  • 他是高个子,脸苍白,前额有一撮稀稀的头发分开向后梳去,往后就渐渐秃顶了。
    He was a tall, colorless man, with hair that receded from a thinning widow's peak.
  • 作为一个平凡的新加坡人,笔者也和其他同胞一样为前途担忧,为生计发愁,然而套用杨荣文准将的比喻,涨潮时的水天一已过去,现在是潮退时际,许多问题便显露出来;
    With every unfolding of events, Singaporeans, including me, become increasingly concerned about our livelihood and our future. However, as BG George Yeo pointed out, we need not despair. Yes, the high tide which represents the good times has ebbed, and many problems have surfaced as the water recedes.
  • 她最近气一直不好。
    She has been off colour recently.
  • 一种结甜的、可食用的、黑或深紫浆果的悬钩子属植物,其果实通常不与花座分离。
    bramble with sweet edible black or dark purple berries that usually do not separate from the receptacle.
  • 人事部经理一直在到处物接待人员的人选。
    The personnel manager has been casting about for somebody who can act as receptionist.
  • 当那位褐发、浅黑肤的美人儿俯身填写住店登记时,她的男性同伴伸手轻抚看她的脖子,她略微有些不好意思地冲接待员笑了笑。周六的夜晚才刚开始,很明显这一对已经迫不及待地要去他们的房间了。
    As the pretty brunette leans down to sign the hotel register, her m ale companion strokes her neck. She smiles at the receptionist, only half embarr assed, it's early Saturday evening and the couple can obviously hardly wait to get to their room.
  • 多少个美妙的、带着露水的黎明,他们一同走在田野上;多少个暖洋洋的夏日午后,他们同在凉爽的白牛奶房里搅黄油,做乳酪。
    Together they went afield in the wondrous dewy dawns and the warm summer afternoons found them making butter and cheese in the cool, white dairy-house.
  • 这种善观风和善择时机的聪明是不容易的,惟有虚心研究,勤于考察和思索的人们可以获得。
    This wisdom in sensing changes and choosing the right moment to act is not easily acquired; it can be gained only by those who study with a receptive mind and investigate and ponder diligently.
  • 最终,散射强度大的蓝光波附近的彩刺激人眼的蓝接收器。
    Finally, colors near the strongly scattered blue wavelengths stimulate the blue receptors.
  • 当光线刺激这些接收器时,我们的视觉就将信号转换成我们所见到的颜
    As light stimulates these receptors, our vision translates the signals into the colors we see.
  • 调明暗度光的一种属性,人的视觉器官借以识别物体及光源,可界定为波长、亮度及纯度
    The characteristics of light by which the individual is made aware of objects or light sources through the receptors of the eye, described in terms of dominant wavelength, luminance, and purity.
  • 欧洲至阿富汗黎巴嫩旺盛的落叶攀援植物,有芳香的白绿花组成的圆锥花序,夏季和秋季常见。
    vigorous deciduous climber of Europe to Afghanistan and Lebanon having panicles of fragrant green-white flowers in summer and autumn.
  • 橱柜下面的圆拱里,躺着一条好大的、猪肝的母猎狗,一窝唧唧叫着的小狗围着它,还有些狗在别的空地走动。
    In an arch under the dresser, reposed a huge, liver-coloured bitch pointer, surrounded by a swarm of squealing puppies; and other dogs haunted other recesses.
  • 我在壁橱深处找出了琴箱,打开盖子,将安卧在玫瑰丝绒衬里中的小提琴拿出来。
    I discovered the case deep in the recesses of my closet. Opening the lid, I lifted the violin from where it nestled on the rose-velvet lining.
  • 由于常染体上出现突变基因而导致的疾病。
    a disease caused by the presence of two recessive mutant genes on an autosome.
  • 一种罕见的常染体退缩疾病,症状是血小板不能正常凝固导致流血不止。
    a rare autosomal recessive disease in which the platelets do not produce clots in the normal way and hemorrhage results.
  • 一种常染体退缩形式的肌营养不良。
    an autosomal recessive form of muscular dystrophy characterized by progressive muscular weakness beginning either in the shoulder or pelvic girdle.
  • 血友病遗传性血凝病中的任何一种,由于某个凝血因子的功能丧失或紊乱而造成血液不能正常地凝结成块。作为与x染体相关联的隐性性状,血友病几乎全都出现在男性患者身上
    Any of several hereditary blood-coagulation disorders in which the blood fails to clot normally because of a deficiency or an abnormality of one of the clotting factors. Hemophilia, a recessive trait associated with the X-chromosome, is manifested almost exclusively in males.
  • 11月14日晚,阿富汗的夜空没有月
    There was no moonligh in Afghanistan on Nov. 18 2001 night.
  • 如此一来,这次事故给史泰龙留下最显著的角特征:讲话明显地含糊不清(有些话几乎听不懂,下唇低垂,坐眼扭曲,成为漫画家极易捕捉的特征。
    In doing so, the accident imprinted Stallone with some of the most recognizable components of his persona: the distinctively slurred (and some say often nearly incomprehensible) speech patterns, drooping lower lip, and crooked left eye that have been eagerly seized upon by caricaturists.
  • 他瘦削的身躯裹在一件象牙的阿富汗大衣中。
    His lean body is engulfed in an ivory white Afghan coat.
  • 没有代表大会作依靠的执行委员会,其处理事情,往往脱离群众的意见,对没收及分配土地的犹豫妥协,对经费的滥用和贪污,对白势力的畏避或斗争不坚决,到处发现。
    An executive committee without a council behind it often acts without regard for the views of the masses, and there are instances everywhere of hesitation and compromise on the confiscation and redistribution of land, of squandering or embezzling funds, and of recoiling before the White forces or fighting only half-heartedly.
  • 质粒在细胞中能独立于染体dna而复制的圆形的,双链的dna单元质粒大多常发现于细菌中,在dna重组体研究中用来在细胞间传递基因
    A circular, double-stranded unit of DNA that replicates within a cell independently of the chromosomal DNA. Plasmids are most often found in bacteria and are used in recombinant DNA research to transfer genes between cells.
  • 你能推荐一点特菜吗?
    Can you recommend something special?
  • 有什么特色推荐的?
    What do you recommend today?
  • 你推荐吃哪种色拉好?
    Which salad will you recommend?
  • 《爱情生活》的作者,珍妮特·赖伯斯坦说“情”周末是繁忙的夫妻重新沟通的有益方式。
    Janet Reibstein, the author of Love life, says that a steamy weekend is a he alty way for busy couples to reconnect.
  • 犹太复国运动19世纪后期,犹太人在欧洲发起的旨在巴勒斯坦重建犹太国的有组织的运动,现代的犹太复国主义与以列国家的发展和支持有关系
    An organized movement of world Jewry that arose in Europe in the late19th century with the aim of reconstituting a Jewish state in Palestine. Modern Zionism is concerned with the development and support of the state of Israel.
  • 最后,黄似乎是唯一的选择。
    At day's end, yellow seems to be the only recourse.
  • 有色金属冶炼回收率
    recovery of nonferrous metals
  • 再生有色金属
    recovery of nonferrous scrap metal
  • 、招聘高级人才的人或公司
    Person or firm paid to find and recruit staff at a senior level