  • 爆玉米花玉米的一种爆花玉米,具有加热时会爆裂成松软、形状不规则的色一团的硬壳
    A variety of corn, Zea mays everta, having hard kernels that burst to form white, irregularly shaped puffs when heated.
  • 大理石由石灰岩或云岩变化而来的一种变质岩,常有不规则的杂质色块,专门用于建筑和雕塑
    A metamorphic rock formed by alteration of limestone or dolomite, often irregularly colored by impurities, and used especially in architecture and sculpture.
  • 所以还须提出其他的根据,才能把一切亡国论者的口封住,使他们心服,而使一切从事宣传工作的人们得到充足的论据去说服还不明和还不坚定的人们,巩固其抗战的信心。
    Therefore, we have to produce other grounds before we can silence and convince all the subjugationists, and supply everyone engaged in propaganda with adequate arguments to persuade those who are still confused or irresolute and so strengthen their faith in the War of Resistance.
  • 前两年抓整顿风气这件事,实际上在许多方面犹豫不决,明明的案子,这里调查那里调查,这里批那里批,批了调查,调查了批,好几年处理不了。
    In the effort to rectify Party conduct and raise general social standards in the past two years people have often been irresolute in many ways. For example, even when handling a very clear case, they have found it necessary to run around investigating, getting approval from this one and that, and then repeating the whole process, with the result that for years the case was never settled.
  • 伊丽莎将已经发生的事情告诉达西,然后返回家去,对不负责任的妹妹满怀焦虑。
    Elizabeth tells Darcy what has happened and returns home, full of anxiety for her irresponsible younger sister.
  • 常见的非金属元素,属于卤素,一种重的黄色刺激性有毒气体,用于净化水和作漂剂和消毒剂,仅作为盐(在海水中)天然存在。
    a common nonmetallic element belonging to the halogens; best known as a heavy yellow irritating toxic gas; used to purify water and as a bleaching agent and disinfectant; occurs naturally only as a salt (as in sea water).
  • 白人不能孤立黑人。
    The white people are unable to isolate the black.
  • 这一策略除了使得国民党内外省精英被孤立、排挤,以致选择出走,一再削弱了国民党的力量,也使得许多黑道人物得以“漂”(从政),形成为人诟病的“黑金政治”。
    These moves ended up isolating the cream of KMT, chiefly made up of mainlanders, and eventually forcing them to quit, thus sapping the strength of the ruling party.Meanwhile, a large number of native Taiwanese with criminal records were able to launder themselves clean by joining the power structure, thus giving rise to the much-condemned black-gold politics.
  • 这一策略除了使得国民党内外省精英被孤立、排挤,以致选择出走,一再削弱了国民党的力量,也使得许多黑道人物得以“漂”(从政),形成为人诟病的“黑金政治”。
    These moves ended up isolating the cream of KMT, chiefly made up of mainlanders, and eventually forcing them to quit, thus sapping the strength of the ruling party. Meanwhile, a large number of native Taiwanese with criminal records were able to launder themselves clean by joining the power structure, thus giving rise to the much-condemned black-gold politics.
  • β-萘酚萘酚的一种异构体,c10h7oh,以色结晶体存在并用于制造抗氧化剂、色素和染料
    An isomeric form of naphthol, C10H7OH, occurring as white crystals and used in making antioxidants, pigments, and dyes.
  • 一种软质、银色、放射性四价金属元素,同位素用作核反应能源,见于钍矿和独居石沙中。
    a soft silvery-white tetravalent radioactive metallic element; isotope 232 is used as a power source in nuclear reactors; occurs in thorite and in monazite sands.
  • 镎一种银色的、金属性天然放射性元素,原子序数为93,第一个超铀元素。其最长寿命的同位素为np-237,半寿命为210万年。见于铀矿的示踪量中,由核反应合成生产出来
    A silvery, metallic, naturally radioactive element, atomic number93, the first of the transuranium elements. Its longest-lived isotope is Np-237 with a half-life of2.1 million years. Found in trace quantities in uranium ores, it is produced synthetically by nuclear reactions.
