  • 就閱讀程度和經驗而言,臺灣讀者肯定是成熟而且獨立的,不過,《壹周刊》雜志大賣,其他媒體不得不隨之起舞,公衆人物談“狗”色變的現象,對臺灣人民來,接受或者排斥,都是一項考驗。
    In terms of standard and experience, Taiwanese readers are no doubt mature and independent. But when Next magazine is selling like hot cakes, other magazines will feel compelled to ape its style. The “doggie teams” also strike terror in the hearts of public figures. Should these phenomena be accepted or rejected? These are issues that Taiwanese need to ponder.
  • 或寫等表達能力受到嚴重削弱的一種失語癥。
    aphasia in which expression by speech or writing is severely impaired.
  • 話流利但無意義的一種失語癥。
    aphasia characterized by fluent but meaningless speech and severe impairment of the ability understand spoken or written words.
  • 他們對女孩他患了失語癥。
    He was aphasic, they explained to the girl.
  • 當他覺察到他對女人具有新的魅力時,他曾:"權力乃是至高無上的催欲劑。
    " Power is the ultimate aphrodisiac," he began saying when he came to realize the new attraction he exerted on women.
  • 6.發自內心、大膽、沒有掩飾的願望(讓他覺得你想他想得連自己的名字都忘了)對男人來是最具性感魅力的。
    6. Honest,open,undisguised desire(read:making him feel as though you want him so badly that you can hardly remem-ber your name)is the ultimate aphrodisiac.
  • 最終宙斯服了阿芙洛狄特。
    Zeus finally persuaded Aphrodite to accept the girl.
  • 她的名聲越來越大,一段時間以後,人們開始傳她的美不可能是人間所有的,她一定是一位女神。於是人們漸漸地不再去美與愛之神阿芙洛狄特的神廟,轉而膜拜波西卡。
    Her popularity and her fame grew and after a while,people came to say her beauty was too great for that of a mere mortal. She must in fact be a goddess,and they began to desert the temple of Aphrodite,Goddess of Beauty and Love. They actually began to worship Psyche.
  • 維剋托供給他們每人一品脫啤酒,將把酒錢記在帳上。
    Victor supplied them with a pint of beer apiece and said he would chalk it up.
  • 港口區總經理奧斯卡·貝納:"我們需要更多的時間才能决定這些假貓頭鷹是不是真的不起作用。"他這些每衹價值40美元的假貓頭鷹,衹能嚇退百分之三十至四十盤旋在附近的海鷗。
    "We need to give them more time before we decide they don't work," said Oscar Pena, the Port District's general manager, who noted the owls, which cost about $40 apiece, only are supposed to scare 30 percent to 40 percent of the gulls that land nearby.
  • 可以,他有着一種悲天憫人的陰鬱情緒,憂慮非正義是無法避免的,擔心某種無可逃遁的最終末日。
    It is rather apocalyptic gloom that possesses him:thoughts about the inevitability of injustice and some sort of inescapable ultimate doom.
  • 於是,他就去找了一位神差,這是位老婦人,她能傳達阿波羅神的飽含智慧和真理的話。
    So he went to see the oracle,an old woman through whom the god,Apollo,spoke words of wisdom and truth.
  • "她,阿波羅飛船的宇航員曾經看到過不明飛行物,但是他們奉命"保守秘密,不許談論。
    Apollo astronauts,she said,had spotted UFOs,but they “ are told to keep this quiet and not to talk about it,” she said.
  • 比方,古希臘時理想的美人——美麗的身體意味着美麗的靈魂——是以阿波羅神和阿耳特彌斯女神為代表的,而他們兩個都是金頭髮;
    The ancient Greeks' ideal of beauty, for example a beautiful body meant a beautiful soul was manifested by the god Apollo and the goddess Artemis, both blonds.
  • 講到神和人的分別,神不過有一些在天上起雷霆,在地上養植物的神力而已,他們能永生,喝花蜜造成的神酒,而不喝酒——其實所用的果實也不很兩樣。我們覺得可以親近這一群的傢夥,背了一個行囊和阿波羅(apollo——司日輪、音樂、詩、醫療、豫言等之神)或雅典娜(athene——司智慧、學術、技藝、戰爭之女神)一同去打獵,或在路上攔住了麥裘理(mercury——商人、旅客、盜賊及狡猾者之保護神)和他閑談,正如和美國西方聯合電報局(western union)的信差閑談一樣,如果這陣談話談得太有趣的話,我們可以想象麥裘理:“不錯,好的。
    So far as the difference between gods and men is concerned, the gods merely had divine powers of hurling thunderbolts in heaven and raising vegetation on earth, were immortal, and drank nectar instead of wine the fruits were pretty much the same. One feels one can be intimate with this crowd, can go hunting with a knapsack on one's back with Apollo or Athene, or stop Mercury on the way and chat with him as with a Western Union messenger boy, and if the conversation gets too interesting, we can imagine Mercury saying, "Yeah. Okay.
  • 會議主席一上來就了幾句抱歉的話。
    The chairman led in with some apologetic remarks.
  • 他說話充滿歉意。
    He spoke in an apologetic voice.
  • 提出異議的信件不應當是道歉性的,但寫信人應對提出異議表示一定的遺憾並明事態的嚴重性確實無法回避,這樣做將是明智的。
    A letter of complaint should not be apologetic, but it will be found advisable for the writer to show that he regrets to make the complaint, but that the trouble is too serious to be overlooked.
  • 在法庭上,這位辯護者的言辭服了法官。
    an apologist for capital punishment.
  • 如果我過那種話,我道歉。
    If I said that , I apologize.
  • 他為不能到會而道歉, 推是工作太忙.
    He apologized for not coming to the party, pleading pressure of work.
  • 他嚮馬丁道歉,不該打他。
    He apologized to Martin for striking him.
  • 我嚮她道歉時,她,“不用提了,你意思是好的。”
    When I apologized to her, she said, "Forget it.You meant well."
  • 起來這是件不客氣且愚蠢的事。除非她道歉並得到諒解,否則,她的心靈將是無法安寧下來的。
    It was an unkind, stupid thing to say and she will have no peace of mind until she's apologized and been forgiven.
  • 他沒有為自己的哭泣而道歉,但在他帶着他的小朋友的屍體回傢埋葬的時候,他控製住自己,哽咽地:“謝謝你,大夫。”
    He never apologized for crying, but he managed a choked:"thanks, Doc,"as he carried his little friend's body home to bury him.
  • 他沒有為自己的哭泣而道歉,但在他帶着他的小朋友的屍體回傢埋葬的時候,他控製住自己,哽咽地:“謝謝你,大夫。”
    He never apologized for crying, but he managed a choked " Thanks, Doc," as he carried his little friend's body home to bury him.
  • 他給會議耽誤了,準備1點鐘同你見面,他抱歉讓您等候。
    He said he was delayed by the meeting, and he was going to meet you at 1 o'clock. And he apologized for keeping you waiting.
  • 你的法完全不真實,我要求立即道歉。
    Your allegations are completely untrue, and I demand an immediate apology.
  • 財務董事派人帶話,她因不能出席會議而嚮大傢道歉。
    The Finance Director sends her apology and is unable to attend the meeting.
  • 隨口說聲抱歉
    Blunder out an apology
  • 含糊地出無誠意的道歉
    Mumbled an insincere apology.
  • 他嘰嘰咕咕地了些我認為像是道歉的話.
    He jabbered out what I assumed was an apology.