  • 我肩膀酸痛。
    My shoulders is stiff.
  • 血症血液中不正常的
    Abnormal acidity of the blood.
  • 北美小型灌木状野生樱桃树,果实小且,亮丽的红色。
    small shrubby North American wild cherry with small bright red acid fruit.
  • 任何一种含无水硅、氧化铝和氧化铁的泥土,用作颜料。
    any of various earths containing silica and alumina and ferric oxide; used as a pigment.
  • 炼钢产生的炉渣;硅含量低但磷含量高。
    slag produced in making steel; low in silica but having large amounts of calcium phosphate; useful as fertilizer.
  • 一种硬质、粗颗粒的硅砂岩。
    a hard coarse-grained siliceous sandstone.
  • 海绵(有玻璃状针状体)。
    a siliceous sponge (with glassy spicules) of the class Hyalospongiae.
  • 从硅衍生而来的盐或酯。
    a salt or ester derived from silicic acid.
  • 硼硅盐由硼和硅反应而得的一种盐,存在于自然界蓝线石中
    A salt that is derived from both boric acid and silicic acid and occurs naturally in dumortierite.
  • 杜拉铝一种铝合金,含铜、锰、镁、铁与硅,能抗和海水腐蚀
    An alloy of aluminum that contains copper, manganese, magnesium, iron, and silicon and is resistant to corrosion by acids and sea water.
  • 鸡肉在有洋葱和红辣椒的肉汤里慢炖,然后和奶油混合。
    chicken simmered in broth with onions and paprika then mixed with sour cream.
  • 鱼精中发现的一种简单蛋白质,富含精氨,其成分比球蛋白或白蛋白简单,能抵消肝磷脂的抗凝作用。
    a simple protein found in fish sperm; rich in arginine; simpler in composition than globulin or albumin; counteracts the anticoagulant effect of heparin.
  • 天气热,牛奶都变了。
    The heat's turned the milk.
  • 尝试一种混合橙或柠檬的新矿泉水,或饮用些果汁。
    Try one of the new mineral waters with a twist of lime or lemon, or sip some fruit juice.
  • 氟胺安定商标名,用于为失眠而指定的安眠药
    A trademark used for a hypnotic drug prescribed for insomnia.
  • 肉(毒)碱一种甜菜碱,通常出现在肝和骨骼肌里,在脂肪穿过线粒体膜的运输过程中起作用
    A betaine commonly occurring in the liver and in skeletal muscle that functions in fatty acid transport across mitochondrial membranes.
  • 脱脂奶;她可以喝脱脂牛奶,但要避开黄油。
    yogurt made with skim milk; she can drink skimmed milk but should avoid butter.
  • 淡味的白色干酪,由变的脱脂凝乳制成。
    mild white cheese made from curds of soured skim milk.
  • 用丹宁处理或贮藏毛皮以便使它们转化成皮革。
    treat skins and hides with tannic acid so as to convert them into leather.
  • 降钙素一种缩氨荷尔蒙,由人体内的甲状腺产生。在不增加钙含量的情况下,可降低血中钙和磷盐的含量
    A peptide hormone, produced by the thyroid gland in human beings, that lowers plasma calcium and phosphate levels without augmenting calcium accretion.
  • 果蔓常被用来做成调味酱。
    Cranberries are often used for making sauce.
  • 使带性使具有或变成稍带
    To make or become slightly acid.
  • 它稍稍有点甜味[有点]。
    It tastes slightly sweet [a bit sour].
  • 味的,尖刻的味道稍,或方式有些尖刻
    Slightly sour in taste or in manner.
  • 含少量碳的酒精饮料,用发酵的姜调味。
    carbonated slightly alcoholic drink flavored with fermented ginger.
  • 我看了看沙发上那寒的装饰布,回答说,"天哪,我可算不上。"
    Mercy, no!" I looked at my shabby slipcovers.
  • 这种对金属会引起什么化学反应?
    How does this acid react on metal?
  • 我们使磷盐岩同硫发生化学反应制造过磷钙。
    We make superphosphate by react rock phosphate with sulphuric acid.
  • 和硷反应会产生盐。
    An acid can react with a base to form a salt.
  • 这茶点味道令人作呕-我想牛奶一定在变
    This tea testes nasty – I think the milk must be on the turn.
  • 突变子能够产生巨变的脱氧核糖核的最小单位;一个核苷
    The smallest unit of DNA at which a mutation can occur; a nucleotide.
  • 痘病毒一组含脱氧核糖核的病毒,包括那些在脊椎动物中引起天花、牛痘以及其他类似疾病的病毒
    Any of a group of DNA-containing viruses, including those that cause smallpox, cowpox, and other poxlike diseases in vertebrates.