  • 圆柱形的绿色果实,绿色薄皮,色果肉,当作蔬菜食用;与瓜同种。
    cylindrical green fruit with thin green rind and white flesh eaten as a vegetable; related to melons.
  • 布里干酪一种模制熟全奶干酪,带色外皮和质软、浅黄色心
    A mold-ripened, whole-milk cheese with a whitish rind and a soft, light yellow center.
  • 命中靶的白色部分
    A hit in this ring.
  • 这戒指是白金的。
    This ring is of platinum.
  • 小熊猫产于亚洲东北的一种长得象浣熊的小型哺乳动物(小熊猫),有赤褐色毛,脸带斑,有长的环状尾巴
    A small, raccoonlike mammal(Ailurus fulgens) of northeast Asia, having reddish fur, white face markings, and a long ringed tail.
  • 蒙赛尔建立在光的基础上的理论假定颜色是添加剂,如果把光谱中所有的颜色混合在一起,就会产生色的光,太阳光就是一个普通的例子。
    Munsell's theory, based on light, assume that color is additive and that all the colors of the spectrum, when mixed together, pro duce white light, the common example being sunlight.
  • 色的晶状化合物,用作食品添加剂来增强味道;常用于中国烹调中。
    white crystalline compound used as a food additive to enhance flavor; often used in Chinese cooking.
  • 染剂一种将灰色染成银色的染剂
    A rinsing agent used to give a silver tint to gray or graying hair.
  • 拉斯克鲁塞斯新墨西哥南部的一座城市,位于得克萨斯的埃尔帕索西北偏北格兰德河上。灌溉农业与邻近的沙密索山脉是其重要的经济来源。人口62,126
    A city of southern New Mexico on the Rio Grande north-northwest of El Paso, Texas. Irrigated farming and the nearby White Sands Missile Range are important to its economy. Population,62, 126.
  • 我最宝贵的记忆之一是那次约瑟夫·杰佛逊表演完他心爱的角色瑞普·范·温克尔的动作和对后让我摸他的脸和手。
    One of my dearest memories is of the time when Joseph Jefferson allowed me to touch his face and hands as he went through some of the gestures and speeches of his beloved Rip Van Winkle.
  • 通过增加明胶使奶油变硬。
    Stiffen the cream by adding gelatine.
  • 2005年之前基本消除本地沙尘危害,完成"三河两滩"五大风沙危害区(永定河、潮河、大沙河、延庆康庄、昌平南口)的治理;
    By 2005, we will be able to eliminate sand storms originated in local areas and put under control the five sand storm sources at the so-called "three rivers and two sandbanks", (namely, the Yongding River, the Chaobai River, the Dasha River, Kangzhuang in Yanqing County, and Nankou in Changping).
  • 加快"三河两滩"五大风沙危害区(永定河、潮河、大沙河、延庆康庄、昌平南口)的治理,到2005年完成防风固沙片林1万公顷;
    Control of the five sands hazard sources along the three rivers and two sandy area (namely, the Yongding River, the Chaobai River, the Dasha River and at Kangzhuang in Yanqing County and Nankou in Changping), will be facilitated. By 2005, over 10,000 hectares’ forest to defend wind and retain sand will be planted.
  • 日登山望烽火黄昏饮马傍交河。
    We climbed the hill by day to watch for beacon fires And water horses by riverside when day expires.
  • 沙司里加上奶酪。
    Add cheese to the white sauce.
  • 路旁木箱里装着草莓和玫瑰,一座倾坍的牲口棚在镜子般的绿色池水中映出倒影,池里长满了水藻,一匹老得跑不动的马若有所思地看着公路上奔驰的车辆。
    Strawberries and roses in wooden crates at roadside stands. A dilapidated barn reflected in the green looking glass of an algae-filled pond. And there was an old white horse no longer able to trot, wistfully watching cars running down the open road.
  • 他们停下车。车道两边长满了茂盛的雪松、杜松和桦树。
    Where they stopped, dense thickets of cedars and ju nipers and birch crowded the roadway on both sides.
  • 雷声越来越近,病人听得脸色苍
    As the roar of the thunder came nearer the invalid turned color and looked pale.
  • 这简直是白天抢劫。
    It's simply daylight robbery.
  • 我不明他为何抢劫他的朋友。
    I cannot understand his robbing his friends.
  • 此外,该署已完成环控温室作物生产的本地适应性研究,并引进两个适合本地种植的新蔬菜品种,即玉苦瓜和软荚豌豆。
    The AFCD also completed studies on intensive greenhouse production for local adaptation. In addition, two new vegetable varieties suitable for local production — white bitter cucumber and garden pea — were introduced.
  • 色洗礼服在洗礼中婴儿穿的色衣服或长袍
    A white cloth or robe worn by an infant at baptism.
  • 萨兰冬嘎穿了件黑袍,骑着一匹马跑了过来。
    Saran Tunga, wearing a black robe, rode along on a white horse.
  • 长袍牧师做弥撒时穿的袖子渐细的色亚麻长袍
    A long, white linen robe with tapered sleeves worn by a priest at Mass.
  • 我身着色队服,严然女王一般。我坐在小提琴组的第三排。
    I sat in the third row of violins and wore my white orchestra jacket like a royal robe.
  • 这一天,老约翰不太忙。当他正"叮当叮当"地打制工具时,一个身着色长袍的身影出现在他眼前。
    One day when John was not very busy, a figure in a long, white robe appeared beside him as he clanged away making tools.
  • 雪覆盖的田野和花园
    Snow robing fields and gardens.
  • 那里,身穿色工作服的技术人员俯身于显微镜上专注地工作着。他们置身于一排类似恒温箱的仪器、放满皮氏培养皿的钢架以及轻微颤动的自动资料器的中间。所有这些组成了生物技术生产流水线,它今年春天就会每天制造出上万个克隆胚胎。
    There, white-coated technicians pore over microscopes amid an array of incubator-like machines, steel racks of petri dishes, and jiggling, vaguely robotic mixers, all part of a biotechnological assembly line that by this spring will be producing tens of thousands of cloned embryo a day.
  • 我想要弄明:为什么所有的人工系统似乎都不能和真正的动物一样具有活力和适应性。
    I was trying to figure out why all artificial systems didn't seem as robust and adaptable as real animals.
  • 印度北部山区的一种健壮、直立的灌木,具有椭圆形的叶和淡紫色或色的花,花有臭味。
    robust upright shrub of mountains of northern India having oblong-eliptic leaves and pale lilac or white malodorous flowers.
  • bryanadams是八十年代最具有影响力的主流摇滚歌手,他的数张专辑都成为创下了金记录并多次进入全美排行榜前10名。
    Bryan Adams was one of the most popular mainstream rock &rollers to emerge in the '80s,producing a series of platinum albums and Top Ten hits.
  • 骑摩托车跳摇摆舞著名的欧洲人葛顿.求恩;
    And Continental's motorcycle-riding rock and roller, Gordon Bethune.