  • 他把所有的西都塞进抽屉里。
    He bundled everything into a drawer.
  • 我们将所有的西都塞在一个抽屉里。
    We bundled everything into a drawer.
  • 这些抽屉里净是没用的西, 我得好好清理一下了.
    These drawers are full of rubbish; it's time I had a good turn-out.
  • 有人一直在翻我的抽屉偷西。
    Somebody has been rifling my drawers.
  • 我们把一切西胡乱塞进抽屉里。
    We bundled everything into the drawers.
  • 抽屉里的西乱七八糟。
    The contents of the drawers were strewn all over the place.
  • 这是一切动物都害怕的西。
    It was the dread of all animals.
  • 日本式佐料里有什么西?
    What's in the Japanese dressing?
  • 飘的汽球;船骸漂向海岸
    A balloon drifting eastward; as the wreckage drifted toward shore.
  • 他需要喝点东西。
    He needs a drink.
  • 你需要喝点东西!
    You need a drink!
  • 北美北部草本植物,有淡黄白色的花串;有时归为福王草属。
    herb of northeastern North America having drooping clusters of yellowish-white flowers; sometimes placed in genus Prenanthes.
  • 你究竟什么时候丢失这个西的?
    When ever did you drop it?
  • 这辆名为"somcar"的流动吸烟车就停在京中心千代的一幢大型写字楼前的空地上。
    Dubbed the SmoCar, the trailer is parked in a space in front of a big office building in Tokyo's central Chiyoda ward.
  • 当时,英、美、法帝国主义者和中国主和派阴谋召开所谓太平洋国际会议,同日本帝国主义妥协,出卖中国。这一阴谋被称为“远慕尼黑”或者“方慕尼黑”。
    The projected Pacific international conference was dubbed a Far Eastern Munich because the British, U.S. and French imperialists, in collaboration with the Chinese group which favoured making peace, were plotting to reach a compromise with Japan by selling out China.
  • 赝品,冒牌货某种假冒的、不正当的、低劣的或来由有问题的西
    Something that is of irregular, inferior, or dubious origin.
  • 候选人可疑的过去;他有确实可疑的纪录;一个人发现是可疑而其他人发现是可疑的或明显虚假的西;这个朋友是否像他所认为的那样有影响力这不仅是可疑的-凯闰·好妮。
    the candidate's doubtful past; he has a dubious record indeed; what one found uncertain the other found dubious or downright false; it was more than dubitable whether the friend was as influential as she thought- Karen Horney.
  • 爱尔兰部一村庄,位于都柏林西北部;从古时起直到公元世纪都是爱尔兰国王居住的地方。
    a village in eastern Ireland (northwest of Dublin); seat of Irish kings until 6th century.
  • 此外,许多国家和地区,如拉丁美洲、中一些国家、香港、台湾和韩国,也承认卢森堡和都柏林的监管制度,允许这类基金在境内出售。
    In addition, many other countries and places, such as those in Latin America, some in the Middle East,Hong Kong, Taiwan and South Korea, have also accepted the validity of Luxembourg or Dublin fund regulation, to allow these funds to be marketed domestically.
  • 此外,许多国家和地区,如拉丁美洲、中一些国家、香港、台湾和韩国,也承认卢森堡和都柏林的监管制度,允许这类基金在境内出售。
    In addition, many other countries and places, such as those in Latin America, some in the Middle East, Hong Kong, Taiwan and South Korea, have also accepted the validity of Luxembourg or Dublin fund regulation, to allow these funds to be marketed domestically.
  • 这几页里讲的西读起来不错,公爵家族好起来特别好,甚至美国的闻记者也称赞不已。
    It is nice to read in these pages that, when ducal families were very good and were even praised by American journalists.
  • 拿骚一个地区,从前为中德的领地,位于美因河和莱茵河的北部和部。该地区在1806年成为领地并于1866年被普鲁士接收。原先的王朝成员相继统治了卢森堡和荷兰(作为奥兰治的王室)
    A region and former duchy of central Germany north and east of the Main and Rhine rivers. The region became a duchy in1806 and was absorbed by Prussia in1866. Members of the original dynasty subsequently ruled Luxembourg and the Netherlands(as the house of Orange).
  • 架子上塞满了首饰盒、决斗手枪、钟和灯;地上堆满了熨斗、曼陀林和一些叫不出名字的西。
    Shelves were stacked with jewel caskets, dueling pistols, clocks and lamps, and the floor was heaped with irons, mandolins and things hard to find a name for.
  • 加斯也会唱这首歌,他们就来了个二重唱。
    Gaston knew the song, and they truned it into a sort of duet.
  • 他挖掘土地去寻找某样西。
    He dug into the ground to get some thing.
  • 希冰美国明尼苏达州北部一个城市,位于德卢斯西北方的梅萨比岭,1917年该市的采矿业达到顶峰,当时市镇向南移了3。2公里(2英里)以便开采一个巨型露天铁矿。人口18,046
    A city of northeast Minnesota in the Mesabi Range northwest of Duluth. Its mining industry was at its peak in1917, when the town was moved3.2 km(2 mi) south to make room for a huge open-pit iron mine. Population,18, 046.
  • 先把东西堆在那边。
    Just dump everything over there.
  • 有一些指定的地方,你可以把不需要的西倒在那里。
    There are special places where you can dump things you don't want.
  • 先把西都堆在那边我等会儿再整理.
    Just dump everything over there I'll sort it out later.
  • 翻斗小车一种有可倾斜以倾倒所装载西的车体的小车
    A cart having a body that can be tilted to dump the contents.
  • 人们也许会说国家不景气,可是他们又不愿意放弃多少西……
    People may say the country's in the dump, but they do not seem inclined to give up much...
  • 人们也许会说国家不景气,可是他们又不愿意放弃多少西……
    People may say the country 's in the dump, but they do not seem inclined to give up much...