  • 魔鬼;且。与the连用
    The Devil; Satan. Used with the.
  • 魔鬼;旦。通常与the连用
    The Devil; Satan. Often used with the.
  • 斯卡吉特人说的一种利希方言。
    a Salishan dialect spoken by the Skagit people.
  • 论者认为,政府大事建设图书馆、剧院、博物馆、音乐厅之余,更要提升民众鉴赏力,及营造活泼的创作环境,不要以拨款作手锏,为文化艺术作官方“定性”,或介入具体的创作内容,才能让人感受到艺术的氛围,再也不会有人为一幅裸体画像、一出阴道独白、一个剧名,唠唠叨叨地作低层次的争论。
    It has been suggested that the Singapore government should help bring about a social environment favourable for artistic creation and bring up a population keen to appreciate worthy works. While financing the building of libraries, theatres, museums, and concert halls, it should refrain, as far as possible, from using the allocations to dictate how the beneficiaries should operate or to interfere in the artists' work.Then, in time, an atmosphere of art will make itself felt. No more trivial disputes over a painting of nudity, a monologue on stage, or a play's title will be heard.
  • 他有许多会议要主持,整个宗教图书室要检查,还要诵弥经、教理问答、日课经等等;
    He has congregations to reprove, privileges to grant, a whole ecclesiastical library to examine,-- prayer-books, diocesan catechisms, books of hours, etc.
  •  不得在运输过程中沿途丢弃、遗固体废物。
    It is not allowed to discard or let drop solid waste on the road during its transportation.
  • 第三十五条 任何单位和个人应当遵守城市人民政府环境卫生行政主管部门的规定,在指定的地点倾倒、堆放城市生活垃圾,不得随意扔或者堆放。
    Article 35 All units and individuals shall, in compliance with the regulations of the competent administrative department of environmental sanitation of an urban people's government, dump and pile up house refuse in designated places, and may not discard it or pile it up anywhere else at will.
  • 我马上察觉出那人在谎。
    I soon discerned that the man was lying.
  • 吾爱谎者甚于谈真理者,爱轻率之谎者甚于慎重之谎者,因其轻率乃他喜爱读者之表现也。
    I love a liar more than a speaker of truth, and an indiscreet liar more than a discreet one. His indiscretions are a sign of his love for his readers.
  • 这农民把肥料在一块田里。
    The peasant distributed manure over a field.
  • 土占,地卜根据(将一把沙土在地上形成的)形状和线条或地理特征占卜
    Divination by means of lines and figures or by geographic features.
  • 不要对我撒谎。
    Don't lie to me.
  • 迄今为止,通过识别并经中央政府确认的民族有56个,即汉、蒙古、回、藏、维吾尔、苗、彝、壮、布依、朝鲜、满、侗、瑶、白、土家、哈尼、哈萨克、傣、黎、傈僳、佤、畲、高山、拉祜、水、东乡、纳西、景颇、柯尔克孜、土、达斡尔、仫佬、羌、布朗、拉、毛南、仡佬、锡伯、阿昌、普米、塔吉克、怒、乌孜别克、俄罗斯、鄂温克、德昂、保安、裕固、京、塔塔尔、独龙、鄂伦春、赫哲、门巴、珞巴、基诺等民族。
    So far, there are 56 ethnic groups identified and confirmed by the Central Government, namely, the Han, Mongolian, Hui, Tibetan, Uygur, Miao, Yi, Zhuang, Bouyei, Korean, Manchu, Dong, Yao, Bai, Tujia, Hani, Kazak, Dai, Li, Lisu, Va, She, Gaoshan, Lahu, Shui, Dongxiang, Naxi, Jingpo, Kirgiz, Tu, Daur, Mulam, Qiang, Blang, Salar, Maonan, Gelo, Xibe, Achang, Pumi, Tajik, Nu, Ozbek, Russian, Ewenki, Deang, Bonan, Yugur, Jing, Tatar, Drung, Oroqen, Hezhen, Moinba, Lhoba and Jino.
  • 你们怎么也想不到,8年前就是这只狗被打得遍体鳞伤,出现在我家门阶上,吓得一见人就仰卧着,翘起腿尿,直到人们摸摸它,轻声细语地安慰它,它才感到安全。
    You’d never know this was the same dog that arrived at my doorstep eight years earlier so beaten,scarred and scared that as soon as he made eye contact with you,he’d lie down on his back with his feet up in the air and pee until you petted and soothed him into feeling safe.
