  • 事实上,环顾所有受今次金融风暴影响的国家和地方,我知道香港会是其中一个经济最先回复向好的地方。
    Indeed, of all the countries and communities that have been affected by the financial turmoil, I know ours will be the first to rebound.
  • 尽管在欧洲汽车销量大幅下降,并且今年仍持续,以致欧洲厂商必须紧缩并裁员,日本汽车制造商则相信明年销售开始回升。
    Despite a deep slump in car sales in Europe that is expected to persist this year, forcing cutbacks and layoffs among the European companies, the Japanese auto makers are banking on a rebound starting next year.
  • 虽然由于今年欧洲经济迟缓影响汽车销售,令peugeot汽车集团遭受打击,但很多分析家仍然推荐该股票。他们预期一旦欧洲经济开始复苏,peugeot有限公司的销售与利润明年有相当的回升。
    Although the Peugeot automobile group has taken a beating this year as Europe's economic slowdown has cut into car sales, many analysts are recommending its stock. They expect the sales and profits of Peugeot S.A. to rebound nicely next year, once Europe's economy starts to recover.
  • 3.广播组织应享有权利禁止未经其许可而为的下列行为:其广播以无线方式重播,其广播固定,已固定的内容复制,以及通过同样方式其电视广播向公众传播。
    3. Broadcasting organizations shall have the right to prohibit the following acts when undertaken without their authorization: the fixation, the reproduction of fixations, and the rebroadcasting by wireless means of broadcasts, as well as the communication to the public of television broadcasts of the same.
  • 这些破败的房屋要重建。
    The houses that have fallen away will be rebuilt.
  • 面对这些疑虑,似有神相助的库哥尔以自己的估计进行了反驳,他认为到下个世纪初整个因特网的广告收入从今天的10亿美元上升到150亿美元乃至更多。
    The charismatic Koogle rebuts doubters with estimates of total Internet advertising revenue soaring to $15 billion or more early next century from about $1 billion today.
  • 有些工程师认为,既然为这一系统起作用已付出如此巨大的努力,明智的做法是短期内这项工作继续下去,而不是从头再来。
    Some engineers take the view that since so much effort has been put into making this system work it would be sensible in the short term to continue the same line rather than start afresh.
  • 经思考军拿定主意,乘夜色夺回失去的阵地。
    The general resolved on an approach by night to recapture the lost ground.
  • 整个地区一直封锁到逃脱的豹子被重新被抓获。
    The whole area will remain cordoned off until the escaped leopards recaptured.
  • 柯雷吉多尔岛马尼拉湾入口处菲律宾群岛北部一个岛。1942年五月,尽管经过英勇保卫战,菲律宾和美国军队还是被迫这个设防小岛放弃给日本。1945年三月美国伞兵收回此岛
    An island of the northern Philippines at the entrance to Manila Bay. Despite a heroic defense, Filipino and U.S. troops were forced to surrender the fortified island to Japan in May1942. U.S. paratroopers recaptured the island in March1945.
  • 作为一个平凡的新加坡人,笔者也和其他同胞一样为前途担忧,为生计发愁,然而套用杨荣文准的比喻,涨潮时的水天一色已过去,现在是潮退时际,许多问题便显露出来;
    With every unfolding of events, Singaporeans, including me, become increasingly concerned about our livelihood and our future. However, as BG George Yeo pointed out, we need not despair. Yes, the high tide which represents the good times has ebbed, and many problems have surfaced as the water recedes.
  • 请将发票还给会计。
    Please return this receipt to accounting.
  • 上述货物由丙方使用乙方提供的机器为乙方生产。
    The aforesaid goods shall be manufactured by party C for party B with machines supplied by party B.
  • 继承者,后继者从前人身上继承或被期望即继承一种遗产如思想的人
    One who receives or is expected to receive a heritage, as of ideas, from a predecessor.
  • 经过深刻处理的信息比只经表面处理的信息要记得牢。
    Information that has received a significant amount of processing is remembered better than items that receive only superficial processing.
  • 俱乐部收到汇款后,为您办理登记注册手续,并寄出会员卡,您即取得会员资格。
    After receiving your application and money you post, we'll make a full registration for you. When you receive our qualification card, You are becoming a new member of our club. Congratulations!
  • 在军官组训方式方面,部分生长军官先在综合院校完成本科学历教育和军事基础训练,再根据即担任的职务在专业院校完成专业训练;
    Some officer candidates, who have received regular college education and basic military training at comprehensive educational institutions, will then receive professional training at specialized institutions in accordance with their future posts.
  • 在军官组训方式方面,部分生长军官先在综合院校完成本科学历教育和军事基础训练,再根据即担任的职务在专业院校完成专业训练;
    Some officer candidates, who have received regular (four-year) college education and basic military training at comprehensive educational institutions, will then receive professional training at specialized institutions in accordance with their future posts.
  • 在通信技术中,一种可以接收信号并它再发送出去的装置。在卫星通信中,把接收到的信号加以放大,然后以另一频率重新发送出去。参阅responder。
    In communications, a device that receives and retransmits signals. In satellite communications the received signals are amplified and retransmitted at a different frequency.
  • 接受偷来的货物其出售
    To receive stealed goods to sell
  • 按破产事务官的命令工厂出售。
    The factory is sold by order of the receiver.
  • 破产事务官举行公司资产拍卖。
    The receiver will hold an auction of the company's assets.
  • 可是在表面现象之下却涌动着另一股潮流。如果疏导合理,这股潮流会使美国更加融合而不是走向分裂。
    But afoot behind the scenes is another trend that, if handled carefully, could bring the country closer together rather than drive it apart.
  • 为配合港口的最新发展,海事处现正计划重新编排奇力滩和军澳的系泊浮标。
    To cope with recent port development, plans are afoot to reorganise the mooring buoys in Kellett Bank and Junk Bay.
  • 如果能贵方产品之细节来函告知,我方甚为感激。
    We should appreciate receiving full details of your products.
  • 收集来用的废物的容器。
    a receptacle for catching waste products for further use.
  • 我们从伊拉克过去承认的事实中了解到,它已不仅成功地炭菌病毒制武器化了,而且包括肉毒菌毒素、黄曲霉毒素和蓖麻毒素等生物制剂武器化了。
    We know from Iraq's past admissions that it has successfully weaponized not only anthrax, but also other biological agents, including botulinum toxin, aflatoxin and ricin.
  • 招待会在星期六举行。
    The reception will take place on Saturday.
  • 请记住房间的钥匙交给接待员。
    Please remember to turn in your room key to the receptionist.
  • 接待员只是简单地改变了以前的请求,“如有变化请来电告知”改成“如有变化请来电告知,行吗?
    The receptionist merely modified her request from " Pleasse call if you have to change your plans" to " Will you please call if you have to change your plans?
  • 当光线刺激这些接收器时,我们的视觉就信号转换成我们所见到的颜色。
    As light stimulates these receptors, our vision translates the signals into the colors we see.
  • 人的鼻子使用一个接受器和神经元相互连接的复杂系统,这个系统信号传导到大脑进行解释。
    The human nose uses a complex system of interconnected receptors and neurons, which conduct signals to the brain for interpretation.