  • 我当时闭着眼。过了片刻,那些鸟类学家逐渐去。我发着烧,在昏睡中就觉得他们那苍白的脸在黑色浪涛里上下摆动。
    I closed my eyes then, and after a while the ornithologists drifted away, their pale faces bobbing up and down on the black wave of fever.
  • 固体中的等子体振荡
    plasma oscillation in solids
  • 地冕地球大气的最外部分,主要由电的氢组成
    The outermost region of the earth's atmosphere, consisting chiefly of ionized hydrogen.
  • 出发的轮船;即将任的总统。
    an outgoing steamship; the outgoing president.
  • 即将离去的乘客列车
    An outgoing passenger train.
  • 输出通信流开交换站(台)或装置的点。
    Point through which the outgoing traffic flow leaves a switching stage, or device.
  • 即将离职的主席
    The outgoing chairperson.
  • 因为国际和国内的环境已经起了变化,而且会有更大的变化要到来,可以说我们已经脱了过去的那种慢慢发展的孤军作战的景况。
    As changes have already taken place in the international and domestic situation and greater changes are coming, it can be said that we have outgrown the past state of slow development and fighting in isolation.
  • 渡轮是来往岛的主要交通工具。
    Ferries are essential for travelling to outlying islands.
  • 首先打退远主力的敌人,再向全部乱军发起进攻。
    First, drive in the outlying men and then attack the whole enemy force.
  • 中华电力有限公司(中电)则供电给九龙和新界,包括大屿山和多个岛。
    China Light and Power Company Limited (CLP) supplies Kowloon and the New Territories, including Lantau and several outlying islands.
  • 食物环境卫生署在本港旧区设有37间公众浴室,其中11间在港岛、15间在九龙、11间在新界及岛。
    In older districts, the FEHD provides 37 public bathhouses — 11 on Hong Kong Island, 15 in Kowloon and 11 in the New Territories and outlying islands.
  • 渡轮是往岛的主要交通工具,同时也为新界西北部新巿镇提供重要的联系。
    Ferries are essential for travelling to Hong Kong's outlying islands and provide an important link to the new towns in the north-western New Territories.
  • 一九九七年,在780艘小轮和渡轮中,有100艘由3家主要的渡轮公司营运,提供定时航班服务,行走市区与岛之间,运载乘客超逾8000万人次。
    In 1997, 100 of the 780 launches and ferries were operated by three major ferry companies providing scheduled services for ferrying more than 80 million passengers between urban areas and outlying islands.
  • 目前,宪报公布的泳滩共有41个:12个位于港岛,由临时市政局管理;29个位于新界及岛区,由临时区域市政局管理。
    There are 41 gazetted bathing beaches - 12 on Hong Kong Island managed by the Provisional Urban Council and 29 in the New Territories and outlying islands by the Provisional Regional Council.
  • 大屿山北部及岛区的新转运站正在兴建,当局短期内并会招标兴建服务新界西北部的转运站。
    Construction of new stations on North Lantau and the Outlying Islands are in progress and a tender will be invited shortly for the provision of a station to serve the north-west New Territories.
  • 临时区域市政局负责为新界及岛地区三百多万居民,即全港约一半人口提供市政服务,处理一切有关环境卫生、食物卫生、签发酒牌、公众卫生及洁净服务等事宜,并提供康乐、体育、文娱设施和服务。
    The Provisional Regional Council was responsible for environmental hygiene, food safety, liquor licensing, public health, sanitation and the provision of recreational, sports and cultural facilities and services in the New Territories and the outlying islands. The council served a community of over three million or almost half the local population.
  • 我们的政治领袖没有勇气-或不够诚实-以削减高得谱的政府开支,来迫全国上下做必要的牺牲。
    Our political leaders did not have the guts – or the honesty – to impose the necessary sacrifices by means of cuts in the outrageous level of government spending.
  • 我想从一开始就提醒大家,放射性元素最重要的属性之一就是将其附近的空气电(贝克勒尔)。
    I will remind you at the outset that one of the most important properties of the radioactive elements is that of ionizing the air in their vicinity(Becquerel).
  • 站的火车;单程旅行;开往外地的船。
    the departing train; an outward journey; outward-bound ships.
  • 然而,在地球另一侧的对应点上,地球自转产生的心力超过了月球的引力,因而使海水向外鼓。
    On the side of the earth opposite to this point, however, the centrifugal force generated by the rotation of the earth will exceed the attractive pull of the moon, causing the water of the ocean to tend to dome outwards.
  • 或多或少比较高级的树、灌木和草本植物的集合,有瓣或连瓣的花冠,胚珠通常附在子房壁上;有69个科,包含杜鹃花科、十字花科和锦葵科。
    a group of families of more or less advanced trees and shrubs and herbs having either polypetalous or gamopetalous corollas and often with ovules attached to the walls of the ovary; contains 69 families including Ericaceae and Cruciferae and Malvaceae; sometimes classified as a superorder.
  • 开舞台时,全体观众起立热烈鼓掌。
    He gets a standing ovation as he moves off stage.
  • 她们懂得珍惜时间来读书、学习并进行创造性活动并且远小伙伴,如果父母把女儿的时间安排过满,她们怎能学会去做自己感兴趣的事并且乐此不疲呢?
    They learned to value time reading, writing and creating away from peers. If parents overfill their daughters' time, girls don't learn to keep themselves interested and busy.
  • “你得把地面旅行时的住宿、伙食等开销与远距飞行的费用作一番比较。”“确实是的,也许我应该更仔细估算一下旅行费用然后再决定。”
    "Against the cost of a long-distance flight you have to set what you may have to pay out for hotels, meals, and so on, on an overland journey!" "There is that, indeed. Perhaps I should cost my trip more carefully before deciding."
  • 我同意,印度的某些地区有人口过剩的问题,但这题了,因为此刻我们只对中国感兴趣。
    I agree that there are problems of overpopulation in parts of India, but that's beside the mark because we're only interested in China at the moment.
  • 围墙屋子只有十步远。
    The fence is only ten paces from the house.
  • 步测出100码的距离
    to pace out a distance of 100 yards
  • 我们用步测量一下距,发现有90步长。
    We paced off the distance and found it to be 90 paces.
  • 我们用步量了这段距,发现它有60码。
    We paced off the distance and found it to be 6 0 yards.
  • 他们查看秒表,步测距,在小笔记本上写下什么。
    They consulted their stopwatches and paced off distances. They scribbled in their tiny notebooks.
  • 那么就不要在过道里徘徊吧,别老惦记着你车站还有多远!
    So stop pacing the aisles and counting the miles.