  • 跑车是一个费昂贵的嗜好
    Sports cars are an expensive indulgence.
  • 检验实验数据不需要太长时间。
    It wouldn't take long to check up on the experimental data.
  • 占我们出口的70%。
    Cotton account for70% of our export.
  • 我的园一直伸展到河边。
    My garden extends as far as the river.
  • 你的花园有多大?
    What is the extent of your garden?
  • 山金车酊一种由欧州产a。蒙大纳的干头制成的药酊,用以减轻挫伤和扭伤引起的疼痛和炎症
    A tincture of the dried flower heads of the European species A. montana, applied externally to reduce the pain and inflammation of bruises and sprains.
  • 我们在课外练习上了很多时间。
    We have spent a lot of time on the extracurricular exercise.
  • 你觉得在大学期间在课外活动上的时间值得吗?
    Do you think that your extracurricular activities while in college were worth the time you devoted to tern?
  • 不要如此挥霍;钱要更小心。
    Don't be so extravagant; spend your money more carefully.
  • 她很奢侈,掉了所有的钱来买衣服。
    She's very extravagant — she spends all her money on clothes.
  • 特点是头巾状的三裂唇瓣包围着合蕊柱;其卉中最美丽的。
    any orchid of the genus Cattleya characterized by a hood-shaped three-lobed lip enclosing the column; among the most popular and most extravagantly beautiful orchids known.
  • `快来看哪--园里有个长颈鹿!'
    Come and get an eyeful of this there's a giraffe in the garden!'
  • 奶奶以前非常擅长绣,但是由于她的视力日衰,我想她现在已力不从心了。
    My grandmother used to be very good at doing embroidery, but I suppose, with her eyesight going, that she’s past i t now.
  • 地铁公司也在杏设置了一个隔音罩,保护2300名居民。
    The Mass Transit Railway Corporation has also completed a noise cover to protect 2300 residents at Heng Fa Chuen.
  • 食物环境卫生署在尖沙咀九龙公园设立卫生教育展览及资料中心,并在旺角园街市政大厦设立传达资源中心。该署通过展览及图书馆的资料,教育市民重视食物安全和环境卫生。
    The FEHD operates the Health Education Exhibition and Resource Centre in Kowloon Park, Tsim Sha Tsui, and a Communication Resource Centre at Fa Yuen Street Complex, Mong Kok, to educate the public on the importance of food safety and environmental hygiene through exhibits and library materials.
  • 摆花架子
    A metaphor for presenting an attractive facade but in reality lacking substance
  • 蒙特牌戏一种纸牌游戏,从四张牌面朝上的牌中抽出两张,参加游戏者打赌其中哪一张会比另一张先与发牌人的牌成为同
    A card game in which two cards are chosen from four laid out faceup and a player bets that one of the two will be matched in suit by the dealer before the other one.
  • 贝基:这是因为你的房间对着后园,很安静,不像我那间对着闹哄哄的大街。
    That's because you have a quiet room facing the back garden instead of one facing the noisy street like mine.
  •  电影业是与查理同年诞生的。但当时人们普遍以为电影业充其量只昙一现的时尚,它不可能替代现场真人表演。
    Cinema was born in the same year as Charlie thought people still believed it was a passing fad, and would never replace live shows.
  • 剪下后很快就会枯萎。
    Flowers soon faded when they have been cut.
  • 花折下不久就凋谢。
    Flowers soon fade when cut.
  • 空气里带着淡淡的香。
    The faint smell of flowers lay on the air.
  • 这朵花褪色了。
    The flower faints in colour.
  • 来得正当,得舒坦。
    Fair gainings make fair spendings.
  • 别为他的花招所骗。
    Don't fall for his tricks.
  • 看,花在凋谢。
    Look, flowers are falling away.
  • 那些花在凋谢。
    The flowers are falling away.
  • 可是雪已经飘起来了。
    But there're already snowflakes falling.
  • 农夫将他的园用篱笆围起。
    The farmer fenced in his garden.
  • 他对色彩最出色的实验就是一系列约30幅卉的绘画作品,对这种创作的迷恋一直伴他到生命的最后。
    Among his most prominent experiments with colour were a series of some 30flower paintings,a fascination which stayed with him until his death.
  • 他对色彩最出色的实验就是一系列约30幅卉的绘画作品,对这种创作的迷恋一直伴他到生命的最后。
    Among his most prominent experiments with colour were a series of some 30 flower paintings, a fascination which stayed with him until his death.
  • 遭受了一种有传染性的致命病害。
    An infectious disease fatal to cotton has struck the crop.