  • 纳粹匪徒决定对集中营里的人进行查以确保没有什么东西偷运进去。
    The Nazi bandits decided to shake down the inmates to make sure nothing had been smuggled into the concentration camp.
  • 警方到处搜查逃犯。
    The police searched every nook and corner for the escaped criminal.
  • 无论如何,目前捕的绳套已经越拉越紧,渐渐勒住了这两个嫌疑犯的脖子,那么能揭开事实真相的那扇门是不是也渐渐地打开了呢?
    Now that a noose has closed around two men in the sniper investigation, perhaps the hole through which to see the answer may be cut.
  • 侦探在人群中寻,寻找扒手们。
    The detective was nosing around in the crowd, looking for pickpockers.
  • 那位小说家为了写书而集材料。
    The novelist gathered materials for his work.
  • 信息战可用于迷盲对方防空目标索系统,从而剥夺那些武器的战斗潜力。
    IW can be used to blind air defense target acquisition systems, nullifying the combat power potential of those weapons.
  • 警察拿到了查他家的查证。
    The police obtained a search warrant for his house.
  • 通常是通过简单地填写在线表格就能把你的网站信息提交给索引擎。
    You can usually submit your Web site simply by filling in an online form.
  • 公开地、毫不隐瞒地集情报。
    the collection of intelligence openly without concealment.
  • 他一听到有人喊“有人落海”,他立即下令船转向,寻失踪的人。
    As soon as he heard the cry "man overboard", he ordered the ship to go about and search for the missing man.
  • 这些调用形成了api提供的索功能,同时与那些能够检索注册信息并返回符合条件的条目概要信息的调用的返回消息类型一起,提供了完整的浏览模式的功能。
    These calls form the search capabilities provided by the API and are matched with summary return messages that return overview information about the registered information that is associated with the inquiry message type and the search criteria specified in the inquiry.
  • 警方来查大楼时,大家都很惊慌.
    It was panic stations when the police arrived to search the building.
  • 他搜遍文件寻找。
    He searched through his papers.
  • 我在旧文件中搜寻。
    I raked among the old papers.
  • 索在一个区域游荡寻找某人或某物
    To patrol an area in search for someone or something.
  • 海军宪兵队奉命查每一个登船的水兵。
    The shore patrol was ordered to search every sailor who went on board the ship.
  • 我绕着那棵树慢慢挪着步子,寻树干上是否有踏脚或抓手的东西帮助彼得攀上树顶,但是树皮上非常光滑,什么都没有。
    I walked slowly around the tree, searching the trunk for any foot or handholds on the bark which would enable Peter to climb to the top, but the bark was as smooth as a pebble.
  • 在某些地点,我们还使用了探地雷达以索地下建筑以及埋藏起来的设备。
    At certain sites, ground-penetrating radar was used to look for underground structures or buried equipment.
  • java将给web页面增加时髦和特色(很像现在索引擎、帧和背景所做的那样),你会看到从internet网上获得一些java应用程序。
    Java will add pizzazz and features to Web pages (much as search engines, frames, and backgrounds now do), and you might see a few Java applications available on the Internet.
  • 最后,正如劳伦斯·玛舍尔在《行星勘探卜书中所说,一个寻恒星光谱周期变化的聪明计划证实在太阳系之外有无数个大行星围绕着恒星在做轨道运行。
    Finally, as Laurence A.Marschall reports in Planetary Prospecting, a clever program to hunt for periodic changes in the spectra of stars has confirmed the existence of numerous giant planets orbiting stars beyond our solar system.
  • 当蚊子追踪一个感兴趣的目标时,在接触目标前,先顺着呼出的气流曲折飞行,然后落到皮肤上耐心寻合适的地方,插入螫针,吸食8~10秒钟。
    When a mosquito is trailing an attractive target, it zigzags up the breath plume until it makes contact, landing on the skin and patiently searching for just the right spot to insert its stylet for an eight-to-ten second feeding.
  • 警方遍这个地区寻找这个走失的孩子。
    The police scoured the area looking for the lost child.
  • 但是,别忘了,读本书时,你所寻找的谜底可能在你自己的心里:正当你索枯肠、百思不得其解时,说不定答案就跳脱出来,跃入你的脑海。它也可能化身为一个概念,或能以计划的形式出现,也有可能以目标的姿态现身。
    But remember, as you read, the answer you may be seeking, to the questions which have caused you to ponder over the strangeness of life, may be found in your own mind, through some idea, plan, or purpose which may spring into your mind as you read.
  • 它们不是用耳朵索地平线,而是保持静止,然后提起和放下一只脚。
    Rather than scanning the horizon with their ears, elephants tend to freeze their posture and raise and lower a single foot.
  • 中国参加了历届东盟地区论坛外长会议和高官会,中国外交与国防代表参加了论坛框架内的建立信任措施、维和、海上救、抢险救灾、预防性外交、不扩散、指导原则等各类官方和非官方会议。
    China has attended all the ARF foreign minister meetings and ARF senior official meetings. Chinese representatives of foreign and defense affairs have attended official and unofficial meetings within the framework of the forum, their topics of discussion including promotion of confidence-building measures, peace keeping, maritime search and rescue, the handling of emergencies and disaster relief, preventative diplomacy, non-proliferation, and guiding principles.
  • 该中心负责召集其他政府部门,征调所需资源,从而在区内提供卓越、有效的救服务。
    Calling upon resources provided by other government departments, the centre provides an effective and efficient search and rescue service in the region.
  • 索粮食四处游荡以寻找食物或粮食
    To wander in search of food or provisions.
  • 他们查了另一个房间,但没有多大希望。“到底还有哪里可找呢?”帕格问道。
    They searched the other room, but without much hope. "Where the hell else can we look?" asked Pug.
  • 捕工作证明是很困难的,因为人们看到的这只美洲狮常常是早上在一个地方,而晚上又在二十英里之外的另一个地方。
    The search proved difficult, for the puma was often observed at one place in the morning and at another place twenty miles away in the evening.
  • 伪军在全村寻我们的地下工作人员。
    The puppet soldiers searched the village for our underground workers.
  • 雷达密切监视天空,索敌机。
    The radar scanned the sky for enemy planes.
  • 警察索了在周围六英里以内的树林各处。
    The police searched all the woods within a six-mile radius.