  • 与它的前身蓝调音乐一样,爵士乐是美国第一批真正本土发展的音乐形式之一。但是,爵士乐能进行大胆而不可预测的即兴演绎,这就给了乐手们蓝调音乐所不能提供的宝贵发空间。
    Along with the blues, its forefather, it is one of the first truly indigenous musics to develop in America, yet its unpredictable, risky ventures into improvisation gave it critical cache with scholars that the blues lacked.
  • 我们不许可任何一个红军指员变为乱撞乱碰的鲁莽家;
    We do not permit any of our Red Army commanders to become a blundering hothead;
  • 我们不赞成任何一个抗日战争的指员,离开客观条件,变为乱撞乱碰的鲁莽家,但是我们必须提倡每个抗日战争的指员变为勇敢而明智的将军。
    We do not want any of our commanders in the war to detach himself from the objective conditions and become a blundering hothead, but we decidedly want every commander to become a general who is both bold and sagacious.
  • 让我们分析一下在过去50年里发生的3次战争,轰炸一个长100英尺宽60英尺的目标(通常是一幢可容纳一个指所、一家工厂或其他单位的大楼),毁伤概率为90%,需要多少飞行架次和投掷多少炸弹:在40年代(二战时期),需出动重型轰炸机(b?17)1500架次,投掷1吨重的炸弹9000枚(有一半炸弹偏离目标3300多英尺);
    To put this into perspective,consider what it took--in three wars,over the past fifty years-- to achieve a 90 percent probability of destroying a target measuring sixty feet by one hundred feet (a building,usually housing a headquarters,factory,or whatever).In the s (World War II) this required 1,500 heavy bomber (B-17) sorties dropping 9,000 one- ton bombs (half of which would land more than 3000 feet from the target).
  • 战地指官以低沉而有回响的声音发出号令
    A field commander booming out orders.
  • 以农村和经济欠发达地区为重点,制定优先原则,发城市和发达地区的示范作用,推动不同地区的深入发展。
    Rural and under-developed areas are given priorities in economic development, while the exemplary role of cities and developed regions is given full play in further boosting the development of different regions.
  • 实施积极财政政策和扩大内需对实现全年经济增长目标发了关键作用,预计全年经济增长速度达到7.1%,年初提出的主要调控目标基本实现,国民经济保持持续快速健康发展的良好态势。
    The implementation of active fiscal policy and boosting of internal demand played a key role in realizing the objective of economic growth for 1999 and it is estimated that the economic growth reached 7.1 per cent. The major adjustment and control objectives announced at the beginning of the year are basically realized and the national economy maintains a sound momentum of sustained, rapid and healthy development.
  • 但是一旦返回巴黎,这个惯于霍享乐、喝酒跳舞的姑娘似乎就耐不住了,这种唯有老公爵定期来访才可以解解闷的孤寂生活使她觉得百无聊赖,无以排遣,过去生活的热辣辣的气息一下子涌上了她的脑海和心头。
    But once she was back in Paris, it seemed to her, accustomed as she was to a life of dissipation, balls and even orgies, that her new-found solitude, broken only by the periodic visits of the Duke, would make her die of boredom, and the scorching winds of her former life blew hot on both her head and her heart.
  • 卡莱尔宾夕法尼亚州南部一自治村镇,位于哈里斯堡西南部以西。该地曾为1794年维斯基叛乱时乔治·华盛顿的指部。人口18,419
    A borough of southern Pennsylvania west-southwest of Harrisburg. It was a headquarters for George Washington during the Whiskey Rebellion of1794. Population,18, 419.
  • 谁在指挥这项工作?
    Who is bossing this job?
  • "只要我发出我的最佳水平,我就不会失败。
    If I played my best and lost that never really bothered me.
  • 那个拳击选手起双拳猛击对手。
    The boxer thumped his opponent with his fists.
  • 示威者舞着旗帜,呼喊着口号。
    The demonstrators brandished banners and shouted slogans.
  • 刀剑挥舞, 旌旗飘扬。
    Swords brandished and banners waved.
  • 士兵们随着他们勇敢的指官投入战斗。
    The soldiers followed their fearless leader into the battle.
  • 官的楷模鼓舞士兵们勇敢作战。
    Their captain's example incited the men to fight bravely.
