| - 他寧肯死而决不受侮辱。
He will die before he shall disgrace himself. - 寧為玉碎,不為瓦全。
It is better to die when life is disgrace. - 寧為玉碎,不為瓦全。
It is better to die when life were disgrace. - 他寧為光榮而死不願忍辱而生。
He'd rather die in honour than live in disgrace. - 他寧為光榮而死不願忍辱而生。
He 'd rather die in honour than live in disgrace. - 我寧可安於貧窮,也不願用不當手段賺錢。
I would rather remain poor than get money by dishonest means. - 於是什麽“一次革命論”呀,共産主義不適合中國國情呀,共産黨在中國沒有存在之必要呀,八路軍新四軍破壞抗日、遊而不擊呀,陝甘寧邊區是封建割據呀,共産黨不聽話、不統一、有陰謀、要搗亂呀,來這麽一套,騙那些不知世事的人,以便時機一到,資本傢們就很有理由地去拿百分之四十九或五十一,而把全民族的利益一概賣給敵人。
Hence the whole bag of tricks for deceiving those who do not know what is going on in the world around them--the "theory of a single revolution", the tales that communism does not suit the national conditions of China, that there is no need for a Communist Party in China, that the Eighth Route and the New Fourth Armies are sabotaging the anti-Japanese war and are merely moving about without fighting, that the Shensi-Kansu-Ningsia Border Region is a feudal separatist regime, that the Communist Party is disobedient, dissident, intriguing and disruptive--and all for the purpose of providing the capitalists with good grounds for getting their 49 or 51 per cent and selling out the nation's interests to the enemy at the opportune moment. - 儘管如此,年輕的顧客以及走在時代潮流前面的人,仍然寧買日本汽車,其人數之衆簡直不成比例。
Even so, younger buyers and others who have been on the leading edge of trends continue to prefer Japanese cars in disproportionate numbers. - 破壞陝甘寧邊區,是這種陰謀的一部分。
The disruption of the Shensi-Kansu-Ningsia Border Region was part of their plot. - 這個佈告是毛澤東為陝甘寧邊區政府和八路軍後方留守處起草的,目的是對付蔣介石集團的破壞活動。
This proclamation was written by Comrade Mao Tse-tung for the Government of the Shensi-Kansu-Ningsia Border Region and the Rear Headquarters of the Eighth Route Army with a view to countering disruptive activities by the Chiang Kai-shek clique. - 就這樣,列寧和一切歪麯馬剋思主義的企圖進行了鬥爭。
Thus , Lenin strongly resisted any attempt to distort Marxism. - 如此愛他,以至於心神不寧
Loved him to distraction. - 鬍佛聽後說:“閣下,從前,有人被一條狂叫的狗叫的心神不寧,他找到狗的主人,請求他給狗拴上一根繩子。
Hearing this Hoover said,"Sir,once,a man was driven to distraction by a barking dog. He found the dog's owner and asked him to tie the dog with a rope." - 使不安寧,使不穩定使離開平靜狀態;幹擾
To cause to leave a tranquil condition; disturb. - 你的孩子吵得我妻子不得安寧,請說說他們好嗎?
Your children are disturbing my wife; can you speak to them, please? - 毛澤東同志告誡全黨同志不應該把馬剋思主義的理論“看成是死的教條”,“把馬剋思列寧主義書本上的某些個別字句看作現成的靈丹聖藥,似乎衹要得了它,就可以不費氣力地包醫百脖。
Comrade Mao Zedong admonished all comrades in the Party not to "regard Marxist theory as lifeless dogma" or to "regard odd quotations from Marxist-Leninist works as a ready-made panacea which, once acquired, can easily cure all maladies". - 這裏要批判的是另一個問題,就是對列寧關於小生産每日每時地大批地産生資本主義和資産階級這一段話的誤解或教條化,搬錯了。
What should be criticized here is something else, to wit, the misunderstanding, dogmatic interpretation and erroneous application of Lenin's statement that small production engenders capitalism and the bourgeoisie daily, hourly, and on a mass scale. - 醫學教授唐納德·萊德梅爾博士解釋說:“一旦贏得奧斯卡奬,將會終身享有內心的寧靜和成就感,改變自己身體應付日常緊張的方式。”
Medical professor Dr Donald Redelmier explained:“Once you get the Oscar it gives you an inner sense of peace and accomplishment that can last for your entire life and alters the way your body copes with stress on a day?to?day basis.” - 節食、寧靜、快樂是良醫。
The best physician is Dr. Diet, Dr. Quiet and Dr. Merry man. - 與其跟竜一塊兒上床,寧可坐着熬一整夜。
Better to sit up all night than go to bed with a dragon. - 氣候災害[北方春旱]2001年是繼1999年和2000年連續大旱之後的又一個特大旱災年,尤其是北方地區遭受了嚴重旱災,山西、山東、河南、遼寧等省旱情尤為突出。
Climate Disasters Spring Draught in the North: The year 2001 is another year with extraordinary draught after the draughts in 1999 and 2000, especially that the northern part was hit by serious draughts. The draughts were especially serious in Shanxi, Shandong, Henan and Liaoning. - 寧早勿晚。
Better be early than late. - 寧早勿晚。
Better is early than late. - 導遊:這裏是坤寧宮,皇帝和皇后必須在這兒過洞房花燭夜。
And here is the palace of Earthly Tranquillity where the emperor and the empress had to spend their wedding night. - 局促不安的,心神不寧的
Ill at ease; uneasy. - 還了偷來的錢,他的心理纔得到了安寧
He eased his conscience by returning the stolen money. - 他寧願儉衣節食,而不願節省旅遊開銷。
He’d rather economize on clothes and food than travel. - 臥室都在二樓,赫魯曉夫和布爾加寧各住一間,緊靠東道主艾登夫婦的臥室。
All the bedroom were on the second floor. Khruschev and Bulganin each had a bedroom near their hosts Mr. and Mrs. Eden's bedroom. - 拼命幹,不成功毋寧死
To exert supreme effort. - 在18世紀的大部分時間裏,羅馬未得安寧。
During most of the eighteenth century there was an uneasy peace. - 我們寧願將貨物到別處去賣,也不願把報盤無限期地保持有效。
We'd rather sell our goods elsewhere than keep our offer open indefinitely. - 在伊拉剋南部寧靜的美索不達米亞沙漠這片年前文明初現曙光的土地上空,兩架美國戰鬥機像老鷹搜尋躲藏的獵物一般盤旋着。
High above the unruffled Mesopotamian sands of southern Iraq,over the land where civilization dawned 8000 years ago,two American fighters circled like hawks in search of an elusive prey.