  • 我之所有,我之所能,都归功于我天使的母亲。(美国总统林肯)
    All I am , or can be, I owe to my angel mother. (Abraham lincoln, American president)
  • 它具有独特魅力的主要原因是那难以理解的微笑所表达的神秘莫测。这微笑使每个人都能从那朦胧的、雾一的形象中为自己找到一点特别的东两。
    The principal explanation for its particular appeal must lie in the mystery conveyed by the ambiguous smile which allows everyone to find something special for themselves in the obscure, smoky image.
  • 感觉到桃子丝绒的光滑
    Feel the velvety smoothness of a peach.
  • 绊住,钩住像被缠住或揪住抓住
    To hold, as by snagging or entangling.
  • 那条蛇箭一地伸出舌头。
    The snake darted out its tongue.
  • 市民是交不起这么大的一笔保释金的。
    the judge set bail at $10,000; a $10,000 bond was furnished by an alderman.
  • 在你的视窗电脑功能的帮助下,机灵鬼alex比一的电动玩具要聪明得多,它会讲故事、玩游戏,还能听懂孩子们在回答它的问题时会用到的约3万个单词。这一切都是通过接插在你的计算机上的一无线发射基座(通信范围约200英尺)来完成的。
    With the power of your Windows PC at its disposal, Smart Alex is a lot more intelligent than your average electronic toy. It reads stories, plays games, and recognizes 30,000 words preschoolers say in response to its questions -- all by communicating wirelessly (as far as 200 feet away) with a base statin plugged into your PC.
  • 一种代数编译语言,由密执安算法翻译语言(mad)修改而成,是一种高速的编译语言,在表达式方面具有很广的一性。
    An algebraic compiler adapted from the MAD(Michigan Algorithmic Decoder) language. It is a high-speed compiler that allows a wide latitude of generality in expressions.
  • 这对双胞胎长得象一个豆荚里的两颗豆子。一来说朋友的经历和品味都是相象的
    The twins are as alike as two peas in a pod. Friends are generally alike in background and tastes.
  • 说来,她的健康状况大大好转。
    All in all, her condition is greatly improved.
  • 阿伦.韦斯:“好象你在北罗来纳州,朋友在宾夕法尼亚州,我在纽约这里,我们可以像共处一室闲坐和聊天。
    Allan Weis: (Advanced Network Services) “You could be in North Carolina, someone else could be in Pennsylvania and I could be here in New York. And we could sit and talk just as though we were sitting in the same room.
  • 指摘农会的人说农会做了许多坏事。
    Most critics of the peasant associations allege that they have done a great many bad things.
  • 正如人们所预料的那,那四个寓意人物跑遍了世界的三大部分,有点疲乏不堪,却没能给金贵的嗣子找到配的佳偶。
    As one might very well suppose, the four allegorical personages were somewhat fatigued after having travelled over three parts of the globe without finding an opportunity of disposing suitably of their golden dolphin.
  • 短吻鳄两种大型爬行动物,美国东南部的密西西比鳄或中国的扬子鳄中一种,它们有尖利的牙齿和有力的颚部。和一鳄鱼相比它们有更宽,更短的鼻子
    Either of two large reptiles, Alligator mississipiensis of the southeast United States or A. sinensis of China, having sharp teeth and powerful jaws. They differ from crocodiles in having a broader, shorter snout.
  • 但是尚特有20岁成年人那样发达的肌肉,她的寄养母亲伊丽莎白·科自豪地说:“她有鳄鱼的牙齿,凡是够得着的东西她都用牙咬,包括自己的手指头。”
    But Shante has the brawn of a 20-year-old, boasts her foster mother, Elizabeth Coe, "and she has teeth like an alligator, which she'll use on anything that gets within reach, including fingers.
  • 我们一般不给佣金。
    We usually don't allow any commission.
  • 魔力,魅力激发兴趣的魅力、浪漫和兴奋的气氛,尤指虚妄迷人时
    An air of compelling charm, romance, and excitement, especially when delusively alluring.
  • 电话虽然说价格贵些,我还是更为喜欢。
    I'd prefer the latter although it's more expense.
