  • 在60年代(越战期),由于使用更为精确的轰炸系统,摧毁同样目标只需出动喷气式战斗轰炸机(f?4"鬼怪式")176架次,每架飞机携带1枚炸弹(其中一半炸弹偏离目标400多英尺);
    In the 1960s (Vietnam) more accurate bombing systems allowed the same target to be destroyed with 176 jet fighter- bomber (F- 4 Phantom) sorties,each carrying one bomb (half of which would land more than 400 feet from the target).
  • 轰炸航路造成的接目标伤害。
    collateral target damage from a bombing run.
  • 就算在一夜之变得一无所有,你也会有真诚的朋友在旁扶持。
    Then, even though you were to lose all you have overnight, you would be sure of heartening support from bona friends.
  • 就算在一夜之变得一无所有,你也会有真诚的朋友在旁扶持。
    Then, even though you were to lose all you have overnight, you would be sure of heartening support from bona fide friends.
  •  (2)商标缺乏显著特征,或者完全是由商业中用以表示商品的种类、质量、数量、用途、价值、原产地或生产时的符号或标记所组成,或者在被请求给予保护的国家的现代语言中或在善意和公认的商务实践中已经成为惯用的;
    2. when they are devoid of any distinctive character, or consist exclusively of signs or indications which may serve, in trade, to designate the kind, quality, quantity, intended purpose, value, place of origin, of the goods, or the time of production, or have become customary in the current language or in the bona fide and established practices of the trade of the country where protection is claimed;
  • 该组织成员产生了志同道合的凝聚力.
    A bond of sympathy developed between members of the group.
  • 解除…间的婚约
    To dissolve the marriage bond between.
  • 男孩和他的狗之的亲密关系
    The bond between a boy and his dog
  • 一种化学键:由两个负电原子(如氧气或氮)及其的氢原子组成,其中一边是共价键,另一边是离子键。
    a chemical bond consisting of a hydrogen atom between two electronegative atoms (e.g., oxygen or nitrogen) with one side be a covalent bond and the other being an ionic bond.
  • 原子序,原子构造限定在如链条上的连结环的空构型里的一组原子
    A group of atoms bonded in a spatial configuration like links in a chain.
  • 兄弟会由共同的兄弟情谊或社会目的而结合起来的民组织
    An organization of people united by a common fraternal bond or social aim.
  • 水分子的氢键不仅存在于液态水中,也存在于冰和水蒸气中。
    Hydrogen bonding between water molecules occurs not only in liquid Wa er but also in ice and in water vapor.
  • 的空气使他寒彻骨。
    The night air chilled his bones.
  • 折骨唯有经过长时才能愈合。
    Only time will knit broken bones.
  • 关节两骨固定的或可动的连接
    A fixed or movable joint between bones.
  • 她不得不花许多时攻读古典著作以便能通过这次测验。
    She had to spend much of her time boning up on the classics to pass the test.
  • 福特多年来一直对爱尔兰人和英格兰人之的关系问题萦怀在心。
    For years Ford's had a bee in his bonnet about the Irish and the English.
  • 在悼念婆婆的一篇稿中,彭妮承认她相信来世。她相信去世的婆婆继续活在另一个空,而终有一天,她们会再相聚。
    In a piece in memory of her Granny, Bonny confessed that she believed in life after death, that her Granny continued to live in another realm, that someday, she would be with her again.
  • 在悼念婆婆的一篇稿中,彭妮承认她相信来世。她相信去世的婆婆继续活在另一个空,而终有一天,她们会再相聚。
    In a piece in memory of her Porpor, Bonny confessed that she believed in life after death, that her Porpor continued to live in another realm, that someday, she would be with her again.
  • 介于艺术、文物、植物之的盆景作品,也许只能归入裕华园的范围吧?
    Bonsai, which one can place somewhere between art, cultural artefacts and plants, can perhaps be referred only to the Chinese Gardens.
  • 很多商店在发奖金期,进行大减价销售。
    Many shops have bargain sales during the bonus season.
  • 外淋巴在内耳道粘膜与骨之的液体
    The fluid in the space between the membranous and bony labyrinths of the inner ear.
  • 胼胝愈合期在断骨末端周围长起来的硬骨组织
    The hard bony tissue that develops around the ends of a fractured bone during healing.
  • 秘书已经在希尔顿大酒店为经理预定了房
    The secretary has booked the manager in at the Hilton Hotel.
  • 旅馆房已经全部给人预定了。
    The hotel is fully booked up.
  • 有个书柜把房隔开了一部分。
    A bookcase screens off part of the room.
  • 里有两个玻璃书橱。
    The room held two glass-fronted bookcase.
  • 他在窗与窗之加设了书橱。
    He built in a bookcase between the windows.
  • 你最好把这个书橱镶装在两扇窗户之
    You'd better have the bookcase built in between the windows.
  • 你最好在两扇窗户之装一个书橱。
    You' d better have a bookcase built in between the windows.
  • 他会退到书桌边,一个大的书架把它同房的其他部分隔开。
    He would retire to a desk, screened off from the rest of the room by a heavy bookcase.
  • 公司在同一时内预订了20个飞机座位或10个旅馆房
    The company has a block booking for twenty seats on the plane or for ten rooms at the hotel.