  • 我们的会计师是一丝不苟的;一丝不苟的研
    our accountant is thorough; thorough research.
  • 中文大学是一所综合大学,设有七个学院,计为文学院、工商管理学院、教育学院、工程学院、医学院、理学院和社会科学院,提供广泛的本科和研院课程,包括会计、建筑、中医、酒店管理、新闻与传播、护理、药剂、公共卫生和社会工作等专业课程。
    As a comprehensive university, CUHK has seven faculties: the Faculties of Arts, Business Administration, Education, Engineering, Medicine, Science and Social Science which offer a wide range of undergraduate and postgraduate programmes including such professional disciplines as accountancy, architecture, Chinese medicine, hotel management, journalism and communications, nursing, pharmacy, public health and social work.
  • 香港中文大学是一所综合大学,设有七所学院,计为文学院、工商管理学院、教育学院、工程学院、医学院、理学院和社会科学院,提供广泛的本科和研院课程,包括专业课程如会计、建筑、中医、新闻与传播、护理、药剂和社会工作等。
    As a comprehensive university, CUHK has seven faculties: the Faculties of Arts, Business Administration, Education, Engineering, Medicine, Science and Social Science and offers through them a wide range of undergraduate and postgraduate programmes including such professional disciplines as accountancy, architecture, Chinese medicine, journalism and communications, nursing, pharmacy and social work.
  • 竟你所读的会计科,是一种什么性质的?
    What is the nature of the Accountancy course which you are pursuing?
  • “然而,重要的是不要忘记这与技术本身是无关的,问题在于如何使用因特网。”这项研的发起人之一、心理学家、英特尔公司的克里斯廷·赖利说。
    "But it's important to remember this is not about the technology, per se; It's about how it is used," says psychologist Christine Riley of Intel, one of the study's sponsors.
  • 联合国各机构监测各国遵守关于保护弱势群体权利的人权公约规定的义务的情况,并追各国侵犯人权的责任。
    Various UN mechanisms monitor compliance by States with obligations enshrined in human rights conventions on the rights of vulnerable groups, and hold countries accountable for violations.
  • 实行党政领导干部职务任期制、辞职制和用人失察失误责任追制。
    With regard to leading cadres of the Party and government, it is necessary to implement the system of fixed tenures, the system of resignation and the system of accountability for neglect of supervisory duty or the use of the wrong person.
  • 投诉及内部调查科由投诉警察课及内部调查课组成,负责调查所有对警务人员(包括文职及辅警)提出的投诉,调查严重的违反纪律案件,并就督导队员的责任问题进行研
    The Complaints and Internal Investigations Branch comprises the Complaints Against Police Office and the Internal Investigations Office. The branch investigates complaints against Police officers, including civilian staff and auxiliary Police officers, investigates serious disciplinary cases and conducts supervisory accountability studies.
  • 解决多层执法和多头执法问题,严格执法责任和责任追制。
    We need to solve problems of law enforcement involving authorities at different levels or various government departments at the same level and improve the system of responsibility for law enforcement and the system of accountability.
  • 我在二零零零年《施政报告》中,提出特区政府应研引入一套新的主要官员问责制度。
    In my 2000 Policy Address, I proposed that the HKSAR Government should examine the possibility of introducing a new Accountability System for Principal Officials.
  • 他们往往满足于表面上的成绩,而不注意工作的实际效果,或者只看到工作中好的方面,看不到工作中坏的方面,或者只追求数量,不讲质量。
    They often feel satisfied with superficial achievements and ignore the actual results of their work. They see only the bright side of their work, not the seamy side, or else they pursue quantity only and ignore quality.
  • *联合国加强了对严重违反国际人权和人道主义法行为的责任追
    * The United Nations promotes accountability for grave violations of international human rights and humanitarian law.
  • 表明在零售市场购物者人手推车时比没有时购买得要多,零售商像sears,oldnavy现在就在他们的一些商店里放了很多的手推车。
    Studies show that shoppers buy more at other retail outlets when they have a cart than when they don't. Retailers such as Sears and Old Navy are now making carts available in some of their stores.
  • 我们应该坚持调查研,不断追求真理。
    We should keep on investigating and searching after truth.
  • 寻根底;对关于他们过去的细节进行彻底的调查。
    a probing inquiry; a searching investigation of their past dealings.
