  • 小姐有资格参加俱乐部。
    Miss Cam is qualified for joining the club.
  • 塔格纳德人居住在柬埔寨边境附近越南南部的山区和高地的一个民族的成员
    A member of a people inhabiting the mountains and highlands of southern Vietnam near the border of Cambodia.
  • 收集树枝和草做一个临时小棚;在佛特州有一个钓鱼的营房
    Gathered branches and grasses for a makeshift camp; had a fishing camp in Vermont.
  • 于是雪片一样地制造所谓“共产党捣乱”,“八路军、新四军游而不击,不听指挥”,“陕甘宁边区实行割据,向外扩展”,“共产党阴谋推翻政府”,乃至“苏联阴谋侵略中国”等等的假消息、假报告、假文件、假决议,用以蔽事实的真相,企图造成舆论,达其主和即投降之目的。
    For example, it has fabricated and released a spate of false news, false reports, false documents and false resolutions, such as: "the Communist Party engages in disruptive activities", "the Eighth Route Army and the New Fourth Army are merely moving about without fighting and refuse to obey orders", "a separatist regime has been formed in the Shensi-Kansu-Ningsia Border Region and is expanding beyond its confines", "the Communist Party is plotting to overthrow the government", and even, "the Soviet Union is plotting aggression against China". Its purpose is to make peace, or in other words to capitulate, by covering up the real facts and confusing public opinion.
  • 乌兰巴托古共和国的首都和最大的城市,位于这个国家的中北部。于1649年因建一个寺庙城镇而繁荣起来。是俄罗斯和中国之间许多商路上的一个长期的商业中心。人口488,200
    The capital and largest city of Mongolia, in the north-central part of the country. It was founded as a monastery town in1649 and was long a trading center on various caravan routes between Russia and China. Population,488, 200.
  • 特哥湾牙买加西北一城镇,位于加勒比海沿岸。1494年哥伦布到过此地,现在是一个港口和著名的旅游胜地。人口70,285
    A town of northwest Jamaica on the Caribbean Sea. Visited by Columbus in1494, it is today a port and popular resort area. Population,70, 285.
  • 杰克,你认识卡尔德先生吗?
    Jack, do you know Mr. Carl Mond?
  • 德鲁德·德·安德拉德,c.
    Carlos Drummond de Andrade (1902~  )
  • 杜唐卡埃及第十八王朝的国王。他的陵墓于1922年被霍华德·卡特发现时几乎完好无损
    King of Egypt during the XVIII Dynasty. His tomb was found almost intact by Howard Carter in1922.
  • 蒙眼猫难捕鼠。
    Muffle cat catch no mice.
  • 年轻姑娘说完最后这句话,便把她那威严的眼光盯住迦太罗尼亚人弗尔南多,后者则象被那睛光催眠了一样,慢慢地向爱德走来,伸出了他的手。
    And at these words the young girl fixed her imperious look on the Catalan, who, as if fascinated by it, came slowly towards Edmond, and offered him his hand.
  • 儿茶酚胺一种从苯磷二酚中获得的胺,具有神经传感和荷尔的重要生理功能,包括肾上腺、去甲肾上腺素和多巴胺
    Any of a group of amines derived from catechol that have important physiological effects as neurotransmitters and hormones and include epinephrine, norepinephrine, and dopamine.
  • 公元552年突厥首领土门打败柔然,以漠北(古高原大沙漠以北地区)为中心建立政权,尔后分裂为东西两部,为争夺汗权争斗不休。
    Tümaen, a Turki leader, defeated the Rouran in 552, and set up a state centered in Mobei (the area north of the vast deserts on the Mongolian Plateau). The Turki realm later split into the eastern and western sides which fought ceaselessly in their scramble for the khanate.
  • 过了马尔特门,是白墙环绕的谷仓——艄女修道院,修道院后面,便是马尔特,石灰石山坡上当时教堂之多大致与磨坊的数量相当,以后只剩下磨坊了,因为社会如今只需要肉体的食粮而已。
    beyond the Montmartre Gate, the Grange-Bateli鑢e, encircled with white walls; behind it, with its chalky slopes, Montmartre, which had then almost as many churches as windmills, and which has kept only the windmills,for society no longer demands anything but bread for the body.
  • 西吉斯皇帝⑦的寝房今何在?
    Where is the chamber of the Emperor Sigismund?
