  • 听了不正确的议论也不争辩,甚至听了反革命分子的话也不报告,泰处之,行若无事。
    To hear incorrect views without rebutting them and even to hear counter-revolutionary remarks without reporting them, but instead to take them calmly as if nothing had happened.
  • 有些工程师认为,既为这一系统起作用已付出如此巨大的努力,明智的做法是短期内将这项工作继续下去,而不是从头再来。
    Some engineers take the view that since so much effort has been put into making this system work it would be sensible in the short term to continue the same line rather than start afresh.
  • 当我想到这些事情,心里仍很兴奋。
    I still feel delighted whenever I recall these memories.
  • 我们虽想尽可能简单,却还是逐一列举了这么多建筑物。随着我们逐渐勾画出旧巴黎的总形象时,如果这一长串列举并没有在看官心目中把旧巴黎的形象弄得支离破碎的话,那么,现在便可以用三言两语予以概括了。
    Now, if the enumeration of so many edifices, summary as we have endeavored to make it, has not shattered in the reader's mind the general image of old Paris, as we have constructed it, we will recapitulate it in a few words.
  • 杞人忧天;突看起来很害怕;为他的生命担忧;害怕蛇;害怕问问题。
    afraid even to turn his head; suddenly looked afraid; afraid for his life; afraid of snakes; afraid to ask questions.
  • 后是《艾丝·温图拉》续集:《当自召唤时》,该片未能再现原著的精华。
    Then there was a sequel to Ace Ventura:When Nature Calls which didn’t quite recapture the sparkle of the original.
  • 至此为止,往后便是反革命潮流逐渐低落,革命潮流逐渐升涨。
    But there it stopped, and since then the counter-revolutionary tide has gradually receded while the revolutionary tide has gradually risen.
  • 作为一个平凡的新加坡人,笔者也和其他同胞一样为前途担忧,为生计发愁,而套用杨荣文准将的比喻,涨潮时的水天一色已过去,现在是潮退时际,许多问题便显露出来;
    With every unfolding of events, Singaporeans, including me, become increasingly concerned about our livelihood and our future. However, as BG George Yeo pointed out, we need not despair. Yes, the high tide which represents the good times has ebbed, and many problems have surfaced as the water recedes.
  • 你当然是受欢迎的。
    You certainly receive a welcome.
  • 在通信技术中,一种可以接收信号并将它再发送出去的装置。在卫星通信中,把接收到的信号加以放大,后以另一频率重新发送出去。参阅responder。
    In communications, a device that receives and retransmits signals. In satellite communications the received signals are amplified and retransmitted at a different frequency.
  • 的收下赠与或提供的东西。
    receive willingly something given or offered.
  • 哪里在搞恶作剧,哪里就必少不了乔治。
    If there's any mischief afoot, George is sure to be in at it.
  • 吉姆手腿乱扑乱打,自己虽仍浮在水面上,但却耗费了不少体力。
    Hurling his arms and legs about wildly, Jim kept afloat but wasted much effort.
  • 船倾侧得很厉害,但却仍漂浮不沉。
    The ship was listing badly but still kept afloat.
  • 我断拒绝参加他们的招待会。
    I flatly refused to attend their reception.
  • 他们女儿大办婚事纯是为了炫耀。
    Their daughter's wedding reception was sheer ostentation.
  • 由于香港传统渔场的渔业资源下降,为了解决这个问题,并协助渔民到更远的水域捕鱼,渔农自护理署委讬了顾问研究香港发展远洋渔业的可行性。该研究已于二零零一年年底完成。
    Besides addressing the issues relating to the decline of fisheries resources in the traditional fishing grounds for Hong Kong fishermen and to assist fishermen in venturing further afield, the AFCD completed a consultancy study at the end of the year to look into the feasibility of developing an offshore fishing industry for Hong Kong.
  • 我到窗口前,接待员先让我填了几张个人情况的表格,后又让我出示了保险卡。
    When I came to the window,the receptionist first asked me to fill in several sheets of personal information.Then I was asked to show the insurance card.
  • 而,它需要在这种多样化环境中的人们开放自己。接受异己的东西。
    However, it is necessary for people in this environment to be open and receptive to things which are different from theirs.
  • 不要走得太远,要不我们会找不到你的。
    Don't go too far afield or we might lose you.
  • “那种‘只是踢踢球和管管课间休息’的想法仍在困扰为提高甚或仅在一定水平上保持体育标准所作的努力,”来自田纳西橡树岭的小学体育教师雪利.霍尔特-黑尔说。
    "The mentality of 'just roll out the ball and supervise recess' still haunt efforts to enhance or even keep PE requirements at constant levels," says Shirley Holt-Hale, an elementary PE teacher from Oak Ridge, Tennessee.
  • 尽管经济衰退,汽车销售仍上升了5%。
    In spite of the recession, car sales are five percent up.
  • 尽管经济衰退,汽车销售仍上升了5%。
    In spite of the recession, car sale is five percent up.
  • 国家采取多种措施广开就业门路,并已取得可喜成效,但还有相当多的人口处于待业或隐性失业状态。
    Although the state has adopted various measures to open up channels for employment and satisfactory results have been achieved, there are still considerably large amounts of people who are in the plight of job-waiting or recessive unemployment.
  • 可连续用8小时,后你得再充电。
    It'll last for eight hours of consecutive use. Then you'll have to recharge the batteries.
  • 质量说得过去的数码相机都应该具有内置闪光灯和以便观赏照片的与电视接口、图像编辑软件以及可以预览的lcd显示屏。当,如果再具备防红眼装置、自拍功能和充电电池,则对顾客来说更是一种优惠。
    Any reasonable quality digital camera should also have a built-in flash, a connector to attach it to your TV to view your photos, image editing software and an LCD screen so you can preview shots Red-eye reduction, self timers and rechargeable batteries are also a boon;
  • ,莱茵科尔与布切尔之流所显露的失态,纯粹是出自他们被亵渎的球风,与1986年世界杯四分之一决赛上被马拉多纳打败“无关”,当时他们是英格兰队队员。在那场比赛中,马拉多纳羞辱了英格兰,不是靠上帝之恩赐,而是靠第二个进球,靠令人眼花缭乱地绕过半数的队员,使英格兰的后卫芬威克斯和布切尔看上去像毫无球艺的饭桶。
    Of course, the bile displayed by the likes of Lineker and Butcher came purely from their sense of affronted sportsmanship, and had"nothing" to do with the fact that these players were part of the English team beaten by Maradona in the quarter final of the 1986 World Cup, He humiliated England in that game, not with the Hand of God, but with the second goal, the dazzling run past half of the team that made the Fenwicks and Butchers of the English defence look like the artless shit kickers they were.
  • 你居认得出他,真叫人奇怪。
    It's a wonder you recognized him.
  • ”富人猛认出了他的客人。
    " Suddenly, the man recognized his guest.
  • 怕死是当然的。
    Recoil from death is natural.
  • 突然而猛烈地弹回
    To recoil unexpectedly and violently.
  • 大多数人在突遇见一条毒蛇时都会退缩。
    Most people will recoil from a poisonous snake if they suddenly meet one.