  • 宣誓忠實地執行司令的命令。
    The soldiers swore allegiance to the order of their commander.
  • 一名敵軍士在建築物間竄來竄去,在小巷鬍同間穿梭——這是城市戰爭中最令人頭疼的情形了。
    The enemy soldier is darting from building to building, from one alley to the next -- urban warfare at its worst.
  • 紅軍官中的邊界本地人都分得了土地,衹是遠籍人分配土地頗為睏難。
    Land has been allotted to all Red Army officers and men who are natives of the border area, but it is rather difficult to allot land to those from other parts of the country.
  • 這些職官,有一定的俸食,都是代以落花生。宰相每天食俸十莢;御史五莢;提督是要替王去打仗的,食俸同宰相;總食俸同御史。
    All these appointments had their own allotted victuals from Peanuts: the Prime Minister received a daily allotment of ten pods of peanuts, Ministers each received five pods, Generals who had to go to war for the King each received the same allotment as the Prime Minister, the Company Commanders each received the same amount as the Ministers.
  • 上尉說他寧願派20名他認為忠實可靠的士去解救圍困的要塞,也不願派100名盟國雇傭軍去。
    The captain said he would rather attempt the relief of the fort with twenty men he knew to be as true as steel than with a hundred of their ally's mercenaries.
  • 至少有兩機倉士被帶上了天空,他們有的拼命抓住飛機的起落架,有的抱住尾輪。
    There were at least two cases of soldiers being taken aloft hanging on to the undercarriage or tail wheel in desperation.
  • 憂愁的哨走嚮崗哨。
    The lone sentinel walked toward his post.
  • 傑夫:好了,我可不陪你紙上談了,我得去乒乓球館活動活動了。
    Jeff: Alright. I don't want to be an armchair strategist. I have to go to the table tennis training hall to practice.
  • 最後還有一排馬俑,也是朝外的。
    They also face outside.
  • 哨兵們輪流看守。
    The sentries alternate their watch.
  • 這包括獨裁者利用剋隆技術招募一支由“完美的士”組成的精銳部隊;或者富裕的利己主義者復製上百或上千個自己。
    These include dictators using cloning to amass an army of "perfect soldiers" or wealthy egotists seeking to produce hundreds or thousands of copies of themselves.
  • 們成功地伏擊了入侵的敵軍。
    The militia succeeded in ambushing the invading enemy soldiers.
  • 以少數武裝做伏
    The ambush was a dozen wellarmed men.
  • 那個被俘的士把他知道的全說出來了,並且提醒說,有大軍埋伏等待我們。
    The captured soldier spilled his guts and warned that troops were waiting in an ambush for us.
  • 城市裏有的把一些不大守規矩的青年往軍隊裏塞,這個問題以後徵的時候要註意。
    Some cities may send young people who aren't amenable to discipline into the army, and this problem should be kept in mind in future conscription.
  • 在那場戰鬥中用盡了所有的彈藥。
    The soldiers expended all their ammunition in that fight.
  • 們裝備好了武器和彈藥.
    The soldiers were well equipped with weapons and ammunition.
  • 他們開始把彈藥發給民
    They began distributing ammunition to the militia.
  • 們已用盡所供給的彈藥。
    The soldiers had exhausted their supply of ammunition.
  • 一個士問道,其餘的士正從臨死的戰友身上扒下裝備和武器。
    shouts one private, while others strip ammunition and weapons off dying comrades.
  • 這個老是從屍橫遍野的戰場上死裏逃生的。
    This veteran tried to survive amongst the dead and the dying on a battlefield.
  • 至於軍人,竊見將帥激厲士卒時,多使他們憶及他們底妻子兒女;又竊以為土耳其人之不尊重婚姻使一般士更為卑賤也。
    For soldiers, I find the generals commonly in their hortatives,put men in mind of their wives and children: and I think the despising of marriage amongst the Turks, maketh the vulgar soldier more base.
  • 作為軍人,有傢室則是好事,這正可以在戰場上激發他們的責任感和勇氣。這一點可以從土耳其的事例中得到反證——那裏的風俗不重視婚姻和家庭,結果他們士的鬥志很差。
    For soldiers, I find the generals commonly in their hortatives, put men in mind of their wives and children; and I think the despising of marriage amongst the Turks, maketh the vulgar soldier more base.
  • 海軍陸戰隊編有陸戰步、炮、裝甲、工程及偵察、防化、通信等部(分)隊,是實施兩棲作戰的快速突擊力量。
    The marine corps has infantry, artillery, armor and engineering units, as well as reconnaissance, chemical defense and communications units. It is a rapid assault force for amphibious operations.
  • 2001年春夏季節,南京、廣州軍區部隊分別組織了以聯合登陸作戰為背景的實演習,演練了諸軍種聯合登陸作戰的協同方法,總結了聯合訓練、陸軍部隊兩棲訓練、國防後備力量快速動員訓練等方面的一整套訓練、保障和管理經驗。
    In the spring and summer of 2001, both Nanjing and Guangzhou military area commands organized field exercises with joint landing operations as the backdrop, focusing on the coordination of joint and combined arms landing operation, and drew useful lessons on how to organize, support and manage joint training, ground force amphibious landing training, and training of rapid reserve mobilization.
  • 色芬尼希臘士和作傢。蘇格拉底的門徒,在進攻波斯的戰役中加入居魯士二世的軍隊。居魯士死後,色芬尼率領着希臘軍隊到了黑海,這次嚴峻的經歷成了他遠征記的素材
    Greek soldier and writer. A disciple of Socrates, he joined Cyrus the Younger in an attack on Persia. After the death of Cyrus, Xenophon led the Greek troops to the Black Sea, an ordeal he recounted in Anabasis.
  • 雖然犧牲了許多同志非常令人痛心,但客觀地分析事件的過程,人們就不得不承認,解放軍是人民的子弟
    It is a grievous thing that many comrades laid down their lives, but if people analyse the course of the incident objectively, they will have to admit that the PLA is the people's own army.
  • 難道主要地不是由於他們堅持為人民服務的立場,用自我犧牲的精神,樹立了模範的軍民關係,在部隊內部建立了能夠充分發揚下級官積極性的同志式的關係,並且依靠群衆,總結每次戰爭的經驗,從戰術到戰略都不斷地得到進步的原故嗎?
    Is it not chiefly because they upheld the principle of serving the people, established exemplary relations with the people through sacrificing their own interests, crated inside the armed forces a comradeship that brought the initiative of junior officers and the rank and file into full play, relied on the masses, analyzed the experience of each battle, and from battle to battle made continuous progress, both strategic and tactical?
  • 古代的士用飾有花紋的盾作戰。
    Soldiers in ancient time used escutcheon to fight.
  • 在安哥拉衝突中,有很多職業部隊都是雇傭
    Many of the professional troops in the Angolan conflict were soldiers of fortune.
  • 用於炮的角度單位;相當於周角。
    an angular unit used in artillery; equal to 1/6400 of a complete revolution.
  • 不過,在我們嚮烈士的遺骸告別之際,這些官們肯定會和我們同聲說:無論在這個文明世界的哪個地方,衹要讀到關於這場偉大戰爭的記載,人們就會發現,在我們國傢有史以來的光榮記錄中,再也找不到比葛底斯堡戰役更加輝煌的一頁了。
    But they, I am sure, will join us in saying, as we bid farewell to the dust of these martyr heroes, that wheresoever throughout the civilized world the accounts of this great warfare are read, and down to the latest period of recorded time, in the glorious annals of our common country there will be no brighter page than that which relates to the battles of Gettysburg.