  • 用来测量混合物或溶液中碱的浓度或数量的法。
    measuring the strength of an alkali or amount of alkali in a mixture or solution.
  • 气味芳香的灌木,有竖直的苗条的易曲的多毛的枝条,丛生着小黄花,西部碱性平原有广泛分布,为长耳大野兔提供一种退却式;印第安人纳瓦霍部落的黄色染料的来源。
    pleasantly aromatic shrub having erect slender flexible hairy branches and dense clusters of small yellow flowers covering vast areas of western alkali plains and affording a retreat for jackrabbits; source of a yellow dye used by Navajo Indians.
  • 地方水土的碱性倾向
    The alkaline inclination of the local waters.
  • 第十四条 平原、洼地、水网圩区、山谷、盆地等易涝地区的有关地人民政府,应当制定除涝治涝规划,组织有关部门、单位采取相应的治理措施,完善排水系统,发展耐涝农作物种类和品种,开展洪涝、干旱、盐碱综合治理。
    Article 14 Local people's governments concerned in areas liable to waterlogging such as plains, depressions, river networks and embankment areas, valleys and basins should formulate planning for elimination and control of waterlogging, organize relevant departments and units to take corresponding control measures,,improve drainage systems, develop types and varieties of waterlogging-enduring crops and take integrated measures for controlling flood and water logging, drought, saline and alkaline land.
  • 从各面来说,那都是极大的成功。
    All in all it had been a great success.
  • 否认在诉讼中正式否认(对提出的指控事实)
    To deny formally(an allegation of fact by the opposing party) in a suit.
  • 穿着法制服装正式拒绝对政党的关于事实的断言。
    deny formally (an allegation of fact by the opposing party) in a legal suit.
  • (法律)法律形式的断言,在法律诉讼中为一申诉。
    (law) an allegation in legal form stating something on behalf of a party to a legal proceeding.
  • 声称这男子是被谋杀的,但未提出任何证据。
    The police alleged that the man was murdered but they have given no proof.
  • 声称这男子是被人谋杀的,但未提出任何证据。
    The police allege that the man was murdered but they have given no proof.
  • 称这男子是被人谋杀的,但没提出任何证据。
    They police allege that the man was murdered but they have given no proof.
  • 所以,所谓中国盗窃美国的军事机密的问题,可以认为是一种天夜谭。
    The alleged Chinese theft of US military technology is only a fictioh.
  • 公诉人(公诉)声称,当犯罪发生时,被告在住宅内。
    The prosecution alleged that the accused was in the house when the crime was committing.
  • (法律)在司法问讯调查中确定或否定口说事实真实性的所有法。
    (law) all the means by which any alleged matter of fact whose truth is investigated at judicial trial is established or disproved.
  • 再者,这些律师说:如果政府可以冻结所谓的不义之财,则宪法所保障每名刑事被告都有使用律师的权利就会受到威胁。这种说理的式乃是混淆视听。付律师费不必使用非分之财。
    Moreover, these lawyers say that the constitutional right of every criminal defendant to a lawyer is jeopardized if the Government can freeze allegedly tainted assets. This line of reasoning is a red herring. It is not necessary to use ill-got-ten gains to pay lawyers.
  • 虽然到目前为止,对于星期五晚上发生惨案的原因,尼泊尔官已经给出好几种不同的版本,其中最为流行的仍然是:王储爱上了一位前部长的女儿,但他的家人都表示坚决反对,心灰意冷的王储便开枪射杀了自己的父母和其他几位皇室成员,随后又想了结自己的生命。
    There are differing official statements about the killings Friday but the most prevalent version of events is that Crown Prince Dipendra allegedly gunned down his parents and other relatives because they objected to his plans to marry Devyani Rana, the woman he had fallen in love with.
  • 因此,很难检验某种疫苗或疗法在缓解症状面的潜在治疗作用。
    It is therefore difficult to test vaccines or therapies for their potential to alleviate the symptoms of the disease.
