Chinese English Sentence:
  • 泥土和水的混合物,顺钻杆而下,起滑和冷却钻头的作用。
    a mixture of clays and water; pumped down the drill pipe to lubricate and cool the drilling bit.
  • 油罐盛油的罐,特别是指安着可一滴一滴地滴油的喷嘴的油罐,用以滑机器
    A can for oil, especially a can with a spout constructed to release oil drop by drop, as for lubricating machinery.
  • 通过泵强力向发动机轴承注入滑油滑内燃机的方法。
    a method of lubricating internal combustion engines in which a pump forces oil into the engine bearings.
  • 滑油能使运动的机器零件比它们干燥的时候更容易运动。
    The lubricating oil can make the machine part of motion moves easier than the motion of time that they are dry.
  • 骨骼中的脂肪物质,用溶液或通过蒸煮方法提取,主要用于制蜡烛、廉价肥皂及滑油。
    fatty matter in bones extracted with solvents or by boiling or steaming; used chiefly in candles and cheap soaps an in lubricating greases.
  • 囊一种囊或囊状物,尤指任何含有粘性滑液且位于肌腱和骨头间或运动部位之间摩擦点的小液囊
    A sac or saclike bodily cavity, especially one containing a viscous lubricating fluid and located between a tendon and a bone or at points of friction between moving structures.
  • 塑性加工的工艺润滑
    lubrication in plastic working
  • 这个月我们需要更多滑油。
    We shall require more lubrication oil this month.
  • 由于滑不足,电机可能发生故障。
    Faults may develop in the motor for lack of lubrication.
  • 从牛脂中提取,用于制造人造黄油、肥皂及滑油。
    obtained from beef fat; used in making margarine and soap and in lubrication.
  • 摩擦学研究处于相对运动中的相互作用的表面的摩擦,滑和磨损等机械装置的科学
    The science of the mechanisms of friction, lubrication, and wear of interacting surfaces that are in relative motion.
  • 工程学中有关相对运动中物体表面的互动作用(如轴承和齿轮的设计,摩擦,损坏和滑)的分支。
    the branch of engineering that deals with the interaction of surfaces in relative motion (as in bearings or gears): their design and friction and wear and lubrication.
  • 一笔利收入;一套赢利的市场策略
    A lucrative income; a lucrative marketing strategy.
  • 谁不想在利如此丰厚的生意中占有一席之地?
    Who doesn't want a bite of such a lucrative business?
  • 我们正到了要签订一份利颇丰的合同的时刻,不料银行停止了对我们的贷款,坏了我们的好事。
    We were on the point of signing a lucrative contract when the bank pulled the rug from under out feet by withdrawing their financial support.
  • 大沼泽地是佛罗里达州利可观的渔业的一个重要组成部分;事实上,它一直是该州最重要的自然资源之一。
    The Everglades is a vital part of Florida's lucrative fishing industry,and in fact remains one of the state's most important natural resources.
  • 个人自营出租汽车车主对勒斯克严加批评,利越来越高的牌照执有人,唯恐利益受损,昨天对勒斯克吊销牌照的提议做了不堪入耳的批评——勒斯克提议凡在计程表里动手脚的,牌照将被吊销。
    Independent taxi cab owners offered harsh criticism of Lusk. Jealous guardians of their ever-more lucrative medallions, several owners offered uprintable comments yesterday about Lusk's proposal to revoke medallions of meter-tamperers.
  • 一种能使头发既容易管理又富有光泽的发油。
    a pomade to make the hair manageable and lustrous.
  • 提高某人的钢琴演奏技艺,给歌词
    Polishing one's piano technique; polished up the lyrics.
  • 随着宏观经济环境的改善,各项政策措施的积极实施,国有及国有控股工业企业经济效益明显好转,扭转了因受亚洲金融危机等因素影响而造成的利下降、亏损扩大的局面。
    Along with the improvement of macroeconomic environment and the pro-active implementation of various policy measures, the state-owned enterprises and the state holding industrial enterprises have taken a favorable turn in economic benefits remarkably and also reversed the situation of profit decline and deficit increase resulted from such factors as the Asian Financial Crisis.
  • ”玛吉还会用一些肤露按摩皮肤(她酷爱倩碧和伊利莎白亚顿这两个牌子)。
    " Maggie rubs in some extra moisturizer (she's a big Clinique and Elizabeth Arden fan).
  • 所以假如一位外国人带着资金、技术和管理技能到中国来投资,他就可以取各家之长,获得最大利
    So if a foreigner invests in China with funds, technology and managerial expertise, he'll have the best of everything and can thus maximize his profits.
  • 总经理仅对提高利率感兴趣。
    The managing director is interested only in increasing profitability.
  • 他们不得不经常设法应付较少的利额。
    They have always had to make do with relatively small profit margins.
  • 我公司对16日贵电很感兴趣,利不重要,请继续交涉。
    Yours 16th greatly interested margin unimportant proceed.
  • 成功的企业需要用有潜在的高额利的新品种来替换那些利水平只够勉强维持收人的产品。
    The successful firm will want to replace those products whose profit levels make them marginal ventures with new lines of merchandise that have better profit potential.
  • 生意竞争的势头越来越激烈,销售利已经下滑。
    Business has tended to become more competitive and profit margins have been reduced.
  • 一般来讲,这些公司拥有称职的管理人员、适合市场的产品和服务、相对稳定的利以及优良的财务状况。
    In general, such companies have competent management, marketable products and services, relative stable profits, and a strong financial condition.
  • 沼泽地的象沼泽地的;湿
    Resembling a marsh; soggy.
  • 得到利;挣得钱或东西。
    make a profit; gain money or materially.
  • 我们必须尽量增加利.
    We must maximize profits.
  • 一个一味追求利最大化的企业,即使它的活动都是合法的,它通常也不会凭社会责任感行事。
    A business whose goal is to maximize profits is not likely to act out of a sense of social responsibility although its activity will probably be legal.