  • 大夫叫他好好回忆下,设法重新回忆起他童年时代居住地的环境。
    The doctor asked him to reach back and try to recapture the atmosphere of the place in his boyhood.
  • 希腊与顾拜旦男爵都希望再度弘扬1896年奥林匹克精神。他们达成谅解,在两届奥运会之间,每4年加次奥运会,由希腊主办。
    The mutual desire of Greece and Baron de Coubertin to recapture the spirit of the 1896 Games led to an understanding that the Greeks would host an interim games every four years between Olympics.
  • 作者在这里重新捕捉到个老想法。
    The author recaptures an old idea here.
  • 整个地区将直封锁到逃脱的豹子被重新被抓获。
    The whole area will remain cordoned off until the escaped leopards recaptured.
  • 老太太听到这消息就吓得脸上失去了血色。
    At the news the old lady was so afraid that her face was drained of blood.
  • 个越狱者只逍遥法外两个小时就被警察又次抓获。
    The police recaptured one of the escaped prisoners after he had been at large for only two hours.
  • 当第时期,富农耳里听得的是所谓江西败如水,蒋介石打伤了脚,坐飞机回广东了。吴佩孚重新占了岳州。
    In the first period, what appealed to the rich peasants was the talk about the Northern Expeditionary Army's sustaining a crushing defeat in Kiangsi, about Chiang Kai-shek's being wounded in the leg and flying back to Kwangtung, and about Wu Pei-fu's recapturing Yuehchow.
  • 巴丹半岛菲律宾吕宋岛西部的半岛,在马尼拉湾和南中国海之间。在第二次世界大战中,经过场持久的围攻之后,1942年4月美军和菲律宾军队向日军投降。1945年2月,美军收复了这个半岛
    A peninsula of western Luzon, Philippines, between Manila Bay and the South China Sea. After an extended siege U.S. and Philippine World War II troops surrendered to the Japanese in April1942. U.S. forces recaptured the peninsula in February1945.
  • 柯雷吉多尔岛马尼拉湾入口处菲律宾群岛北部个岛。1942年五月,尽管经过英勇保卫战,菲律宾和美国军队还是被迫将这个设防小岛放弃给日本。1945年三月美国伞兵收回此岛
    An island of the northern Philippines at the entrance to Manila Bay. Despite a heroic defense, Filipino and U.S. troops were forced to surrender the fortified island to Japan in May1942. U.S. paratroopers recaptured the island in March1945.
  • 这个零件需要改造下。
    She had to recast her image to please the electorate in her home state.
  • 这是个很郑重的场合,所以你的报告应改的正式点。
    You should recast the report in formal wording as it is a formal occasion.
  • 个手写作品(例如小说)被以种新的形式重新改动。
    a written work (as a novel) that has been recast in a new form.
  • 画里脸上有阴影的部分看起来应该后退点。
    the shaded areas of the face seemed to recede.
  • 丢卡利翁为人正直,他的妻子则虔诚敬神。朱庇特怜惜他们夫妻生清白,品行端正,就斥令洪水退去。
    Jupiter, remembering the harmless lives and pious demeanor of this pair, caused the waters to recede.
  • 她画了排由近而远高度递减的树以演示透视法的规律。
    She draw a row of tree recede into the distance to demonstrate the laws of perspective.
  • 这放牛娃想甩绳索,可绳子缠到根树枝上了。
    The cowboy tried to throw a lasso but the rope ran afoul of a branch.
  • 凸出(或凹入)部分在个表面或线条上凸出或凹入的部分
    A protruding or receding part in a surface or line.
  • 最后个冰川期的消退的冰河;消散的雾显示出多岩石的海岸线。
    the receding glaciers of the last ice age; retiring fogs revealed the rocky coastline.
  • 帆缠在了起;缠着的锚。
    with its sails afoul; a foul anchor.
  • 几个月过去了,她那表情;那动逐渐从他脑海中逝去。
    As the months passed, her expressions and gestures receded from his mind.
  • 她画了排由近而远高度递减的树以演示透视法的规律.
    She drew a row of trees receding into the distance to demonstrate the laws of perspective.
  • (希腊神话)位邪恶的国王,宙斯之子;被判到冥府中,站在水中,想喝时水腿;站在树下,伸手够果子时,果子缩回去。
    (Greek mythology) a wicked king and son of Zeus; condemned in Hades to stand in water that receded when he tried to drink and beneath fruit that receded when he reached for it.
  • 他是高个子,脸色苍白,前额有撮稀稀的头发分开向后梳去,往后就渐渐秃顶了。
    He was a tall, colorless man, with hair that receded from a thinning widow's peak.
  • 对外贸易方面,本港整体出口货物在年初仍略有增长,但随着全球经济进步下滑,输往所有主要市场的出口货物量先后萎缩。
    Yet as the global economic slump deepened, exports of goods to all the major markets successively receded.
  • 指俄国九○五年革命失败以后,革命由高涨时期转入逐渐低落时期的退却。
    The period after the December uprising of 1905 was defeated, in which the revolutionary tide in Russia gradually receded.
  • 作为个平凡的新加坡人,笔者也和其他同胞样为前途担忧,为生计发愁,然而套用杨荣文准将的比喻,涨潮时的水天色已过去,现在是潮退时际,许多问题便显露出来;
    With every unfolding of events, Singaporeans, including me, become increasingly concerned about our livelihood and our future. However, as BG George Yeo pointed out, we need not despair. Yes, the high tide which represents the good times has ebbed, and many problems have surfaced as the water recedes.
  • 随着本地成本/价格继续调整,以及整体进口价格回落,九九九年的综合消费物价指数下跌4.0%。
    With the domestic cost/price adjustments proceeding and with import prices also receding in overall terms, the Composite Consumer Price Index fell by 4.0 per cent in 1999.
  • 请给我一张收据。
    Give me a receipt, please.
  • 我可以要张收据吗?
    May I have a receipt?
  • 式两份签收这个收据。
    Please sign the receipt in duplicate.
  • 她寄出张回执(收到收据的通知)。
    She send an acknowledgement of receipt.
  •  证券投资业务许可证、外汇登记证未通过本办法第三十条规定的年检的,自动失效,合格投资者应当依照前款规定分别交还证券投资业务许可证和外汇登记证。
    If QFII fail to pass the annual review on Securities Investment Licences and Foreign Exchange Registration Certificates, as mentioned in Article 31, the Licences/Certificates will automatically be invalid. And the QFII should return these Licences/Certificates as required by the aforesaid Article.