  • 一种重且有毒的银色放射性金属元素,有许多同位素,用于核燃料和核武器中。
    a heavy toxic silvery-white radioactive metallic element; occurs in many isotopes; used for nuclear fuels and nuclear weapons.
  • 意大利维罗纳地区产的一种干葡萄酒。
    dry white Italian wine from Verona.
  • 劳伦非常漂亮,完全可以加盟杰基·欧的模特队。她13岁时就上了《模特精英》,过了好久她伯父才入主宫,而在此很久以前她爷爷就已经离开宫了。
    Pretty enough to be in Jackie O's league, Bush has been listed with Elite Models since she was 13, long before her uncle landed in the White House and long after her grandfather departed it.
  • 我看着那条蛇皮,自忖它实在算不上漂亮,但我明决不能对孩子冷淡抑或感到厌烦。
    I stared at the organic wrapper and thought to myself that it really wasn' t that beautiful, but I have learned never to appear nonchalant or jaded with children.
  • 玉石两种主要用作装饰或用于雕刻的淡绿色或色矿石(软玉和硬玉)之一
    Either of two distinct minerals, nephrite and jadeite, that are generally pale green or white and are used mainly as gemstones or in carving.
  • 在目前这种时期,市场越来越变幻莫测、波动也越来越大,明市场的专业术语和名词因此变得更重要。
    In these times when market forces appear increasingly complicated and more volatile, it is all the more important to understand the professional jargon and terminology in the market place.
  •  在目前这种时期,市场越来越变幻莫测、波动也越来越大,明市场的专业术语和名词因此变得更重要。
    In these times when market forces appear increasingly complicated and more volatile, it is all the more important to understand the professional jargon and terminology in the market place in order to be able to better make our investment and business decisions.
  • 为了漂而用酸进行清洗;一般用于牛仔服。
    wash with acid so as to achieve a bleached look; of blue jeans.
  • 被阳光晒了的折叠椅;褪了色的牛仔裤;非常淡的、褪了色的蓝色;褪了色的颜色。
    sun-bleached deck chairs; faded jeans; a very pale washed-out blue; washy colors.
  • 暗绿色的、猕猴桃大小的热带水果,果肉色;主要用来做果冻和蜜饯。
    dark-green kiwi-sized tropical fruit with white flesh; used chiefly for jellies and preserves.
  • 美国西部的一种灌木或小乔木,有色花和蓝色浆果;果实用来做果酒和果冻。
    shrub or small tree of western United States having white flowers and blue berries; fruit used in wines and jellies.
  • 哲琪太太:嗯,坦说,我不很好,小姐。今天早上我的狗被一辆车撞了。
    Mrs. Jerky: Well, to be quite frank, I'm not so hot, young lady. This morning, my dog got hit by a car.
  • 林登美国新泽西州东北部一城市,是与伊丽莎毗邻的一个工业中心。人口36,701
    A city of northeast New Jersey, an industrial center adjacent to Elizabeth. Population,36, 701.
  • 希尔塞德新泽西州东北部的一个社区,位于伊丽莎北部,有各种轻工业,人口21,044
    A community of northeast New Jersey north of Elizabeth. It has varied light industries. Population,21, 044.
  • 我不明你的计划的要点。
    I don't see the jet of your plan.
  • 他一想就明白了。
    He comprehended it at a single jet.
  • 金常常用来做珠宝饰物。
    Platinum is used to make jewelry.
  • 琼问我那家希腊餐厅的名字时,我脑中一片空
    When Joan asked me the name of that Greek restaurant I drew a blank.
  • 他不明那个笑话的可笑处。
    He did not see the joke.
  • 我开玩笑地问他是否认为他能够驾驶加尔各答开往沙瓦的快车。
    I asked him jokingly whether he thought he could drive the Calcutta-Peshawar express.