  • 按照綜合行動計劃,凡根據《一九五一年聯合國公約》和《一九六七年議定書》所載條款被列為難民的越南船民,均可移居海外;被審定為非難民的人士,須返回越南。
    The CPA provides that while those Vietnamese migrants who are classified as refugees under the terms of the 1951 United Nations Convention and 1967 Protocol are eligible for resettlement, those who are found not to be refugees should return to Vietnam.
  • “四人幫”組織上和思想上的殘餘還存在。我們不能低估這些殘餘的能量,否就要犯錯誤。
    The residual influence of the Gang of Four is still being felt in the organizational and ideological fields, and we must not underestimate its harmfulness or we are likely to make mistakes.
  • 財政司司長和其他政府人員現正加緊從各方面檢討本港的規和規例,以加強港元抵禦狙擊的能力。
    The Financial Secretary and other colleagues have been reviewing different aspects of our rules and regulations as a matter of urgency to enhance our resilience to manipulative attacks.
  • 亞洲的復元能力驚人,以泰國為例,今年的盈餘為國民生産總值的8%,反觀一九九六年,有相等於本地生産總值8%的赤字,儘管現時來說,大部分的盈餘都是靠大幅削減入口得來的。
    The resilience of Asia is such that Thailand this year will run a current account surplus of 8% of GDP, as against a deficit of 8% in 1996. Although, for the time being, much of the surplus comes from a severe cut in imports.
  • 一種從柔術來的運動並類似於摔跤(運用的是不抵抗規)。
    a sport adapted from jujitsu (using principles of not resisting) and similar to wrestling; developed in Japan.
  • 有了民主,抗他十年八年,我們也一定會勝利。
    With democracy, we shall certainly win even if we have to go on resisting for eight or ten years.
  • 如果證據是警方非法行為的結果,那麽該證據不能被用於刑事審訊的規
    a rule that provides that otherwise admissible evidence cannot be used in a criminal trial if it was the result of illegal police conduct.
  • 規定衹有證人的陳述可以用作證據,其它陳述一概不可的規
    a rule that declares not admissible as evidence any statement other than that by a witness.
  • 組成合法詞語的規研究。
    studies of the rules for forming admissible words.
  • 組成合法句子的規研究。
    studies of the rules for forming admissible sentences.
  • 法定證據規一般認為,程序如何更好的進行不應該是證據可采性聽證會的主題,因為特定案件中鑒定質量影響的是證據的重要性而不是它的可采性。
    Legal evidence rules generally hold that how well work is performed should not be the subject of an admissibility hearing because the quality of testing in a particular case goes to the weight of the evidence and not its admissibility.
  • 聯邦證據規可采性方法的支持者相信,這些規能夠包含所有frye規中包含的事項。
    Proponents of the Federal Rules approach to admissibility believe that taken together, these rules address all the concerns embodied in the Frye rule.
  • 涉及到證據可采性的規702規定:
    Rule 702, which concerns admissibility, states:
  • 他的“文化中國”與我之前對“和”、“同”的演說相輔相成:“文化中國”即“和”,而對華族認同感諸多不同的解釋為“同”。
    For the moment, though, I might add that there is a resonance of this characterisation with my earlier talk on "he" (和) and "tong" (同) (harmony and identification): his "cultural China" would be the "he", and the many Chinese truisms would be the "tong".
  • 因此,莊棟的名字纔變得響亮,被寫進了歷史。
    Thus the name of Zhuang Zedong could become resounding and was written into history.
  • 159.今年五月二十四日,我們根據《基本法》所載的原,舉行了立法會選舉。
    159. The Legislative Council election held on 24 May this year in accordance with the principles laid down in the Basic Law was a resounding success.
  • 貴方如能告知此人財政方面的信用與經營業務情況,感激不盡。
    Anything that you may be able to tell us as to his financial respectability and management will be appreciated by us.
  • 他很受人們的尊敬,而他的兄弟受到同等的蔑視。
    He was greatly respected, and his brother as much despised.
  • 2.國會有權處置合衆國之屬地及其它産業,並製定有關這些屬地及産業的一切必要的法規和章;
    Clause 2:The Congress shall have Power to dispose of and make all needful Rules and Regulations respecting the Territory or other Property belonging to the United States;
  • --遵循聯合國憲章的宗旨和原,特別是尊重國傢主權和不干涉內政的原
    -- The aims and principles of the Charter of the United Nations must be adhered to, especially the principles of respecting the sovereignty of all countries and non-interference in other countries' internal affairs.
  • 她的父母,按他們自己人的準,保持了他們的人格,而她卻放任自流了。
    Her parents had, according to their lights, maintained their respective standards of value, whereas she had let hers down.
  • 當局估計一九九六年的移民外地人數約有40300人,而一九九七年有30900人。
    It was estimated that 40300 and 30900 people emigrated in 1996 and 1997,respectively.
  • 若是母校爭氣,風生水起門庭若市,不但在新生報名日擠滿了殷切的父母,平時也不乏熱心的傢長貢獻時間精神,名正言順攀親搭戚,其良苦用心令人搖頭嘆息。
    If one's old school turns out a prestigious institution, it will see large crowds of enthusiastic parents thronging into its gate on registration days. At other times, it will have no lack of volunteers contributing their time and energy to its various programmes, trying to build up the right connections. Their diligence is admirable - and lamentable.
  • 年內,出生人數為60379名,死亡人數為32079名,而一九九六年的出生及死亡人數分別為64559名和32049名。
    During the year, 60 379 live births and 32079 deaths were registered, compared with 64559 and 32049 respectively in 1996.
  • 在一九九七年全年,錄得總懸浮粒子的最高平均水平為每立方米131微剋,可吸入懸浮粒子為每立方米73微剋;
    In 1997, the highest annual averages recorded were 131 micrograms per cubic metre of total suspended particulates and 73 micrograms per cubic metre of respirable suspended particulates.
  • 無限製的沒有明確限度、規或框架限製的
    Not restrained by definite limits, restrictions, or structure.
  • 那麽,用來表示結果
    Used to indicate result.
  • 如果有的電子層上均排滿電子,作用力互相抵消,而導致每個電子的磁矩為零。
    If all the shells containing electrons are completely filled , the effects cancel out and each atom has a resultant zero magnetic moment.
  • 總統應恢復其職務的權力和責任。
    otherwise, the President shall resume the powers and duties of his office.
  • 稅務行政原則
    administrative principle of taxation
  • 國傢行政管理的基本原
    fundamental principles of governmental administration
  • 其他人稱amazon.com反映出“史無前例的使無數零售商陷入災難的金融特徵。
    Some other says amazon.com shows the "financial characteristics that have driven innumerable retailers to disaster throughout history.