  • 根据一项研,在城市里只有百分之十五的驾驶员和乘客系保险带,在小城镇,只有百分之九。
    According to one study, belts are worn only by about fifteen percent of drivers and passengers in cities, and only nine percent in small towns.
  • 波克博士建议我转院到西雅图佛雷德·赫钦森癌症研中心,那是全国最权威的移植中心。
    Dr. Berk referred me to Seattle's Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center,the country's top trans-plant center.
  • 对于她的存折,我茫然不知竟该怎么办,因为她在西雅图和英格兰都有可观的存款。
    I wondered dully what on earth I ought to do about her bank books, for she had considerable sums of money in Seattle and in England.
  • 西雅图华盛顿大学的一位水资源模拟研者安德鲁·伍德说,我们将不得不相信会出现这种非常温暖和潮湿的暴风雨。
    We have to believe in these very warm, very wet storms, says Andrew Wood, a water resources modeller at the University of Washington, Seattle.
  • 为改善维多利亚港内港部分海浪的情况,该署完成了一项研,发展出一款能减低海浪反射作用的新型海堤作测试。
    A new type of seawall capable of absorbing wave energy was developed for trial to improve the wave conditions in the inner part of the Victoria Harbour.
  • 唱了一两支歌以后,大家要求她再唱几支。她还没来得及回答,她的妹妹曼丽早就急切地接替她坐到钢琴跟前去了。原来在她们几个姐妹之间,就只有曼丽长得不好看,因此她发愤钻研学问,讲才艺,老是急着要卖弄卖弄自己的本领。
    After a song or two, and before she could reply to the entreaties of several that she would sing again, she was eagerly succeeded at the instrument by her sister Mary, who having, in consequence of being the only plain one in the family, worked hard for knowledge and accomplishments, was always impatient for display.
  • 1996年,中国政府有关部门联合制定了《“九五”(1996—2000年)和2010年全国科技兴海实施纲要》。据此,中国重点研、开发和推广海洋增养殖技术、海洋生物资源深加工技术、海洋药物开发提取技术和海水化学资源利用技术。
    In 1996 government departments concerned jointly formulated the National Plan for Implementing the "Program for Marine Development by Reliance on Science and Technology" in the Ninth Five-Year Period (1996-2000) and to the Year 2010, which focuses on research, development and dissemination of the technologies of marine reproduction and mariculture, fine processing of marine biological resources, exploration and extraction of marine pharmaceuticals and exploitation of chemical resources in seawater.
  • 第二次铁路发展研
    The Second Railway Development Study
  • 研究开发工作的完成
    The accomplishment of the research and development work.
  • 二是讲品牌;三是讲求含而不露。
    secondly, they are dainty about the brand and thirdly they are dainty about the implicit quality.
  • 第二,我们应研最优秀运动员技术的影片和录相带。
    Secondly, we should study the performance and techniques of the top fencers on film and videotape.
  • 很多常见的近岸动物,特别是附在多石海岸及红树林的软体动物及贝介类,其博物学早已受广泛研,但有关本地海洋动物的知识,多处仍鲜为人知。
    The natural history of many common shore animals, particularly the more sedentary molluscs and crustacea of rocky shores and mangroves has been studied, but broad gaps remain in the knowledge of local marine fauna.
  • 她刻苦的学习法语;勤奋的研;孜孜不倦的研法律和道德的原则。
    her assiduous attempts to learn French; assiduous research; sedulous pursuit of legal and moral principles.
  • 他似乎是个研究生。
    She seem a postgraduate.
  • 美国人似无止境地研着各种食物,以确认该食物对人体有益还是有害,这更助长了人们对食物的恐慌。
    The American dietary obsession is fed by a seeming-ly endless series of scientific studies that demonstrate the wholesomeness or toxicity of various foodstuffs.
  • 尽管他表面上很富有但事实上他没钱付租金;委员会研了一些表面差异;他们的理论的表面的事实;他表面上很诚实。
    for all his apparent wealth he had no money to pay the rent; the committee investigated some apparent discrepancies; the ostensible truth of their theories; his seeming honesty.
  • 答的多,自己问别人的也多,渐渐觉得人们在这一问一答间,还颇有讲
    Having experienced both situations often enough, I am beginning to feel that much more is involved in this seemingly simple conversation.