  • 由于天气极好,信号极强,金上的科学家们能够得到关于载人飞碟在地球上着陆的可行性的有价值的资料。
    Because of excellent weather conditions and extremely strong signals, Venusian scientists were able to get valuable information as to the feasibility of a manned flying saucer landing on Earth.
  • 几个期以后我又开始收集报纸。
    A few weeks later I began saving again.
  • 令事态进一步复杂化的是,艾莉丝负疚地意识到对特里--自己的保护神和丈夫潜在的救--与日俱增的爱慕。
    Further complicating matters is Alice's guilty realization of a growing fondness for Terry,her protector and her husband's potential savior.
  • 母亲是锯木厂里开叉车的工人,每期有50美元的收入,此外,她在家禽加工厂还有一份差事。
    She worked at a sawmill running a forklift for fifty dollars a week and had another job at a poultry plant.
  • 今年1月,威斯康大学的科学家在《自然》杂志上发表研究报告指出,他们已经发现了一种利用附着在镀金物体表面的dna分子链完成简单计算的方法。以前科学家在进行dna计算实验的时候总是让dna分子自由地漂浮在试管中,但是威斯康大学研究小组的负责人、化学家劳埃德·史密斯希望他的方法可以让计算所需的化学湿选步骤自动进行。史密斯在谈到自己的实验时指出:“这是按比例放大dna的运算能力以解决更大问题的途径。”
    In January, scientists at the University of Wisconsin reported in the journal Nature that they had found a way to perform a simple calculation using strands of DNA that had been attached to a gold-plated surface. Previous experiments with DNA computing had allowed the DNA to float freely in a test tube, but Lloyd Smith, a chemist and leader of the Wisconsin research team, hopes his method will allow the wet chemical steps required for a calculation to be automated."It's a route to scaling up DNA computing to larger problems," says Smith of his experiment.
  • 碱鱼斯堪的纳维亚地区一道传统名菜,把晾干的鳕鱼浸入碱溶液中放几个期,然后去皮、去骨、煮熟,这一过程使这道菜具有保留动物凝胶的特点
    A traditional Scandinavian dish prepared by soaking air-dried cod in a lye solution for several weeks before skinning, boning, and boiling it, a process that gives the dish its characteristic gelatinous consistency.
  • 太阳系是由小行体引力积聚而成的理论。
    the theory that the solar system was formed by the gravitational accumulation of planetesimals.
  • 坑陨石对地表冲击所造成的痕迹
    A scar on the earth's surface left from the impact of a meteorite.
  • 我必须将那些抽屉整理一下,几年来里面塞满了零的东西。
    I must clear out those drawers; they're full of odds and sods accumulated over the years.
  • 詹姆士患猩红热后被隔离了三个期。
    James was quarantined for three weeks when he had scarlet fever.
  • 中文本的《红字》大约一期后回到图书馆。
    The Chinese version of The Scarlet Letter is due back in about a week.
  • 中文本的《红字》大约一期后回到图书馆。
    The chinese version of the Scarlet Setter is due back in about a week.
  • 大气的吸收和散射
    absorption and scattering of stellar atmosphere
  • 流星余迹电波散射
    meteoric trail scattering of radio wave
  • 为什么这个国家的女议员只有零零的几位?
    Why is there only a scattering of female Members of Parliaments in this country?
  • 晴朗,间有零星阵雨
    Sunshine with scattered showers
  • 我们让需缝补的衣服一直积存到期三
    We let the mending accumulate until Wednesday.
  • 她看不起那些崇拜足球明的女孩子。
    She scorn the girls who worship football stars.
  • 心宿二,大火,天蝎座α一颗巨大的,可变化的红色双,是天蝎座最亮的,距地球约424光年
    A giant, red, double and variable star, the brightest in the constellation Scorpio, about424 light-years from Earth.
  • 在增生阶段,小行体的碰撞动能转化成了热能,因此当它聚集到一块时地球变得非常热。
    During accretion, the kinetic energy of the colliding planetesimals was converted into thermal energy, so the earth grew extremely hot as it came together.
  • 然而,当一个黑洞穿过一片云,或者靠近另一个正常恒时,黑洞将会使它自身的物质增加。
    However, if a black hole passes through a cloud of interstellar matter, or is close to another “normal” star, the black hole can accrete matter into itself.
  • 期我儿子被考核了急救方面的知识,现在他已获得六枚童子军奖章。
    My son was examined in First Aid last week. He's got about six Scout badges now.
  • 今日的许多电影明最初都是由人才发掘者发现的。
    Many of the great movie stars of today were originally discovered by talent scouts.
  • 我的旧车子终于不行了,上期我只得把它拆毁了。
    My old car has finally gone the way of al flesh – I had to scrap it last week.
  • 据方称,纳管显示器将是很薄的,可以像招贴画那样挂在墙上。韩国的三电子公司已展示了从纳管发射电子轰击屏幕的显示屏,该公司估计两年后纳管显示屏将上市。
    Nanotube monitors will be so svelte,they'1l be hung like posters, according to Fang. And Samsung Electronics Co. in Korea, which has demonstrated a display screen in which electrons are fired at the screen from nanotubes, estimates that it's just two years away from bringing nanotube screens to market.
  • 舞台、银屏和电视三栖的明
    A star of stage, screen, and video.
  • 缺乏卖座明的电影剧本难以引起兴趣。
    without bankable stars the film script aroused no interest.
  • 天炉座一个位于南半球空的座,靠近玉夫座和波江座
    A constellation in the Southern Hemisphere near Sculptor and Eridanus.
  • 凤凰座在南半球,靠近图科纳和斯柯普特的一个
    A constellation in the Southern Hemisphere near Tucana and Sculptor.
  • 重点建设好奥运会传输网、奥运综合电信局,大力发展北京市固定电话网、2g、2.5g和积极应用3g技术的移动通信网、海底光缆、卫通信系统、数字集群网、无线接入网和互联网等基础设施,提供与世界各国通信水平相适应的服务能力。
    Priority should be given to building transmission network for the Olympics and Olympic comprehensive telecom bureau. Fixed telephone network in Beijing, 2G and 2.5G should be developed in a big way. Infrastructure such as mobile communication network with 3G technology, seabed fibre cable satellite communication system, digital trunk network, radio network and internet should be actively used so as to offer services conforming with the communication standards of various countries in the world.
  • 海底火山喷发后会有大量细菌滋生,因此,海洋学家提出生命可能来自海洋底部,那里可以保护生命免遭致命紫外线的辐射和小行撞击地球表面带来的致命危险。
    the serendipitous discovery of bacterial blooms following undersea volcanic eruptions led oceanographers to suggest that life might have originated on the seafloor, where it would have been protected from the lethal ultraviolet radiation and meteorites that bombarded the surface of the early earth.
  • 香港海员罢工爆发于一月十二日,坚持了八个期。
    The Hongkong seamen held out for eight weeks since the strike broke out on January 12.