  • 当然,这就给你。
    Certainly, here you be.
  • 当然要接着干。
    We'll certainly go on.
  • 当然,请跟我来。
    Certainly, follow me, please.
  • 当然可以,拿去。
    Certainly. Here you are.
  • 当然,请用吧。
    Certainly. Just help yourself.
  • 。非常乐意效劳。
    Certainly, with much pleasure.
  • 当然,你是正确的。
    Certainly, you are right.
  • 不是的,当然不是。
    Li NO, certainly not.
  • 无疑地;当然地
    Without any doubt; certainly.
  • 你当然可以加入我们
    You may certainly join us.
  • 可以,请稍候一下。
    Certainly. Please wait a moment.
  • 了,先生,这是收据。
    Certainly sir. Here you are.
  • 当然,谢谢。
    Certainly we will. Thank you.
  • 你们当有这个权力。
    Certainly you have this right.
  • 这是必然的事。
    That is a certainty.
  • 确定必的事情;一定的事情
    A sure thing; a certainty.
  • 物价上涨是必的事。
    It is a certainty that prices will go up.
  • 达到今年的增长目标几乎是必的。
    Reaching this year's growth targets is almost a certainty.
  • 年内,犯人数目仍很多,平均超出认可收容额22%。挤迫的情况以成年犯人监狱为甚。
    In 1997, the prison population remained high and averaged22 per cent over the certified accommodation, with prisons for adults being the major pressure points.
  • 后,接收方可使用证明人的公开密钥来验证报文的可信度。
    Recipients can then use the certifier's public key to verify the message's authenticity.
  • 鞭抽式损伤,头部受伤由于头颈突猛拧的一个动作,或者向前或者向右,造成的对颈椎的损伤
    An injury to the cervical spine caused by an abrupt jerking motion of the head, either backward or forward.
  • 绝经期月经自性永久停止的时期,常常发生于45岁至55岁之间
    The period marked by the natural and permanent cessation of menstruation, occurring usually between the ages of45 and55.
  • 可以,不过必须指派尼克松先生为主席。
    Naturally, but Mr. Nixon must be appointed to chairmanship.
  • 当史密斯先生显要失去董事长的职位时,他的秘书背叛了他,跑到作为竞争对手的一家公司去了。
    When it became clear that Mr Smith was going to lose his chairmanship, his secretary turned a cat in pan and went off to a rival company.
  • 区议会由民选议员和委任议员组成。在新界区的区议会,乡事委员会主席为当议员。
    A District Council is composed of elected members, appointed members, and, in the case of District Councils in rural areas, the chairmen of Rural Committees as ex officio members.
  • 除了390名民选议员外,还有27名当议员(由新界乡事委员会主席出任)和102名委任议员。
    In addition to the 390 elected members, there are 27 ex officio members (i.e. Rural Committee chairmen in the New Territories) and 102 appointed members, making a total of 519 District Council members.
  • 警监会是一个由行政长官委任的独立组织,成员包括一名主席、3名副主席和不少于8名其他委员,并且由申诉专员或其代表出任当委员。
    The IPCC is an independent committee whose members are appointed by the Chief Executive. It comprises a chairman, three vice-chairmen and not fewer than eight other members, with the Ombudsman, or his representative, serving as an ex-officio member.
  • 白垩、方解石或石灰石等天的盐
    a salt found in nature as chalk or calcite or limestone.
  • 老师责骂那男孩在黑板上画了可笑的图画,但是她自己也忍不住微笑了一下。
    The teacher scolded the boy for drawing a funny picture on the chalkboard, but she had a ghost of a smile.
  • 他记下了两分,这两分当是给了波尔顿,因为本赛季他们夺得了又一个胜利。
    he chalked up two goals which deservedly gave Bolton their second victory of the season.
  • 我们要减低税收,恢复经济,酬劳辛勤工作的美国人民。我们要防患于未,懈怠会带来麻烦。
    We will build our defenses beyond challenge, lest weakness invite challenge.
  • 公然对抗政府权威
    A challenge to the government's authority.