  • 村民们将门口满了鲜花。
    The villagers had strewn the doorway with flowers.
  • 让事情象这样吧:我会对一个姑娘说:“请把你的水罐拿下来,好让我喝点水!如果她回答说:‘请喝吧,我还给你的骆驼也喝点水。’那她就是你预定要你的仆人以迎娶的姑娘。”
    Let it be like this: I shall say to a girl, "please lower your jar so that I may drink; and if she answered, "Drink, and I will water your camels also", that would be the girl whom thou dost intend for thy servant Isaac."
  • 让事情象这样吧:我会对一个姑娘说:“请把你的水罐拿下来,好让我喝点水!如果她回答说:‘请喝吧,我还给你的骆驼也喝点水。’那她就是你预定要你的仆人以迎娶的姑娘。”
    Let it be like this: I shall say to a girl,"please lower your jar so that I may drink; and if she answered,"Drink, and I will water your camels also", that would be the girl whom thou dost intend for thy servant Isaac."
  • 自由撒落;散布
    To sprinkle liberally; dot.
  • 他无疑在撒谎。
    He is lying doubtless.
  • 她在点心上了点糖。
    She dredged a little sugar over the cake.
  • 沉浸在月光中;满月光的草原。
    drenched in moonlight; moon-drenched meadows.
  • 月光透过树叶下来。
    Moonlight is dripping through the leaves.
  • 他们还总是梦想用试验的办法来实现自己的社会空想,创办单个的法伦斯泰尔,建立国内移民区,创立小伊加利亚,即袖珍版的新耶路冷,----而为了建造这一切空中楼阁,他们就不得不呼吁资产阶级发善心和慷慨解囊。
    They still dream of experimental realisation of their social Utopias, of founding isolated "phalansteres," of establishing "Home Colonies," of setting up a "Little Icaria" -- duodecimo editions of the New Jerusalem -- and to realise all these castles in the air, they are compelled to appeal to the feelings and purses of the bourgeois.
  • 他竟敢说我撒谎.
    He had the effrontery to say I was lying.
  • 亚伯兰到达了埃及,埃及人看到莱的确十分美丽。
    When Abram arrived in Egypt, the Egyptians saw that she was indeed very beautiful.
  • 当他们快到埃及时,他对妻子莱说:“我深知你是个美丽的女人,埃及人见到你就会说:‘这是那人的妻子,'他们就会杀死我而留下你。”
    When he was approaching Egypt, he said to his wife Sarai:"I know very well that you are a beautiful woman, and that when the Egyptians see you, they will say,'She is his wife', then they will kill me but let you live."
  • 带音乐的庄重详细的弥
    a solemn and elaborate Mass with music.
  • 圣日芮维埃芙山像一个巨大圆瓶兀自隆起在东南边,这倒是很值得从圣母院顶上观看一下的:只见那许许多多狭窄弯曲的街道(今天的拉丁区),那密密麻麻的屋宇,从山顶上向四面八方散开来,几乎一溜笔直地沿着山坡俯冲下去,直至河边,有的像要跌倒,有的像要再爬起来,但又都似乎彼此相互扶持。
    Mount Sainte-Genevieve formed an enormous mound to the south; and it was a sight to see from the summit of Notre-Dame how that throng of narrow and tortuous streets (to-day the Latin Quarter),those bunches of houses which, spread out in every direction from the top of this eminence, precipitated themselves in disorder, and almost perpendicularly down its flanks, nearly to the water's edge, having the air, some of falling, others of clambering up again, and all of holding to one another.
  • 序诵在一些基督教堂中引入圣餐中心部分的吟诵
    The words introducing the central part of the Eucharist in several Christian churches.
  • 罗马天主教教堂和一些新教教堂举行的领取圣餐的公共庆祝活动
    Public celebration of the Eucharist in the Roman Catholic Church and some Protestant churches.
  • 圣餐仪式弥的部分或接受圣餐的礼拜仪式
    The part of the Mass or a liturgy in which the Eucharist is received.
  • 巴比伦王国美索不达米亚的一个古代帝国,幼发拉底河流域。繁荣于汉穆拉比和尼布甲尼二世统治之时,但于公元前562年后衰落并于539年落于波斯人手中
    An ancient empire of Mesopotamia in the Euphrates River valley. It flourished under Hammurabi and Nebuchadnezzar II but declined after562 b.c. and fell to the Persians in539.