  • 除奧剋蘭外,其附近還有許多美得讓人留戀忘返、值得一看的勝景,所以萬別錯過去南面的懷托摩。
    There's too much to see beyond Auckland to justify spending too much time in the city, so head south to Waitomo.
  • 拍賣賣得一千美元
    Fetched a thousand dollars at auction.
  • 明天將有三萬美元的俄亥俄州公債要拍賣。
    Tomorrow $ 30 million Ohio bonds will go on the auction block.
  • 本森悄悄地嚮拍賣人做了個手勢,然後把出價又擡高了一元。
    Benson signaled the auctioneer quietly and kicked the bid up another thousand.
  • 聽衆有五千人之多。
    The audience was no less than five thousand.
  • 名聽衆擠滿了音樂大廳。
    Three thousand audience crowded the concert hall.
  • 這座禮堂可容納五人。
    The auditorium admits5.000 persons.
  • 然而,儘管它的瑰麗依舊不減當年,但當您看見歲月和人力同時對這令人肅然起敬的豐碑給予無數的損壞和肢解,全然不顧奠定其第一塊基石的查理大帝和安放最後一個石塊的菲利浦—奧古斯都,您是很難不喟然長嘆,很難不憤慨萬
    But, beautiful as it has been preserved in growing old, it is difficult not to sigh, not to wax indignant, before the numberless degradations and mutilations which time and men have both caused the venerable monument to suffer, without respect for Charlemagne, who laid its first stone, or for Philip Augustus, who laid the last.
  • 中國實現了從幾年的封建專製政治嚮人民民主政治的偉大跨越。
    It marks China's realization of a great leap from centuries-old feudalistic autocratic politics to people's democratic politics.
  • 孫中山先生領導的辛亥革命,推翻了統治中國幾年的君主專製制度,對中國社會進步具有重大意義,但也未能改變中國半殖民地半封建的社會性質和人民的悲慘命運。
    The 1911 Revolution led by Dr. Sun Yat-sen, which overthrew the autocratic monarchy that had ruled China for several thousand years, was of great significance in promoting China's social progress. Yes, it did not succeed in altering the semi-colonial and semi-feudal social nature of China and the miserable destiny of the Chinese people , either.
  • 醫院床位總數6246張,比1991年增加1169張,平均每人口醫院床位超過2.5張;
    6,246 hospital beds, 1,169 beds more than in 1991, averaging some 2.5 beds per 1,000 people;
  • 拿美國來說,在校大學生一萬,它是二億二萬人口,二十二個人中就有一個。
    In the United States, 10 million out of its population of 220 million are college students, averaging one for every 22 persons.
  • 例如,利用qos,應用程序就能與網絡協調,保證在延時不大於“y”毫秒的情況下從一端嚮另一端交付平均速率為“x”比特/秒的特定數據流。
    With QoS, for example, an application can negotiate with the network for a particular stream averaging "x" kilobits per second to be delivered end to end with no more than "y" milliseconds of delay.
  •  封建農奴制度下的舊西藏,衹有三所醫療設備極其簡陋、規模有限的官辦藏醫機構和少量私人診所,從業人員近百人,加上民間藏醫也衹有400餘人,平均每人口衹有不到0.4名醫務人員。
    Old Tibet, under the feudal serf system, had only three officially operated, small traditional Tibetan medical establishments, having simple and rough medical equipment, and a few private clinics. There were close to 100 practitioners. Even adding folk doctors of Tibetan medicine, the number totalled only about 400, averaging less than 0.4 per 1,000 people.
  • 勞動人民幾年來上了反動統治階級的欺騙和恐嚇的老當,很不容易覺悟到自己掌握槍桿子的重要性。
    It is very difficult for the labouring people, who have been deceived and intimidated by the reactionary ruling classes for thousands of years, to awaken to the importance of having guns in their own hands.
  • 百萬勞動人民正在覺醒。
    The working people in their tens of millions are awakening.
  • 瓊斯太太跟丈夫離婚後,根據法院判决她每月可得到一美元的贍養費。
    Mrs. Jones was awarded $1000.00 monthly alimony by the court when she was divorced from her husband.
  • 巴比倫尼亞南部的一個區域;蘇美爾文明所在地,即建立城邦國傢,公元前第三個年一直繁榮。
    an area in the southern region of Babylonia; site of the Sumerian civilization of city-states that flowered during the third millennium BC.