  • 为减轻日益繁重的工作,该署实施外判计划,通过投标式把循简易程序办理的清盘个案判予私营机构清盘从业员处理。
    In order to alleviate the large increase in the workload of the Official Receiver, a tendering scheme has been established to contract out the summary winding-up cases to the insolvency practitioners in the private sector.
  • 至于为学前、小学及中学学生提供的学生资助计划,政府在一九九九年九月已放宽家庭入息审查准则,以减轻入息低微的家庭在子女教育面的财政负担。
    As regards the student financial assistance schemes for pre-primary, primary and secondary school students, the criteria of the means test have been relaxed with effect from September to alleviate the financial hardship of very low income families in educating their children.
  • 第三十二条县级以上地人民政府环境保护行政主管部门,在环境受到严重污染威胁居民生命财产安全时,必须立即向当地人民政府报告,由人民政府采取有效措施,解除或者减轻危害。
    Article 32. If the safety of the lives and property of inhabitants is endangered by severe environmental pollution, the competent department of environmental protection administration of the local people's government at or above the county level must promptly report to the local people's government. The people's government concerned shall take effective measures to remove or alleviate the hazard.
  • 坚持开发式扶贫的
    Adhering to the Policy of Development-oriented Poverty Alleviation
  • 选择适合残疾人特点的扶贫开发项目和式。
    Choosing suitable poverty alleviation projects and methods for the disabled.
  • 案鼓励缔结伙伴关系,以监测在缓解用水紧张面的进展,以及建议补救无法接受情况的行动。
    The Programme encourages the formation of partnerships to monitor progress towards the alleviation of water stress and to recommend actions to remedy unacceptable situations.
  • 五年间,国家财政扶贫资金和以工代赈资金达480亿元,通过贴息式安排扶贫贷款770亿元,都比以前明显增加。
    In these past five years, the central government spent a total of 48 billion Yuan on poverty alleviation and work-relief schemes, and provided 77 billion Yuan in discount interest loans for poverty alleviation, both figures being significant increases from the previous time.
  • 该行动案的目标是针对沿海和海洋环境受陆基活动影响造成持续退化对人类健康、减缓贫穷和粮食安全所产生的重大影响。
    The goal of the Programme of Action is to address the significant impacts on human health,poverty alleviation and food security caused by the continued degradation of the coastal and marine environment through land-based activities.
  • 这次会议后,中国政府正式颁布《中国农村扶贫开发纲要(2001—2010年)》,提出了今后十年中国农村扶贫开发的目标任务、指导思想和针政策。
    After the meeting, the Chinese government officially issued the Outline for Poverty Alleviation and Development of China's Rural Areas (2001-2010), setting out the objectives, tasks, guiding ideology, and policies and principles for work in this regard in the coming ten years.
  • 经过全社会各面的共同努力,特别是少数民族地区广大干部群众的艰苦奋斗,中国少数民族贫困地区扶贫开发工作取得了明显成效:
    Thanks to the common efforts of all sectors of society, especially the persistent hard work of the cadres and people of the minority areas, the poverty-alleviation work has attained marked achievements in the impoverished parts of the ethnic minority areas.
  • 蒂姆想出一个解答数学题的法,但结果无济于事。
    Tim thought of a way to do the maths problem, but it turned out to be a blind alley.
  • 现在的抗日民族统一战线政策,既不是一切联合否认斗争,又不是一切斗争否认联合,而是综合联合和斗争两面的政策。
    Today our Anti-Japanese National United Front policy is neither all alliance and no struggle nor all struggle and no alliance, but combines alliance and struggle.
  • 如果你已经写下自己的明确目标,以及达到目标的法,则你对此一步骤应该就能驾轻就熟了。
    Writing out the plan for your alliance's chain you must forge.
  • 轴心促进共同利益以及针政策的权力联盟,如国家
    An alliance of powers, such as nations, to promote mutual interests and policies.
  • 英国与其他西强国结成了贸易及防御联盟。
    Britain has allied itself with other western powers for trade and defence.