  • 在她丈夫雇用的犯人中,曾有一个心怀不满。
    Amongst the criminals employed by her husband had been one who nursed a grievance.
  • 异性间的抚摸,爱抚满怀爱意地拥抱、接吻或爱抚情侣的行为或体验
    The act or practice of amorously embracing, kissing, and caressing one's partner.
  • 新阿姆斯特丹(现在的纽约)的荷兰人对后到的英国人持怀疑态度,英国人不相信德国人,德国人拒绝雇佣爱尔兰人,爱尔兰人瞧不起俄国人和波兰人,俄国人和波兰人不愿与越南人作邻居,等等。
    The Dutch in Nieuw Amsterdam (now New York) viewed the English arrivistes with suspicion;the English mistrusted the Germans, who refused to hire the Irish, who discriminated against the Russians and Poles, who won't live next to the Vietnamese,and so on.
  • 不过,分析家们对该公司的前景表示悲观。他们怀疑债权人是否允许该公司完完整整继续存在。
    Analysts, however, took a dim view of the company's prospects, questioning whether creditors would allow the company to survive intact.
  • 药物及毒理科年中处理大量的个案,包括:化验从藏毒、运毒及制毒案件里所搜获的物证和分析非法藏有受管制的药物制剂;进行毒理化验,帮助调查致死的原因是否因为死者曾服食有毒物质;鉴定怀疑酒后驾驶的司机血液内的酒精含量,有否超出法定的标准。
    One group, which covers controlled drugs and toxicology, deals with a high volume of cases including illicit drugs analysis in cases of possession, trafficking and manufacturing, possession of controlled pharmaceutical preparations, analytical toxicology in certain death enquiries and blood alcohol determination in suspected drink-driving offences.
  • 林彪、“四人帮”的流毒,特别是派性和无政府主义的流毒,同一些怀疑社会主义、怀疑无产阶级专政、怀疑党的领导、怀疑马列主义毛泽东思想的思潮相结合,开始在一小部分人中间蔓延。
    Their poisonous influence -- reflected particularly in factionalism and anarchism -- has begun to spread again among a small section of people, along with doubts about socialism, the dictatorship of the proletariat, the Party's leadership and Marxism-Leninism and Mao Zedong Thought.
  • 康奈尔,以斯拉1807-1874美国商人,慈善家,帮助发展并统一了美国的电报系统,并与安德鲁·d·怀特一起建立了康奈尔大学(1868年)
    American businessman and philanthropist who helped develop and unify telegraph systems in the United States and founded Cornell University(1868) with Andrew D. White.
  • 直到我们在佛罗里达度春假的一天半夜里,我们才知道海迪已经身怀六甲。
    We were unaware that Andy had left his calling card until the middle of one night during our spring vacation in Florida.
  • 我叙述那件轶事,他听了开怀大笑。
    I related the anecdote, whereupon he laughed heartily.
  • 玛丽听天使说她怀孕了。
    Mary was told by the angel that she was with child.
  • 总之,你在怀什麽鬼计?
    What's your angle, anyway?
  • 他对批评他的人并不怀恨在心。
    He felt no animosity towards his critics.
  • 只要有人常怀怨恨、妒忌之心,便永远会有不和谐发生。
    There will always be disharmony as long as there are individuals who harbour animosity, hate or jealousy.
  • 几千年来,特别是五四运动以后的半个多世纪来,他们满怀信心,艰苦奋斗,排除一切阻力,一次又一次地写下了我国历史上光辉灿烂的篇章。
    For thousands of years, and especially in the half century since the May 4th Movement, they have struggled arduously and confidently, overcoming all obstacles in their way and writing many brilliant chapters in our annals.
  • 不得以结婚、怀孕、产假、哺乳等为由,辞退女职工或单方面解除劳动合同;
    It cannot fire women or unilaterally annul their labor contracts on the pretext of marriage, pregnancy, maternity leave or baby nursing.
  • *世界卫生组织--卫生组织从2001年炭疽病爆发中为公共保健系统总结出了重要的教训,并就如何对炭疽病毒感染怀疑作出反应向各国发出了指导意见。
    * World Health Organization – WHO has identified key lessons for public health systems from the 2001 anthrax outbreaks and has issued guidance for States on how to respond to suspected anthrax infections.
  • 怀着恐惧和焦急地期待着某事物。
    anticipate with dread or anxiety.
  • 大多数俘虏心中映出的形象是一位女人的脸,带着些许不安的情绪,他们亲切而满怀希望地想念着各自的妻子或恋人。
    Mirrored in the minds of most of them was the face of a woman. They thought-of-her, wife-or-sweetheart, lovingly, hopefully, some anxiously.
  • 怀疑这官员是个要人。
    He doubts if the officer is anybody.
  • 他并非完全对事实怀有敌意,只是没有关心到罢了。
    He wasn't exactly hostile to facts but he was apathetic about them.
  • 他并非完全对事实怀有敌意,只是没有关心到罢了。
    He is not exactly hostile to fact but he is apathetic about them.
  • 他们任命怀特为经理。
    They appointed White manager.
  • 他们任命怀特为经理。
    They appointed White to be manager.
  • 我们怀着极其焦虑的心情等待他们作出决定。
    We waited for their decision with a great deal of apprehension.
  • 他满怀热情地去干新的工作。
    He approached the new job with enthusiasm.
  • 怀疑他的提议是否会被批准。
    I question whether his proposal will be approved.
  • 关于买房子的事,格林先生去找怀特先生去了。
    Mr Green went to see Mr White apropos of buying a house.
  • 阿拉巴霍族早期居住于科罗多拉东部和怀俄明东南部的美洲土著人,现在其人口分布于俄克拉何马及怀俄明中部。传统的阿拉巴霍生活基于大平原上的猎捕野牛文明
    A Native American people formerly inhabiting eastern Colorado and southeast Wyoming, with present-day populations in Oklahoma and central Wyoming. Traditional Arapaho life was based on the buffalo-hunting culture of the Great Plains.
  • 接着,鲍威尔和其工作人员起立,满怀热情地缓缓唱起了那首古老的经典南太平洋歌曲"迷人的夜晚",其歌词暗指了东南亚地区微妙的外交关系。
    Powell and staff then rose and labored with gusto through the old "South Pacific" standard "Some Enchanted Evening" - with lyrics bent to the arcana of Southeast Asian foreign relations.
  • 因为他是伟大的思想家亚里斯多德,所以差不多有两千年之久,没有人对他的想法提出怀疑。
    And because he was Aristotle, the great thinker, no one questioned his idea for almost2,000 years.
  • 因为他是伟大的思想家亚里斯多德,所以差不多有两千年之久,没有人对他的想法提出怀疑。
    And because he was Aristotle, the great thinker, no one questioned his idea for almost 2, 000 years.
  • 联合国伊拉克问题特别委员会怀疑,她所掌握的这些武器可能曾经在真人身上进行过实验。
    UNSCOM suspected that weapons in her arsenal had been tested on humans.