  • 这个学说企图毁人类的一种愿望,这种愿望是造化用来激励人们发挥身心力量、激起并支持人们高尚感情的最有效手段,人类所以有进步,主要就是由于这种愿望的存在。
    It seeks to destroy a desire which nature uses as the most active means for inciting men to exert body and mind, and to awaken and support their nobler feelings -- a desire to which humanity for the greater part owes its progress.
  • 中央情报局,国防情报单位,卫星单位,国家安全局——这些机构个个情报泛滥,有“顶”的危险。
    The CIA, the defense intelligence units, the satellite units, the National Security Agency – they are all awash with information. They are in danger of drowning in it.
  • 污仔病,幼虫腐败病蜜蜂幼虫的毁性疾病,由几种细菌的一种引起,包括:芽孢杆菌
    A fatal disease of honeybee larvae caused by one of several types of bacteria, including Bacillus alvei.
  • 纵迎火在熄或控制森林大火蔓延中燃起或使用逆火
    To start or use a backfire in extinguishing or controlling a forest fire.
  • 这些改革的总目标是一致的,都是为了使我国消贫穷,走向富强,消落后,走向现代化,建设有中国特色的社会主义。
    The general objectives of these measures are the same -- they are all designed to enable our country to eliminate poverty, become strong and prosperous, overcome backwardness, modernize and build a socialism suited to Chinese conditions.
  • 我们才知道原来这首诗里,还隐藏了另外更加深奥的双重暗喻,不但指责大陆当局摧残了中国文化的丰富传统,使之消无踪,还指责因“工业大跃进”、“家家土法冶钢”所消耗,浪费了无数森林,以致广泛地破坏了宝贵的园林生态之结果。
    We then realized that there was yet another set of double meaning. Firstly, the rich literary heritage of China was being destroyed and would become no more worth than the paper they are printed on. Secondly, the attempt to industrialize through the proliferation of backyard foundries to produce iron caused forests to be cut down as fuel for the furnaces and this led to widespread deforestation.
  • 或抑制细菌生长。
    destroying bacteria or inhibiting their growth.
  • 抗菌的消或抑制细菌生长的
    Destroying or inhibiting the growth of bacteria.
  • 一种已经绝的非德国的普鲁士人的语言(1700年以后绝迹);被认为属于印-欧语系的波罗的语分支。
    a dead language of the non-German Prussians (extinct after 1700); thought to belong to the Baltic branch of Indo-European.
  • 那股匪徒很快就被歼了。
    The bunch of bandits were cut up in no time.
  • 他们在深山剿了一股土匪。
    They broke up a gang of bandits deep in the mountains.
  • 还有一个九十万,就是土匪,要把他们消
    The second 900,000 referred to the bandits we had to wipe out.
  • 先后有12个省(区)基本实现了消宜林荒山目标。
    Once-barren mountains suitable for tree planting in 12 provinces and autonomous regions are now clothed with greenery.
  • 攻击消了我们的前方基地。
    the attack wiped out our forward bases.
  • 君不见世界各个角落所存在的种族问题不但没有因文明社会的进步而有所改善,反而有越演越烈之势,相互残杀报复的族事件此起彼落,教人闻之不禁胆颤齿寒。
    Not only is our poor Planet Earth suffering from natural calamities, it is battered by man-made disasters as well. The problems of ethnicity around the world have not abated with the progress of human civilisation and society, but have exacerbated instead. News stories of genocidal revenge killings are sending chills down our spines.
  • 每隔45秒灯塔信号一次
    A lighthouse beacon that occults every45 seconds.
  • 美国成为恐怖分子的袭击目标,是因为我们在世界上高举自由和理想的火炬,但是任何人都不可能将这一火炬熄
    America was targeted for attack because we're the brightest beacon for freedom and opportunity in the world. And no one will keep that light from shining.
  • 生活在侏罗纪和白垩纪时期已经绝的能飞行的爬行动物,嘴形似鸟嘴,膜状的翅膀由每个前肢中非常长的脚趾支撑。
    extinct flying reptile of the Jurassic and Cretaceous having a birdlike beak and membranous wings supported by the very long fourth digit of each forelimb.
  • 战争是苦难与毁的祸根.
    War begets misery and ruin.
  • 如果有什么一种三民主义,它是没有农工政策的,它是并不真心实意扶助农工,并不实行“唤起民众”的,那就一定会亡。
    Any other kind of Three People's Principles which lack this policy, do not give the peasants and workers whole-hearted assistance or do not carry out the behest to "arouse the masses of the people", will certainly perish.
  • 我为亲人遭遇不幸而悲痛,我为某些人的良知人性泯而悲哀。
    I grieve for the loss of my beloved husband.I lament the loss of humanity in some people.
  • 宿怨强烈的、毁性的仇恨
    A bitter, destructive feud.
  • 我的希都破灭了。
    My hopes were blasted.
  • 他的所有希望都为战争所破
    All his hopes were blasted by the war.
  • 考试失败毁了他上大学的希望。
    Failure in the exam blasted his hopes for college.
  • 他一口气吹了蜡烛。
    He blew out the candles with a single puff.
  • 蜡烛被吹灭了。
    The candle blew out.
  • 火焰被吹灭了。
    The flame blew out.
  • 他把油灯吹灭了。
    He blew the oil lamp out.
  • 枯萎的玫瑰;被毁的城区。
    a blighted rose; blighted urtan districts.
  • 暴风雪的毁灭力量
    The teeth of the blizzard.
  • 敌人企图以军事进攻和经济封锁消我们的根据地,我们正在准备打破敌人的进攻。
    The enemy is attempting to destroy our base area by military attacks and economic blockade, and we are now preparing to defeat his attacks.