  • 经过续几次的失败,他最后终于通过了驾驶考试。
    After a series of unsuccessful attempts, he has at last passed his driving test.
  • 把磁盘上的文件、库、文件夹移到一起,使未使用的空间成为一个续区。
    To move files, libraries, or folders together on disk to create a continuous area of unused space.
  • 在数据管理系统中,把库中的若干成员移放在一起,以便把库中未用的存储空间构成一片续的区域。
    In data management system, to move library members together in a library to create one continuous area of unused space in the library.
  • 保持不变的温度;续不断的打击;恒久合法性原则;稳定的微风。
    maintained a constant temperature; a constant beat; principles of unvarying validity; a steady breeze.
  • 一触点在断开或闭合时造成的一种不希望产生的断断续续的接状态。
    An unwanted making and breaking of the connection while opening or closing a contact.
  • 风将一些树根拔起。
    The wind uprooted some trees.
  • 铲除,根除根拔掉;铲除
    To pull out by the roots; uproot.
  • 树被风连根拔起。
    The tree is uprooted by the wind.
  • 树被风根拔起来了。
    The tree was uprooted by the wind.
  • 大卫使出全身的力气,把树根拔起。
    Putting out all his strength, David uprooted the tree.
  • 因大雾弥漫,高速公路上发生了几起严重的环撞车事故。
    The thick fog has caused several bad pile-ups on the motorway.
  • usage:与单数动词用abbr:numis。
    Usage: used with a sing. verbabbr: numis.
  • usage:与单数动词用abbr:phys。
    Usage: used with a sing. verbabbr: phys.
  • 在建立与远地用户的接时,ipsec也是很有用的。
    IPsec is also useful when setting up remote users.
  • 应用服务器管理接用户与其所需数据的过程。
    Application servers manage the process of connecting users to that data.
  • 对于同“四人帮”篡党夺权阴谋活动有牵的人和事,一定要彻底查清。
    We should check up thoroughly on matters and people involved in the Gang of Four's plot to usurp Party and state power.
  •  农奴成年累月地辛勤劳动,却温饱也得不到保障,经常要靠借高利贷勉强糊口。
    The serfs engaged in hard labor year in and year out and yet had no guaranteed food or clothing. Often they had to rely on money borrowed at usury to keep body and soul together.
  • 我与毒品从无牵。但没有人相信我,我流浪汉的生活太有在犯罪边缘冒险的味道,以致于它无法为我的清白辩解。
    I'd never had anything to do with narcotics, But nobody believed me; my vagabond life was too flavored with fringe adventures to defend my innocence.
  • 瓦尔头都没抬,边看报纸边说:“如果你受不了那份热,就甭呆在厨房里嘛。”“我不懂你的意思……。”“我认为你懂了……。既然你讨厌这儿的噪音,为什么要来这儿住呢?”
    Val spoke without looking up from her paper. "If you don't like the heat, get out of the kitchen." "I don't know what you mean." … "I think you do… If you don't like the noise, why come and live here?"
  • 任何物主认为价值城的珍爱的东西。
    any possession that is highly valued by its owner.
  • 鞋或靴用来遮盖脚跟并接鞋面的部分。
    the part of a shoe or boot covering the heel and joining the vamp.
  • 当前最通行的观点是挥发物(元素和化合物,包括低温下蒸发的水)在地球增生形成时的固体阶段就被释放出来,然后地球、海洋和大气逐渐成一个整体。
    The best current thinking is that volatility (elements and compounds, including water, vaporize at low temperatures) were released from the solid phase as the earth accreted. Thus, the earth and its oceans and atmosphere grew together.
  • 在空间、时间或者序列上不贯或者突然变化。
    not continuous in space, time, or sequence or varying abruptly.
  • 该信续数页都是以这种语气写的。
    The letter continued in this vein for several pages.
  • 矿脉中的夹石指隔断续的矿脉的,并且本身不含矿物质的岩石
    A block of rock interrupting a vein and containing no minerals.
  • 这是个很好的单位,有光这、通风的客厅、两间大型衣柜的睡房,还有一个现代化的厨房。
    It's a lovely flat with a bright, ventilated living room, two bedrooms with a walk in closet and a modern kitchen.
  • 但后来维纳斯续得2分赢了这场比赛。
    But after that Venus got the two-point advantage needed to win the game.
  • 医学研究表明,人的心身是相互关的,也就是说你的心理健康影响着你的身体状况,反之亦然。
    Medical science has learned that the mind and body are interrelated,meaning that your mental well-being affects your physical state and vice versa.
  • 在那个时候甚至莎士比亚的作品都被认为是危险的,除非是被删节了的译本。
    at that time even Shakespeare was considered dangerous except in the expurgated versions.
  • 锥面由一条直线,即母线,通过一固定点,即顶点,沿一给定曲线,即准线,续移动而产生的平面
    The surface generated by a straight line, the generator, passing through a fixed point, the vertex, and moving along a fixed curve, the directrix.
  • 他的衬衫很薄, 里面穿的背心都能看见.
    His shirt was so thin that his vest showed through (it).
  • 表链佩戴在马甲或腰前的与怀表接的短链或短带
    A short chain or ribbon attached to a pocket watch and worn hanging in front of the vest or waist.