  • 由於兆位流量通過局域網主幹網匯流在一起,運載着數據、圖形、聲音和視頻交換的混合信息,主幹網交換機必須承擔高檔功能的外包裝。
    With gigabit traffic streams funneling through the LAN backbone, carrying a mix of data, graphics, voice and video exchange, backbone switches have to assume the mantle of high-end functionality.
  • 趙:是的,田中先生,記得去年您提出要從我國進口價值六萬日元的絲綢,可實際上,由於我方當時手頭已有很多積壓訂單,結果不能完全滿足貴方的訂貨,衹裝運了價值三二百萬日元的絲綢。
    Right. Mr. Tanaka, as I remember, you placed an order of 60 million Japanese Yen worth of silk goods last year, but in fact only 30 million Japanese Yen worth of silk goods were shipped owing to our heavy backlog of orders on hand, and as a result, we would not fulfill your order completely.
  • 1999年5月,五個來自美國佛羅裏達州的青年--即“後街男孩”樂隊--推出的最新專輯《禧情》在第1周售出1133505張,成為soundscan公司開始記錄銷售額以來一周內銷量最多的專輯。
    May l999, five young men from Florida, the Backstreet Boys, sold l, l33, 505 copies of their latest album Millennium in its first week in release, making it the most albums sold in a week--ever--since Sound-Scan began recording sales figures.
  • 我們方百計使年輕人免緻犯罪入獄。
    We bend over backwards to keep young people out of prison.
  • 方百計為她弄到幾張票。
    He fell over backwards in his efforts to get some film tickets for her.
  • 他們在旅客特別愛乘的幾個民航班機上方百計地做到服務周到。
    They fall over backwards to lay on gracious service on a few favoured airline flights.
  • 壞事傳千裏。
    Bad news travels fast.
  • 方百計不讓我們找到她.
    She baffled all our attempts to find her.
  • 最近,巴格達舉世聞名的國傢博物館,許多具有幾年歷史的文物被暴民洗劫一空,令世人感到震驚和悲哀。在這個人類自詡為文明的時代,還發生這樣的事情,委實令人感到難以置信。
    Quite unbelievably, even in this seemingly more enlightened environment of the 21st century, the world was shocked and saddened by the recent massive looting of Iraq's choicest millennia-old cultural properties at the famed National Museum in Baghdad.
  • 阿列頗敘利亞西北部一城市,位於土耳其邊界附近。也許早在公元前六年即有人居住,阿列頗為穿過敘利亞通往巴格達交通要道上的重要一站,後成為中東基督教的主要中心。人口985,413
    A city of northwest Syria near the Turkish border. Inhabited perhaps as early as the sixth millennium b.c., Aleppo was a key point on the caravan route across Syria to Baghdad and later a major center of Christianity in the Middle East. Population,985, 413.
  • 在二英尺高度從飛機中跳傘。
    Bail out of an airplane at an elevation of 2000 feet.
  • 純軟件的負荷平衡器的起價為幾美元,黑盒子係統的起價約1萬美元,在某些局域網交換器中已裝有負荷平衡功能。
    Pricing for software-only load balancers starts at a few thousand dollars, and blackbox system pricing begins at around $10,000.Load balancing already is built in to some LAN switches.
  • 也許是由於厭倦了地球上的平常的事物或是因為受到了那些勇敢者,如美國第一個太空人艾倫·謝菲爾德和第一個進行太空旅行的美國富翁丹尼斯·蒂托的鼓舞,調查結果顯示有7%的美國富人願意花2萬美元參加為期兩周的太空軌道環繞旅行。還有19%的人願意掏10萬美元參加另一種衹有15分鐘的太空飛行。
    Possibly bored by the banal baubles of mundane Mother Earth or inspired by the dashing derring-do of such pioneers as first American in space Alan Shepard and first millionaire in space Dennis Tito, the poll says 7 percent of rich Americans would pay $20 million for a two-week orbital flight and 19 percent would pay $100,000 for 15-minute sub-orbital flight.
  • 其次,衹用帶寬來解决問題,即使是兆位帶寬,也衹起到“帶寬補侗的作用(即不能徹底解决問題)。
    Second, exclusively throwing bandwidth at problems, even Gigabit bandwidth, will serve only as a "bandwidth band-aid".