Chinese English Sentence:
  • 如果你打算明年就搬走,那就不值得花太多精力重新饰这套房间了。
    It isn’t worth expending too much energy on redecorating the flat if you’re going to move out of it next year.
  • 如果你明年准备搬出这所房子,花大力气重新饰是不值得的。
    It isn't worth expending too much energy on redecorating the house if you're going to move out of it next year.
  • 他们对办公室重新用黄颜色还是绿颜色来饰不能取得一致意见,因此我被迫决定,如果他们今天决定不了,那就不再饰了。
    They couldn't agree whether to have the office redecorated in yellow or green so I forced the issue by saying that if they didn't decide today it would stay as it is.
  • cbd按编制和配应用程序的互用性架构以及描述组件基础设施和架构的预制组件的标准化基础设施的上下关系,重新定义了对象。
    CBD redefines objects in the context of a standardized infrastructure for interoperability frameworks for the construction and assembly of applications, and prebuilt components that subscribe to component infrastructures and frameworks.
  • 所以她重新设计了雅芳的包,使那些瓶瓶罐罐看上去如同高档商场里的商品一样现代、精致。
    So she redesigned Avon's packaging to make its bottles and jars look as modern and sophisticated as products in upscale department stores.
  • 把房子起居部分重新修成黄色
    Redo a living area in yellow.
  • 对一个公寓或房子进行再一次饰。
    redo the decoration of an apartment or house.
  • 我刚买了新家具,想重新潢房子。
    I want to redo the apartment to go with my new furniture.
  • 因此,在极大部分的区域,包括没有真正分配土地的控制区及一切游击区和崭新区,都应根据中央指示,“充分利用抗日时期的经验,实行减租减息和酌量调剂种子食粮的社会政策和合理负担的财政政策,以便联合或中立一切可能联合或中立的社会力量,帮助人民解放军消灭一切国民党武力量和打击政治上最反动的恶霸分子。
    Therefore, in the great majority of the areas, including those areas under our control where land has not really been redistributed and all the guerrilla zones and the areas unreached by our army, we should follow the Central Committee's directive to "make full use of the experience acquired during the period of the War of Resistance Against Japan, and put into effect the social policy of reducing rent and interest and of properly adjusting supplies of seed and food grains". We should also apply "the financial policy of the reasonable distribution of burden, so as to unite with all social forces or persuade them to take a neutral stand, and help the People's Liberation Army to wipe out all the Kuomintang armed forces and strike blows at the local tyrants, who are politically the most reactionary.
  • 经验证明,当我们在军事上还没有取得面的控制,国民党和地富武力量还没有在当地被肃清,大多数农民还没有分配土地的要求和组织起来,本地的正派的区村干部还没有大批涌现出来,而外来干部又尚未熟悉情况和联系群众的时候,就马上实行土地改革,不仅是主观主义的,而且是冒险主义的。
    Experience has proved that when we do not have an entire area under our control militarily, when the armed forces of Kuomintang and the landlords and rich peasants have not yet been eliminated, when the great majority of peasants are not demanding land redistribution and have not been organized, and when honest local cadres at the district and village levels have not emerged in large numbers and cadres sent in from other areas are not yet familiar with the local conditions and have not forged ties with the masses, an attempt to carry out land reform promptly is not only subjective, but adventurist.
  • 裁军;废除武装力量
    To reduce or abolish armed forces.
  • 贝达得:通过各种加工设备,脆簿鲜嫩的叶子体积缩小,紧接着放入干燥器内烘制,之后进行分等挑选,最后的成品就是入小袋出售的松脆小叶片。
    The tea is reduced from being a green, brittle leaf, and it is put through various machines which reduce its size.It is then fired in a tea dryer, and then sorted, and the finished product is what people see in their packet, a small brittle fragment.
  • 减少松紧度或张力的置。
    a device for reducing slack or taking up lost motion.
  • 这包括降低国防支出;严格管制敏感材料、技术及军事备的转让;实行国防科技工业的军转民等。
    These include reducing defense spending, strictly controlling transfers of sensitive
  • 钓线因未经使用而熠熠生辉,卷线轴却反了。
    The reel was on backward.
  • 盘式磁带,卡带卷盘中有磁带的盒子;卡式磁带
    A case containing magnetic tape in a reel; a cassette.
  • 我一卷新胶卷入照相机。
    I put a new reel of film in my camera.
  • 线轴上线和纱线以供抽丝、缝纫、编织或编制花边的线轴或卷轴
    A spool or reel that holds thread or yarn for spinning, weaving, knitting, sewing, or making lace.
  • 可作为一个部件安和卸下的存储数据的介质,例如,一个磁带卷,一个磁盘组。
    A data carrier mounted and demounted as a unit, for example, a reel of magnetic tape, a disk pack.
  • 而这一次,我不会再因为看到他坚挺硬括、奢华的衣服和反的卷线轴而认为他没有什么可以教我的了。
    And I would not let stiff, expensive clothes or a backward mounted reel deceive me into thinking he had nothing to teach me.
  • 重返大气层航天运载工具配备陶瓷保护层
    A space reentry vehicle that was armed with a ceramic shield.
  • 空间机动飞行器可能运载的备之一"通用空运飞行器"是一种可从太空发射武器的、可重返大气层再利用的航天器。
    Among the payloads the SMV might carry is the Common Aero Vehicle,reentry craft intended to deliver weapons from space.
  • 五角大楼打算开发的备,包括具备防御能力以及潜在攻击能力设备--例如军用太空飞机、太空激光器,以及几乎可投放任何规格炸弹的再入式太空航天器。
    The hardware on the Pentagon's wish list includes items that have offensive as well as defensive potential -- such as a military spaceplane, a space-based laser, and a reentry vehicle that could drop bombs of virtually any size.
  • 万一目的地的mac地址没有出现在arp高速缓存中(例如,有可能超时了),路由器必须向与包的目的ip地址有关的子网广播一个arp请求,拥有此ip地址的端站就作出响应,把mac地址发送回去,路由器因此更新高速缓存,把新的mac地址进包的报头并发送该包。
    In the event that the destination MAC address does not appear in the ARP cache -- it might have timed out, for instance -- the router must broadcast an ARP request to the subnet referenced by the packet's destination IP address.The endstation with that IP address responds, sending back its MAC address.The router updates its cache, installs the new MAC address into the packet header and launches the packet.
  • 专业俚语,指过时的计算机,或陈旧的各种数据处理置。
    Slang, referring to an antiquated computer; any obsolete data processing equipment.
  • 演戏似的,做作的特别戏剧化或情感激动的;假的,
    Excessively dramatic or emotional; affected.
  • 再用这瓶子东西之前,一定要将它涮干净。
    Make sure that the bottle is completely rinsed out before you refill it.
  • 拜伦假装轻视后裔。
    Byron affected to despise posterity.
  • 在再烟丝之前,他磕出了烟斗里的烟灰。
    He knocked his pipe out before refilling it.
  • 矫揉造作的假文雅或斯文的
    Affectedly refined or dainty.
  • 对自尊自大与模作样的最佳应急疗法是晕船:要呕吐的人是决不摆架子的。
    One of the best temporary cures for pride and affectation is seasickness: a man who wants to vomit never puts on airs.
  • 饰之用过滥,显得矫揉造作;
    to use them too much for ornament, is affectation;