| - 有一次,神和人在西锡安对各自的权限争执不休,普罗米修斯耍了一个聪明的计谋,企图使问题的解决对人类有利。
Then there came the occasion that when gods and men were in dispute at Sicyon concerning the prerogatives of each, Prometheus, by an ingenious trick, attempted to settle the question in favor of man. - 战术、战役和战略计划之各依其范围和情况而确定而改变,是战争指挥的重要关节,也即是战争灵活性的具体的实施,也即是实际的运用之妙。
The making and changing of tactical, campaign and strategic plans in accordance with scope and circumstance is a key factor in directing a war; It is the concrete expression of flexibility in war, in other words, it is also ingenuity in varying one's tactics. - 那些不以为然的马来人,可以没完没了的争论下去。但是,事实胜于雄辩,因为这些规定,新加坡回教理事会和回教社会发展理事会才得以成立。
And the ingrate can probably argue till the cows come home but the fact that that particular safeguard has made possible the establishment of the Islamic Religious Council of Singapore (Muis) and the Council for the Development of Singapore Muslim Community (Mendaki) for the Malays says much for itself. - 《世界人权宣言》於第二次世界大战结束后不久诞生。这次大战所造成的伤亡,在人类历史上,是没有任何一场战争可比拟的。战争中残酷无情的行为,更是前所未见的。
The Declaration was born into a world that had barely emerged from the Second World War - a war in which there had been more fatalities than in any human conflict before or since, a war that had spawned new depths of inhumanity. - 战争是罪恶的。
War is an iniquity. - 战争初期
initial phase of war - 但是,十中全会以后,他自己又去抓阶级斗争,搞“四清”了。
But after that session, he personally focused on class struggle by initiating the movement of the "four clean-ups". - 教育部要争取主动。
The Ministry of Education should take the initiative. - 在学习、工作中,难免与他人之间出现误解和紧张关系,但幽默感作为“安定剂”可以给这种微妙棘手的情形注人一个轻松的音符,比愤怒的言辞和争吵能更快地缓和问题。
It is unavoidable to have misunderstanding and tension with others during work and study. But humor can, as a “pacifier”, inject a light note into the touchy situation to ease these problems quicker than angry words or quarrels. - 公司提出申请要求获得阻止他们竞争者出售类似产品的禁令。
The company applied for an injunction to stop their competitor from marketing a similar product. - 在共同反对非正义行为的斗争中, 我们都是同志.
We are all brothers in the same fight against injustice. - 他一生都在同不公正作斗争。
All his life he has striven against injustice. - 在共同反对非正义行为的斗争中,我们都是同志。
We are all brother in the same fight against injustice. - 在共同反对非正义行为的斗争中,我们都是同志。
We is all brother in the same fight against injustice. - 学生们憎恶战争和不公正的社会现象,值得赞许。
It is to the students' credit that they hate war and social injustice. - “无”的是中国的历史知识,特别是对1840年鸦片战争后的中国无知。
But what we do not even have an inkling of is the history of China, especially after the 1840 Opium War. - 当今的竞争使得我们大部分的知识变得陈旧,非加以革新不可。
Today's competition renders obsolete huge chunks of what we know and forces us to innovate. - 在这场辩论中据实而争者少, 含沙射影者多, 令人生厌.
There have been too many unpleasant innuendoes in this debate and not enough facts. - 这样,日本在中国抗战的长期消耗下,它的经济行将崩溃;在无数战争的消磨中,它的士气行将颓靡。
Thus Japan's economy will crack under the strain of China's long resistance and the morale of the Japanese forces will break under the trial of innumerable battles. - 在这所大学里,我们这样的职位很可能争取不到财政拨款。
our positions here at the university are rather insecurely supported by grant money. - 我们的斗争紧紧相连,面对的是共同的敌人。
Our struggles are inseparable and directed against the common enemy. - 因此,党的团结和统一,也不能离开不同程度的党内斗争。
Therefore, Party solidarity and unity are inseparable from inner-Party struggle of varying degrees. - 这种专政是国内斗争,有些同时也是国际斗争,两者实际上是不可分的。
This dictatorship is an internal struggle and in some cases an international struggle as well;in fact, the two aspects are inseparable. - 敌后的经济战线,包含了两个不能分离的环节,一是对敌展开经济斗争,一是在根据地展开经济建设。
The economic front behind enemy lines consists of two inseparable factors--the economic struggle with the enemy and economic development in the base areas. - 我们的经验是:第一,敌后的一切离不开对敌的尖锐斗争,我们每一点经济建设的果实,都是用血换来的。
First, everything that goes on in the enemy's rear area is inseparable from the intense struggle against the enemy; all our achievements in economic development have been paid for in blood. - 抗日战争是全民族的革命战争,它的胜利,离不开战争的政治目的——驱逐日本帝国主义、建立自由平等的新中国,离不开坚持抗战和坚持统一战线的总方针,离不开全国人民的动员,离不开官兵一致、军民一致和瓦解敌军等项政治原则,离不开统一战线政策的良好执行,离不开文化的动员,离不开争取国际力量和敌国人民援助的努力。
The anti-Japanese war is a revolutionary war waged by the whole nation, and victory is inseparable from the political aim of the war -- to drive out Japanese imperialism and build a new China of freedom and equality -- inseparable from the general policy of persevering in the War of Resistance and in the united front, from the mobilization of the entire people, and from the political principles of the unity between officers and men, the unity between army and people and the disintegration of the enemy forces, and inseparable from the effective application of united front policy, from mobilization on the cultural front, and from the efforts to win international support and the support of the people inside Japan. - 毛泽东思想在世界上是同反霸权主义的斗争分不开的,而打着社会主义旗号实行霸权主义正是取得了政权的马列主义党背叛社会主义原则的最显著标志。
From the international point of view, Mao Zedong Thought is inseparably linked with the struggle against hegemonism;and the practice of hegemonism under the banner of socialism is a most obvious betrayal of socialist principles on the part of a Marxist-Leninist party after it has come to power. - 这将鼓舞他们进一步努力去争取经济独立。
This will inspire them to further efforts to win economic independence. - 以平等协商、和平解决为准则,处理亚太国家之间的争端和纠纷,逐步消除地区不稳定因素;
settle conflicts and disputes between nations within the region through consultation on the basis of the principle of equality and peaceful resolution, so as to step by step remove the factors of instability in the region; - 桥牌中争叫过高的实例
An instance of overcalling in bridge. - 美国人的天性是采纳已经成功的主意,在其基础上改进,然后再与之竞争。
An American's natural instinct is to take an already successful idea, improve on it, and then compete against the original. - 具体来说,政府应发挥以下主要作用:第一,维持有利市场发展的制度环境,包括巩固本港于制度方面的优势,例如法治、简单低税制、公平竞争和利便营商的环境;
Specifically, the Government sees its primary roles as: first, maintaining an institutional framework conducive to market development, including reinforcing the institutional strengths, such as the rule of law, a low and simple tax regime, a level playing field, and a business-friendly environment;