  • 中国在历史上曾深受化学武器之害,在领土上至今还有大量侵华日军遗弃的化学武器。这化学武器仍在危害当地人民的生命安全和生存环境。
    China itself suffered greatly from chemical weapons in the past. Large quantities of chemical weapons abandoned by Japanese aggressor troops are found in China to this day, which still threaten the safety and lives and the living environment of the local people.
  • 在中国领土上至今还有大量侵华日军遗弃的化学武器,这化学武器仍在危害当地人民的生命安全和生存环境。
    Large quantities of chemical weapons abandoned by Japanese aggressor troops are found in China to this day, which still threaten the safety and lives and the living environment of the local people.
  • 我第一次遇上我未来的女婿兰迪是在男式晚礼服出租店,当时我正在挑我的晚礼服与婚礼上穿的鞋子,仍然想不出来为什么我妻子要花800美元来买一套衣服,而我则被迫试穿很多人都已穿过的晚礼服和鞋子。这时有3个年轻人走进来与柜台后面的店员说话,他们说他们要挑一"男式晚礼服"来出席教堂婚礼。
    I first met Randy, my son-in-law to be, at the tuxedo rental shop. I was picking up my tux and shoes for the wedding, still unable to figure out why my wife spent over eight hundred dollars on her dress when I'd be forced to wear a tux and shoes that numerous bodies had been inside, when three young men came in and spoke to the clerk behind the counter. They stated they were there to pick up their " monkey suits" for the Webster wedding.
  • 我们坚决反对那与侵略者勾结在一起的成员国提出的决议草案。
    We made war on the draft resolution put forward by the member states in collusion with the aggressor.
  • 我们声明反对那与侵略者勾结在一起的成员国提出的决议草案。
    We declared against the draft resolution put forward by the member states in collusion with the aggressor.
  • 我们的坦克抢到前面去拦住那溃逃的侵略者。
    Our tanks cut in ahead of the escaping aggressors.
  • 他的早期研究将父母的言语攻击与孩子的精神疾病联系起来;其他的一研究也表明,家长的言语狂暴,会提高孩子形成青少年犯罪、抑郁,甚至暴食的可能性。
    His earlier work has linked parental verbal aggressiveness with children's mental illness and,along with a dozen other studies,showed that a parent's vocal fury can increase the odds of a child's developing delinquency,depression,and even bulimia.
  • 野心,进取心,和好名好权的欲望也是由于另外一虫在作祟,弄得一个人心中骚动,到达目的的时候才肯罢休。
    Ambition and aggressiveness and love of fame or power are also due to certain other worms giving the person no rest until he has achieved the object of his ambition.
  • 它用一种崇高、更宽厚的观点去影响那由来已久的、固有的、进攻性的情绪,从而有助于实现世界和平。
    It tends to insure peace by giving those ancient and innate feeling of aggressiveness a nobler and more generous outlook.
  • 把这按大小分类排列。
    Range the books by size.
  • 炮的射程是七哩。
    These guns range seven miles.
  • 公司要求员工为推出成功产品出谋划策,并对这设想加以广泛论证,以确保其质量和安全性,然后积极地将这设想付诸实施,推向市场,传递给消费者。
    Employees are expected to think up successful product ideas, to test those ideas extensively to ensure quality and safety, and to push those ideas aggressively into the market to the customer.
  • 他还说,这软件从1.5万至10万美元的价格也可能是个障碍。
    Prices ranging from $15,000 to $100,000 can also be a barrier, he adds.
  • 食物环境卫生署管理105个公众街市,共12900个档位。这档位发售的货品,由新鲜粮食以至家庭用品,应有尽有。
    The FEHD operates 105 public markets with 12 900 stalls selling commodities ranging from fresh food to household items.
  • 搞打砸抢的(当然不一定是大干部,“四人帮”用了那么一“小螃蟹”,专门搞打砸抢,还搞特务活动,安“钉子”);
    persons who engaged in beating, smashing and looting (these latter, of course, are not likely to be among the high-ranking cadres, for the Gang of Four employed lackeys to do such things and to act as secret agents or informers within our ranks);
  • 我知道,他们过去那样冷落我们,至今仍令人气愤,但现在我们应该把它置之脑后,因为我们必须同这人合作。
    I know the way we were snubbed still rankles, but ifs got to be put behind us now. We must co-operate with these people.
  • 我知道,他们过去那样冷落我们,至今仍然令人气愤,但是现在我们应该把它置之脑后,因为我们必须同这人合作。
    I know the way we were snubbed still rankles, but it's got to be put behind us now. We must cooperate with these people.
  • 我满房子各处寻找那文件,但却找不到.
    I've ransacked the house for those papers, but I can't find them.
  • 罢工者并非向国家勒索。
    These strikers were not holding the country to ransom.
  • 现实就是那希望著作权保护期不再延长的人们不能仅仅进行反著作权的演说,并期望事情有所转机。
    The reality is that those who want copyright term increases halted cannot simply spout anti-copyright rant and expect things to change.
  • 小心警惕地对待那殷勤的推销员
    Was leery of aggressive salespeople.
  • 防守积极一些。
    Be more aggressive on defense.
  • 第五节 第三,除了劳动对象材料和帮助劳动的工具外,还必须防止劳动受到干扰,防止劳动产品受到损害。这干扰或损害或是来自破坏性的自然力量,或是来自人们的暴力或强取。
    5. Thirdly: Besides materials for industry to employ itself on, and implements to aid it, provision must be made to prevent its operations from being disturbed, and its products injured, either by the destroying agencies of nature, or by the violence or rapacity of men.
  • 这场文明浩劫发生后,一被盗文物开始在西方的古董市场和伊拉克的黑市重现。
    Soon after this cultural rape, some of the stolen art objects began to appear in Western antique markets, as well as in the black markets in Iraq.
  • 很多孩子已经听说过艾滋病、强奸和虐待儿童,虽然他们对其羞于启齿,但是他们对这事情很好奇。
    Most of them have also heard about AIDS, rape, and child abuse, and they wonder about these things even if they are too shy to talk about it.
  • 海甘蓝任一种旧大陆十字花科两节荠属的某一年生植物,因其种子能榨出类似菜籽油的有用的油而被栽培
    Any of certain Old World annual plants of the genus Crambe in the mustard family, cultivated for their seeds, which yield a useful oil similar to rape oil.
  • 一种由一相似设备(如转换器、指示灯等)组合而成的聚合体,这设备相互连接、协同使用。
    An aggregation of similar devices, such as transformers or lamps, connected to each other and used cooperatively.
  • 病毒繁殖得很迅速.
    Some viruses incubate very rapidly.
  • 货物很快地售出了。
    The goods went off rapidly.
  • 由矿物集合体构成的物质,这矿物与地壳的构成物相同。
    material consisting of the aggregate of minerals like those making up the Earth's crust.
  • 猛禽从不攻击鸟类,另外一也只是偶而为之。
    Some raptor never attack birds, others only occasionally.
  • 男孩和女孩正非常高兴地听一个有趣的故事。
    In rapture some little boys and girls were listening to an interesting story.