  • 卷云一种高空云,由狭条状或小块状的薄絮的,通常是白色的部分组成
    A high-altitude cloud composed of narrow bands or patches of thin, generally white, fleecy parts.
  • 热情、无畏、无私、好客、谦逊、具有钢铁的意志,即使在当上俄罗斯总统之后,他仍然保持了所有这些可贵的品质。
    He is fearless, altruistic, steel-willed, hospitable, unbelievably hardy, unpretentious and warm -- and he has lost none of these qualities since becoming Russia's president.
  • [1]在一次手球团体赛中,当11岁的阿曼达·布什奋身前扑,去阻挡那葡萄柚大小的红色小球时,她双颊涨红,好似被她啃过的小小指甲上的玫瑰色指甲油一,粉红粉红的。
    [1]As Amanda Bush, 11, pitches her whole body forward to block a grapefruit-sized red ball in a team handball game, her cheeks flush as pink as the rose polish on her small, bitten fingernails.
  • 说来,我们愿意通过友好的协商来解决争议。
    Generally speaking, we would like to resolve all disputes amicably by negotiations.
  • 来说,我们坚持一切争议都可通过友好协商来解决。仲裁通常是最后一着。
    Generally speaking, we hold all dispute can be settled amicably by negotiation. Arbitration is generally the last resort.
  • 至于军人,窃见将帅激厉士卒时,多使他们忆及他们底妻子儿女;又窃以为土耳其人之不尊重婚姻使一士兵更为卑贱也。
    For soldiers, I find the generals commonly in their hortatives,put men in mind of their wives and children: and I think the despising of marriage amongst the Turks, maketh the vulgar soldier more base.
  • 两种两栖爬行动物,比一鳄鱼有更宽、更短的鼻子。
    either of two amphibious reptiles with shorter broader snouts than crocodiles.
  • 用喇叭筒讲,广泛宣传通过一漏斗形的扩音装置来传达一消息或讲话,或好像通过扩音器一传达消息或讲话
    To transmit(a message) or speak through or as if through a funnel-shaped voice amplification device.
  • 异丁苯丙酸一种非类固醇的抗燃烧药剂,c13h18o2,尤用于治疗关节炎,一因其有止痛和退热的功能而被服用
    A nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory medication, C13H18O2, used especially in the treatment of arthritis and commonly taken for its analgesic and antipyretic properties.
  • 一种严重误差,一瞬时出现在读数过程中和由于不完全同步引起不同数字位置的变化之际,如在模数转换过程中。
    Considered a gross error, usually transient, occurring in the reading of digits or numbers and imprecise synchronism which causes changes in different digit positions, such as in analog-to-digital conversion.
  • 来说,每一位分析家都会被问及同一个问题:“如果让您选择一至两位ceo,您会选择谁呢?
    Essentially, each analyst was asked: "If you had to entrust your personal nest egg to just one or two CEOs, whom would you give it to?
  • 来说,它们以增强了的管理和分析功能为其特点,而过去只有在高档图像系统中才有这种功能,包括工作流监视、路由、归档和审计等功能。
    They typically feature enhanced versions of the management and analytical functions previously available in high-end imaging systems, including capabilities for workflow monitoring, routing, filing and auditing.
  • 化的已灭绝哺乳动物,活跃于侏罗纪;普遍认为是有袋动物和有胎盘哺乳动物的祖先。
    generalized extinct mammals widespread during the Jurassic; commonly conceded to be ancestral to marsupial and placental mammals.
  • 关于家族制度成为一切社会生活和政治生活的根据这一点,一人都认为其理论的基础是孔子所建立的;这种理论的基础极端重视夫妇的关系,视之为一切人类关系之本,也极端重视对父母的孝道,以及一年一度省视祖墓的风尚,祖先的崇拜,和祖祠的设立。
    Confucius is reputed to have provided the philosophical foundation for the family system as the basis of all social and political life, with its tremendous emphasis on the husband-wife relationship as the foundation of all human relationships, on filial piety toward parents, annual visits to ancestral graves, ancestor worship, and the institution of the ancestral hall.