林先生约见美国梯美思司的商人和技术人员史密斯先生和汤姆森先生,商讨在北京制造梯美思机械手表的业务事宜。
    Mr Lin of the China National Light industrial Products Import and Export Corporation meets Mr John Smith and Mr Barry Thompson, businessman and technician from the Timex Company of the U. S. to discuss manufacturing the Timex mechanical watch in Beijing.
  • 司已同意与保加利亚达成贸易的协议。
    The company has agree a barter deal with bulgaria.
  • 司非常高兴地确认与贵司达成的下列易货交易:
    We are very glad to confirm having agreed with you on the barter of the following commodities:
  • 桂:如果你们要用棉花易货,我们需要和我们司的其它部门联系一下。
    We need to consult the other department of our corporation if you decide to barter with cotton.