  • 他的呼吸變得微弱了.
    His breathing became faint.
  • 我身子這樣虛,爬三段樓梯就氣喘籲籲。
    I was so weak that three flights of stairs would leave me breathless and panting.
  • 乍現,閃現短暫地或微地的顯示或暗示
    To be manifested or indicated briefly or faintly.
  • 逐漸消失在亮度、響度或精力上逐漸減直至全部消失的活動或例子
    The act or an instance of gradually diminishing in brightness, loudness, or strength until actual disappearance occurs.
  • 聲音、力量或亮度的逐漸減
    gradually diminishing in brightness or loudness or strength.
  • (燈光)缺少亮度或光亮;黯淡的或微的。
    (of light) lacking in intensity or brightness; dim or feeble.
  • 圖象的亮度或音響強度逐漸增強或減的現象。
    A gradual decrease(fade-out) or increase(fade-in) of the brightness of an image, or the volume of an audio signal.
  • 在波傳播中,波束的強度,與振幅的平方成正比,用它來衡量輻射的強。對於光波束來說,它表示光的亮度;而對於聲波來說,它表示響度。
    In wave propagation, the intensity of a beam which is proportional to the square of the amplitude of oscillation. It is a measure of the strength of the radiation. With light waves, intensity is an indication of brightness and in sound it is a measure of loudness.
  • 使減少光亮;減
    To make less brilliant; soften.
  • 的骨頭;玻璃是易碎的;‘brickle’和‘brickly’是方言。
    brittle bones; glass is brittle; `brickle' and `brickly' are dialectal.
  • 頭髮乾燥、脆、易纏繞,會在發梢或發幹的任何部位分叉。
    The hair is dry, brittle, and prone to tangling, and can split at the end or anywhere along the shaft.
  • 當你試圖把它們鋸斷或剖開時,你就會發現其木質實際上非常脆,根本無法用來做建材。
    When you tried to saw the wood or to break it apart,you discovered the wood is actually pretty brittle which makes it virtually impossible to build with.
  • “中央着重指出:衹有繼續開展全中國人民的抗日救亡運動,擴大各黨各派各界各軍的抗日民族統一戰綫,加強中國共産黨在民族統一戰綫中的政治領導作用,極大地鞏固紅色政權與紅軍,同一切喪權辱國及削民族統一戰綫力量的言論行動進行堅决的鬥爭,我們才能推動國民黨南京政府走嚮抗日,才能給民主共和國的實現準備前提。
    "The Central Committee stresses that we shall impel the Kuomintang government in Nanking to resist Japan and we shall create the prerequisites for the democratic republic only by extending the Chinese people's movement of armed resistance and national salvation, by broadening the anti-Japanese national united front of all political parties, people of all walks of life and all armies, by strengthening the Chinese Communist Party's role of political leadership in the national united front, by greatly consolidating the Red political power and the Red Army, and by waging a determined struggle against all words and deeds which betray our sovereignty and humiliate our nation or weaken the forces of the national united front.
  • 那個恃強凌的學生昂首闊步地四處走。
    The bully swaggered about.
  • 這個欺凌小者不得不後退。
    The bully had to back down.
  • 凡是恃強凌的傢夥都有幾份膽祛。
    There is a yellow streak in every bully.
  • 他並不老是個恃強凌的人,是你使他變成那樣的。
    He was not always a bully -- you made him into one.
  • 她挺身反抗那些恃強欺的人,真勇敢。
    It is brave of her to stand up to those bully.
  • 像很多其他的小流氓一樣,他自身也有幾分懦
    Like many another bully he had a streak of cowardice in him.
  • 那個恃強凌的傢夥企圖從比他小的男孩手中奪走皮球。
    The bully tried to wrest the ball from the smaller boy 's hands.
  • 關鍵不在風力強,而是風的類型及它對建築形狀的影響。
    So, it's not the force of the wind, bur it's the type of wind and it's affect on the shape of the structure.
  • 我就認識這麽一對。丈夫身材魁梧,曾是一名運動員,而她卻是一位嬌文靜的小傢碧玉,甚至不願意出門上飯館。
    I know of one couple: He is a burly ex-athlete. Meanwhile, his wife is petite, quiet and a complete homebody. She doesn't even go out to dinner.
  • 燃燒的不穩定,非常微,不劇烈;閃動。
    burn unsteadily, feebly, or low; flicker.
  • 從垃圾堆裏撿來的瘦的混血兒
    A cadaverous mongrel picking through the garbage.
  • 我們的政治立場減是受謹守中立之害。
    Our politics are debilitated by the virus of cagey noncommitment.
  • 露營地的生活使他變得衰了。
    Life in the camp drained him.
  • 那人太虛了,不得不拄着拐杖走路。
    The man was so weak that he had to walk with a cane.
  • 槲皮苷,櫟皮酮一種黃色粉末狀的晶體化合物c5h15o2(oh)5,人工合成或以糖苷存在於許多植物的果皮及樹皮中,在醫藥中用來治療不正常的毛細血管脆
    A yellow, powdered crystalline compound, C5H15O2(OH)5, synthesized or occurring as a glycoside in the rind and bark of numerous plants, and used medicinally to treat abnormal capillary fragility.
  • 由於腕管神經(穿過手腕的神經)壓縮引起的疾病;典型癥狀是手部不適和虛
    a disorder caused by compression of a nerve in the carpal tunnel (where the nerve passes through the wrist); characterized by discomfort and weakness in the hand.
  • 鬍蘿蔔入鍋之前是強壯的,結實的,毫不示
    The carrot went in strong,hard,and unrelenting14.
  • 你是看似強硬,但遭遇痛苦和逆境後畏縮了,變軟,失去了力量的鬍蘿蔔嗎?
    Are you the carrot that seems hard,but with pain and adversity you wilt17 and become soft and lose your strength?
  • 不過,在表達時,國王把“軟無力的(impotent)”一詞的重音讀錯,放在了第二個音節,結果,卡特總統聽起來,“軟無力的”變成了“重要的(important)”。
    The trouble was in pronouncing the word he put the stress on the second syllable and the word sounded like "important" to Carter.