  • 官推荐威廉斯中士获勇敢勋章.
    The commanding officer put Sergeant Williams in for a medal for bravery.
  • 他家人的霍无度正使他破产。
    His family's extravagance is breaking his back.
  • 毕加索全神贯注于他的绘画,往往在夜间毫以继续白天的工作,一气呵成,他创作起来如同呼吸一样自然。
    Completely absorbed in his art, often working at night to avoid interruption, Picasso created as naturally as he breathed.
  • 旅美军的行政和战略单位,包括一个指部,至少一个单位的步兵或装甲兵或二者兼有,以及指派的支援部队。可由陆军准将或由上校统领的一个旅
    A U.S. Army administrative and tactical unit composed of a headquarters unit, at least one unit of infantry or armor or both, and designated support units. A brigade can be commanded by a brigadier general or by a colonel.
  • 他的妻子是一位迷人的女士,散发着自信的光彩。她为我们合了一张影后,就用她那缀满了绿松石手镯的手臂向我们手道别了。
    His wife, an attractive woman brimming with confidence, took a photo of us, then waved goodbye with an arm heavily weighted with turquoise bracelets.
  • 挥拳猛击某人
    Haul off on sb.
  • 把年轻人提起来,放到重要岗位,管的业务宽了,见识就广了,就能更好地发作用。
    By promoting these young people to higher positions with more responsibilities, thereby broadening their horizons, we can make better use of their talents and abilities.
  • 在解决千年虫问题时,他们曾经发了重要的作用。
    They were instrumental in diffusing the Y2K bug.
  • 当那个无赖正在嘲弄斯蒂芬时,斯蒂芬突然起拳头给了他几击。
    The bully was taunting Stephen, when suddenly Stephen pitched into him with fists flying.
  • 次日,属于苏军第三突击队的反间谋人员赶到柏林,准备将希特勒等尸体的搬动过程全部记录下来。但到5月5日苏军第五突击队接管了柏林,而第三突击队的反间谋人员不大愿意将发现希特勒尸体的功劳让给第五突击队,于是他们在两个突击队指交班之间,趁夜深人静之际将希特勒等人的尸体偷运走。
    The next day, Smersh counter?espionage agents attached to the Third Shock Army arrived to prepare the documentation for removing the bodies, but, by May 5, the area around the bunker was passed on to the Fifth Shock Army. The Smersh agents were reluctant to surrender such a prize and snatched the bodies at night before the handover between Red Army commaders.
  • 挥金如土。
    His money burns a hole in his pocket.
  • 因而,在尼克松时期,美国对国际事务的干涉(如对柬埔寨的恐怖性轰炸)党政军不得不以秘密诡诈的方式进行。而今,杰拉尔德?福特却公然舞他的大棒。
    Thus, during the Nixon era, interventions such as the terror bombing of Cambodia had to be conducted by stealth and deception. Now Gerald Ford waves his big stick openly.
  • 学生们在校园里舞旗子。
    The students flourished flags on the campus.
  • 这就要求提高干部的指水平。
    What is needed is a higher level of command capability;
  • 于是雪片一样地制造所谓“共产党捣乱”,“八路军、新四军游而不击,不听指”,“陕甘宁边区实行割据,向外扩展”,“共产党阴谋推翻政府”,乃至“苏联阴谋侵略中国”等等的假消息、假报告、假文件、假决议,用以蒙蔽事实的真相,企图造成舆论,达其主和即投降之目的。
    For example, it has fabricated and released a spate of false news, false reports, false documents and false resolutions, such as: "the Communist Party engages in disruptive activities", "the Eighth Route Army and the New Fourth Army are merely moving about without fighting and refuse to obey orders", "a separatist regime has been formed in the Shensi-Kansu-Ningsia Border Region and is expanding beyond its confines", "the Communist Party is plotting to overthrow the government", and even, "the Soviet Union is plotting aggression against China". Its purpose is to make peace, or in other words to capitulate, by covering up the real facts and confusing public opinion.
  • 由于含有大量发物及具有非焦化性,巴基斯坦的煤需要在低温碳化装置中加以碳化。
    Pakistan 's coal , because of its high content of volatile matter and non - coking properties , is to be carbonized in a low temperature carbonization plant.