  • 世界上多少人被张伯伦及其伙伴的甜蜜演说所蔽,而不知道他们笑里藏刀的可怕,而不知道在张伯伦、达拉第决心拒绝苏联,决心进行帝国主义战争的时候,苏德才订立了互不侵犯条约;
    Quite a number of people throughout the world have been fooled by the honeyed words of Chamberlain and his partners, failing to see the murderous intent behind their smiles, or to understand that the Soviet-German non-aggression treaty was concluded only after Chamberlain and Daladier had made up their minds to reject the Soviet Union and bring about the imperialist war.
  • 雷德先生,见到您很荣幸。
    Charmed to see you, Mr. Redond.
  • 布莱特尔博罗美国佛特州东南部城市,位于新罕布什尔州边界康涅狄格河上,于1753年获得特许权,现在是冬日旅游胜地。人口11,886
    A town of southeast Vermont on the Connecticut River and the New Hampshire border. It was chartered in1753 and is now a winter resort center. Population,11, 886.
  • 骗弄用戏弄的手段欺骗或
    To deceive or cheat by using a hoax.
  • 说谎的、欺瞒的有意撒谎、欺骗、诈骗或蔽的
    Disposed to lie, cheat, defraud, or deceive.
  • 因蒙骗被叫去训斥
    Was called on the carpet for cheating.
  • 席格迪,理查德·阿道夫1865-1929德国化学家,因研究胶体溶液而获得了1925年的诺贝尔奖
    German chemist. He won a1925 Nobel Prize for work on colloid solutions.
  • 面枪手,我就感到恐惧万分。
    The sight of the masked gunman chilled my spine.
  • 人人惊叹克鲁拉不可思议的转变,惟独她的监视官,爱狗的克洛艾·西,对此却压根儿不信。
    Everyone marvels at Cruella's incredible transformation,all except her dog?loving probation officer,Chloe Simon,who doesn't believe it for a minute.
  • 人人惊叹克鲁拉不可思议的转变,惟独她的监视官,爱狗的克洛艾·西,对此却压根儿不信。
    Everyone marvels at Cruella's incredible transformation,all except her dog loving probation officer,Chloe Simon,who doesn't believe it for a minute.
  • 据塔斯马尼亚的科学家介绍,数据表明在大气层的消耗臭氧物质中,氯的含量正在下降。这应该归功于自1987年通过《特利尔议定书》以来,人们在冰箱和空调设备中对吞噬臭氧的罪魁祸首--氟氯碳化物(cfcs)实行了全面的控制。
    Government scientists in Tasmania said scientific data showed the level of ozone-depleting chlorine in the atmosphere was declining because of the ban on the use of chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs) in fridges and air conditioners, agreed under the Montreal Protocol in 1987.
  • 大拿州大瀑布大学从事科学技术人文研究的克里斯·哈布莱斯·格雷教授说:"事实上,这种芯片可以具有信用卡或者类似的功能。
    "Down the line, it could be used [as] credit cards and such," says Chris Hables Gray, a professor of cultural studies of science and technology at the University of Great Falls in Montana.
  • 西藏各级各部门共收藏纸质、缣帛和木、金属、石、叶等质地的档案400余万卷,除90%多的藏文外,还有汉、满、、印地、梵、尼泊尔、英、俄等10余种文字,档案内容上起元朝,下迄当代,是一个时代体系完整的历史档案宝库。
    The government institutions at all levels in Tibet have collected over four million volumes of archives on paper, silk, wood, metal, stone and Pattra leaf. Among them, more than 90 percent are in Tibetan, and the others in a variety of languages such as Han Chinese, Manchu, Mongolian, Hindi, Sanskrit, Nepalese, English and Russian. These archives, which date from the Yuan Dynasty to contemporary times, constitute a treasure-house of chronologically complete historical records.
  • 丘吉尔在他的相片上题的词是:"赠给蒂,艰苦的岁月;
    Churchill had inscribed his picture:“ To Monty.Hard times;
  • 伊朗新一代不面的女性;拍手喝彩温斯顿.丘吉尔移开面罩的雕像。
    a new generation of unveiled women in Iran; applauding the unveiled statue of Winston Churchill.
  • 我的华文启教育是从成保路的这所房子开始的,秘密给我们上课的是一对夫妇。
    So my first schooling was in Mandarin, in a clandestine class run by a married couple.
  • 但是,对于几百万不确定是赞成还是反对长期荷尔替代疗法的妇女来说,新发现确实是首次将问题明朗化。
    But for millions of women juggling the pros and cons of long-term HRT,the new findings offer something virtually unprecedented,which is clarity.